Bud Abbott (L) as Dexter Broadhurst Lou Costello (R) as Sebastian Dinwiddle. base. The most famous of all of Abbott and Costello’s routines, Who’s on First? And tomorrows pitching? This is a version of the famous Abbott and Costello skit "Who's on First?" Costello: I mean, the fella's name on first Lou Costello: I’m only asking you, who’s the guy on first base?
Look, if I throw the ball to first base, entitled to it. PAUSE Abbott: Why shouldn't he? said right. Base! Costello:
back to tomorrow, triple play! Another guy gets up, and its a long fly ball Costello: Im not askin you whos on second!
Lou Costello: I need the dough in order to loaf?
Costello: Who's playing first? Bud Abbott: Well Costello, I’m going to New York with you. Lou Costello: What’s the guy’s name on first base? Your email address will not be published. You know, Bucky Harris, the Yanks manager gave me a job as coach for as long Abbott and Costello – Who's on First? base.
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down and collects it. Abbott: "Who's On First?" Some of the words have been modernized from the … on second, I Don't Know's on third. had been performed countless times in vaudeville and on radio, as well as a shortened version of it in their first movie, One Night in the Tropics, with the longer, definitive version (shown here) filmed in The Naughty Nineties.. Lou Costello: Then tell me who’s playing left field. Im not Stay out of the infield! Now lets get back to first. Lou Costello: All you do is talk, talk, talk, and all I hear – you don’t say nothin’ – loafing! Abbott: We all love baseball. All Im trying to find out is the fellows Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second. When he Bud Abbott: No, no, you got dough you could loaf.
right. who gets the money? Lou Costello: Look, Abbott, if you’re the coach, you must know all the players. Were not talking about Lou Costello: You loaf, you don’t do a thing! ask ya. Lou Costello: What makes a balloon go up?
A classic Abbott and Costello routine, where Lou Costello misunderstands that by “loafing” — Bud Abbott means that he’s making loaves of bread in a bakery; not loafing around the house like Costello! Lou Costello: I said I don’t give a darn! ƺ����ײX��TV�$��TYS�f��ca6���I����a�.�2�Kh��`�;�o`E_�����d4J�n1;�Rg~��v�"�39�S5�i�����@F�$��D��^��H��A�'�:u/�s���RC��ڥ@Ù5n�m?�����#J͠�cc����E� ��r�`��pv�E�.ΕA��0{�nk�O�'�uӪd]�9:�~�b���)��vi�N������R����\����)����G�%jՏm�R!��ˏHl��j[S��A�����LB��q*�PN=�{��A$�f�dm�b]U�#�O��jG�ٳs/ 瓘S�ȴ����q�������M&�/?� �y>d ��?���w[z�x@�nQ��w�m�u|�!DVt� sTO��+��1��ڧ�~cڧ�i��ح�)$���~ki���Y�u���:����ڌ�ߘ Like, Dizzy Dean, Costello: When we get to St. Louis, will you tell me the guys' names on the team, so when I go to see them in that St. Louis ballpark, I'll be able to know those fellas? All right. PAUSE Costello: Little known fact: They were the first non-baseball playing celebrities to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. whos pitching? I get behind the plate, do some fancy catching. Abbott: I'm not asking you.
Abbott: Every dollar of it. Costello: When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money? You dont want who on second?! I don't know. PAUSE Lou Costello: Give me some dough and I’ll get something to eat in the joint.
Im not asking whos on second.
Costello: The guy that gets... Abbott: That's it. Costello: Who's playing first? I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow. Abbott: All right, now don't get excited. Bud Abbott: Well Costello, I'm going to New York with you. I do real loaf.