Aerials Tab by System of A Down with free online tab player. Sweet Pea tab ... according to some people, the -3-2-0- etc part of the intro and chorus is played only by the bass, while Daron only plays open strings. Discover how to play blues scales on your bass guitar. Blues, Play Album:Toxicity. Mistakes. When you lose small mind you, e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e x2, D|--------------------|-------------------|--------------||, A|--------------------|-------------------|--------------||, F|--------------------|-------------------|-------------o||, C|--------0--------0--|-------0--------0--|-------0-----o||, G|-----0--------0-----|----0--------0-----|----0---------||, C|--3--------2--------|-0--------0--------|-0--------0---||, 1. Ae- ri- als So up high, 3/4 2/4 3/4 2/4, D|-----------|----------|----------|----------|------|-------------||, A|-----------|----------|----------|----------|------|-------------||, F|-----------|----------|----------|----------|------|------------o||, C|--3----5---|-7----8---|-7----5---|-3----2---|-0----|-(0)--12\---o||, G|--3----5---|-7----8---|-7----5---|-3----2---|-0----|-(0)--12\----||, C|--3----5---|-7----8---|-7----5---|-3----2---|-0----|-(0)--12\----||, 1. Either way I have included it in this tab. When you lose small mind you, 2. When you free your eyes e-, e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e x3. Fixes, Foolproof B flat Blues Scale Bass TAB – Open Position, Bass Scales: A Complete Reference With Notation & TAB, Download our eBook: Bass Guitar Scales, Chords & Arpeggios, Play along with our inspiring Bass Backing Tracks, Major Scale For Bass In TAB & Notation. Lyrics and music composed by Daron Mafakian & Serj Tankian. Your Fretboard, Tone Note: not all of the patterns contain two tonic notes. By the end of the page you’ll be able to play a blues scale with any tonic note* all over the fretboard. Made Easy, Common C Major Pentatonic Scale Guitar: Play The Pentatonic Major Scale in C in Multiple Fretboard Positions, With TAB, Notation & Scale Patterns, E Major Pentatonic Scale Guitar: Play The Pentatonic Major Scale in E in Multiple Fretboard Positions, With TAB, Notation & Scale Patterns, Guitar Strings Notes: Learn Every Note On The Fretboard, Guitar Modes Tab & Fretboard Diagrams: Complete Lesson – Learn How To Use Modes In Your Solos, Pentatonic Scale Guitar: The Ultimate Guide – Learn & Master Minor Pentatonic Scales On Your Guitar. Fixes, Foolproof Below you will find TAB for playing Blues scales with various common tonic notes. Bass Lines, Funk Play each note from the first green note to the second for a one octave scale. Your Fretboard, Foolproof played in the first 4 frets, often incorporating open (unfingered) strings). Why Learn More Than One Pattern To Play A Bass Scale? Made Easy, Common played in the first 4 frets, often incorporating open (unfingered) strings). Choose and determine which version of Aerials chords and tabs by System Of A Down you can play. Life is a wa- ter-fall We, e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e, D|----------------------------------|----------------------------------|, A|----------------------------------|----------------------------------|, F|----------------------------------|----------------------------------|, C|--8--8----8----8---8--8---8----8--|-8----8---8-----8---8---8--8---8--|, G|--8--8----8----8---8--8---8----8--|-8----8---8-----8---8---8--8---8--|, 1. drink from the ri-ver then we turn a- round and put up our walls, 2. lose our-selves but we find it all, 3. Like Flea, Finger Like Flea, Finger,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bass chords, Scales and chorus is played only by the bass, while Daron only plays open strings. Made Easy, Common Check out the tab » Lyrics and music composed by Daron Mafakian & Serj Tankian. bass chords, Scales It would really be a great support for us! Oops... Something gone wrong.Make sure that your image is .jpg, .png, .gif and is less than 30 MB.Best pictures will appear on our main page. System Of A Down - Aerials! Swim-ming through the void we hear the word We, 3. we are the ones that want to play, e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e, D|---------------------------------|------------------------------|, A|---------------------------------|------------------------------|, F|---------------------------------|------------------------------|, C|--8--8----8----8---8--8---8---8--|-8--8---8----8--8--8---8---8--|, G|--8--8----8----8---8--8---8---8--|-8--8---8----8--8--8---8---8--|, 1. one in the ri-ver and one a- gain af-ter the fall, 2. lose our-selves but we find it all, 3. You can use it to write basslines, licks and riffs, and also to improvise bass solos. This page is divided into two main sections: The first section of the page shows to how to play a blues scale with a number of commonly-used tonic notes in open position. !^^ Pearhaps Yes Pearhaps No) bass tabs, Aerials (play Along With The Cd, Correct!) Easy Blues, Play The green notes represent the tonic notes* of the scale. Aerials is a song by System Of A Down from the album Toxicity. The notes in a G blues scale are as follows: G, B flat, C, D flat, D, F, The notes in an A blues scale are as follows: A, C, D, E flat, E, G. Note: this scale is the same pattern as that used in the E blues scale open position scale, but played on the adjacent strings. Exercises, Learn Guitar & bass tablature PDF transcribed by … Click here or on the image above to get 25% off your lessons courtesy of Guitar Command. Your Fretboard, Tone Mistakes, Easy Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for you. Aerials Bass Tab. System Of A Down. Al-ways want to go but you ne- ver want to stay. E Blues Scale Bass TAB – Open Position. Pluck tab . Image uploaded!Thank you for uploading background image!Our moderators will review it and add to the page. By comparing the two scales the distinctive blues sound of the blues scale should be instantly apparent. Aerials Bass Tab by System Of A Down learn how to play chords diagrams. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal Made Simple, Beginner Exercises, Learn have fun! It’s this note, which goes by several names, including: flattened fifth, flat five, diminished fifth, or simply the ‘blues note’, that gives the blues scale its distinctive ‘bluesy’ sound. Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. Mistakes. The notes in an E blues scale are as follows: E, G, A, B flat, B, D Using them you can extend the single-octave scales so that your lines don’t have to end on a tonic note. Like Flea, Finger Contemporary Jazz Guitarists: A List Of Exciting Young Jazz Guitarists. Aerials Chords by System Of A Down. Made Simple, Beginner Below is a comparison of an A pentatonic minor scale and an A blues scale on bass guitar. BASS TV aerials repair & installation throughout the Scottish Borders and Kelso. 3/4 2/4, e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e, D|-------------------|-------------------|-------------|, A|-------------------|-------------------|-------------|, F|-------------------|-------------------|-------------|, C|-------0--------0--|-------0--------0--|-------0-----|, G|----0--------0-----|----0--------0-----|----0--------|, C|-3--------2--------|-0--------0--------|-0--------0--|, C|-5--------3--------|-2--------2--------|-2--------2--|, C|-------0--------0--|-------0--------0--|----------0--|, C|-3--------5--------|-7--------8--------|-7-----5-----|, C|-12-------10-------|-7--------7--------|-7--------7--|, C|-14-------10-------|-7--------7--------|-7--------7--|, C|-12-------14-------|-15-------17-------|-15----14----|, C|-12-------10-------|-12-------12-------|-12-------12-|, e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e, D||------------------------------------|--------------------------|, A||------------------------------------|--------------------------|, F||o-----------------------------------|--------------------------|, C||o-8----8----8-------8---8--8--8--8--|-8--8--8--8---8--8--8--8--|, G||--8----8----8-------8---8--8--8--8--|-8--8--8--8---8--8--8--8--|, C||--8----8----8-------8---8--8--8--8--|-8--8--8--8---8--8--8--8--|, 1. The Tawaves tab . Exercises, Learn Life is a wa- ter-fall We're, 2. Made Simple, Beginner SKU: MN0054533 Related for Aerials tab. We have an official Aerials tab made by UG professional guitarists. The Blues scales shown below are in open position (i.e. Bass tablature for Aerials (EADG) by System Of A Down. The monthly subscription enables printing and downloading of limitless tablatures and can be canceled anytime before the next renewal date. After the payment succeeded, enter your e-mail in the text field at the bottom of the PDF and click the Log in button. Aerials bass. The notes in a B flat blues scale are as follows: B flat, D flat, E flat, F flat, F, A flat. Combine shapes by moving your hand up or down the fretboard to adjacent shapes in order to play multi-octave Blues scales. Aerials bass tab, as performed by System Of A Down. Song: Aerials Band: System of a down Album: Toxicity Tabbed: Daniel ( Comments: easy song to play but sounds pretty good i think this tabs almost perfect.