Place of Residence: LexingtonEducation: J.D., Regent University School of Law, 1997; B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Pensacola Christian College, 1994; currently enrolled in joint Campbell Law School and Nottingham University School of Law program to obtain LL.M. Get to know the N.C. judicial candidates on the ballot in the 2020 general election, how to request and track an absentee ballot, tips for voters, and more. I began my career as the law clerk to Chief Judge Hedrick of the N.C. Court of Appeals. And finally, on the high court, former lawmaker Tamara Barringer, a Republican, will challenge current Associate Justice Mark Davis, a Democrat, in his effort to stay seated after being appointed earlier this year by Gov. Intermediate appellate courts, as their name suggests, serve as an intermediate step between the trial courts and the courts of last resort in a state. For my community involvement, I received the Citizen-Lawyer Award and the Marine Corp League Good Citizen Award. Judges in North Carolina participate in partisan elections in even-numbered years. Occupation JudgeEmployer: N.C. Supreme CourtDate admitted to the Bar: 1991Legal/Judicial Experience: Justice Davis spent 13 years as a litigation attorney at the Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice law firm. Governor Roy Cooper appointed Associate Justice Cheri Beasley, a Democrat, to become Chief Justice through 2020. A state court of last resort is the highest judicial body within a jurisdiction's court system. In 2019 he authored a book on the N.C. Supreme Court, entitled “A Warren Court of Our Own.”Candidate Statement: I am honored to serve on the N.C. Supreme Court and I am grateful every day for this opportunity. There were 273 non-retention elections from 2016 to 2019, with 120 races contested (44.0%). How to Know Your Vote Counted in North Carolina. Statements by candidates do not express or reflect the opinions of the State Board of Elections (N.C.G.S. Judicial elections. While being a Judge, I also serve as a Major in the Army Reserve JAG Corp with two previous combat tours (No DOD Endorsement). In addition to practicing law, I worked as a licensed real estate broker and community banker. Ballotpedia did not cover all local trial court judicial elections in this state in 2020. After 23 years of trial experience, 17 of those as a District Court Judge, I’m seeking a seat on the Court of Appeals and am the only candidate for this seat with judicial experience. This coverage extends to every office on the ballot for residents of these cities, including local trial court judges. In 2014, I was elected to my first term as District Court Judge. Incumbents ran for re-election 76.2% of the time. It is a court with the highest appellate authority, meaning that its rulings are not subject to review by any other court in the state. Welcome to the online adaptation of our N.C. In every case I strive to fairly, impartially, and consistently apply the law, faithfully interpreting as intended the Constitution and statutes. Before that reform, they were almost inexorably trapped in the poverty and deprivation in which they were born. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles. I am ranked as one of the Top 50 Women Attorneys in North Carolina and as one of the top 100 NC Attorneys and have the highest ranking available for ability and ethics from Martindale-Hubbell. I have striven to apply the law faithfully and impartially, to serve all the people. & J.D., UNC-Chapel HillOccupation: JudgeEmployer: N.C. Court of AppealsDate admitted to the Bar: 2005Legal/Judicial Experience: Candidate Statement: I humbly ask for your vote to keep my seat on the Court of Appeals. I also handle military justice, investigations and administrative actions. Are you ready to make a difference in 2020, if so…these are some things you need to know: 2020 North Carolina General Election The North Carolina 2020 General Election is Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 The order of candidates in this guide reflects the order they will appear on the ballot (N.C.G.S. Place of Residence: RaleighEducation: J.D., UNC Law; B.A., Duke (High Honors); Ragsdale High (Jamestown, NC)Occupation: Senior Associate JusticeEmployer: N.C. Supreme CourtDate admitted to the Bar: 1980Legal/Judicial Experience: Candidate Statement: First elected in 2004, I am the longest-serving Supreme Court justice, and the only current justice elected twice to this court. Clinton won three districts controlled by Republicans heading into the 2018 elections. Email: (general). I joined the Wake County District Attorney’s Office as an assistant district attorney under Colon Willoughby, where I prosecuted cases from infractions to first-degree murder. The information for each candidate was provided by the candidate. My experience sets me apart; I am the only candidate for this seat with meaningful appellate legal experience. Legislature. State Senate. Incumbent Court of Appeals Judges Linda McGee and … I’m an Eagle Scout and have received the National Distinguished Eagle Award because of my service to scouting and the public. [4], The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state House districts in North Carolina. ), 1990; Duke University, Masters of Law (LL.M. My platform is simple: I pledge to be an independent member of the judiciary and to administer without favoritism justice that is consistent with the laws of North Carolina and our state and federal constitutions. I began my legal career in private practice representing civil and criminal defendants. In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 44 out of 120 state House districts in North Carolina with an average margin of victory of 36.4 points. Here’s what’s at stake. Roy Cooper's (D) veto of HB 100. I am running to bring balance to the North Carolina Supreme Court. The 2020 elections will decide the makeup of NC’s top courts.,, @JGriffinNC, Table of Contents Request an Absentee Ballot. That’s why she’ll continue working to make our court system more transparent, fair and accessible for every North Carolinian. For example, Alabama has one intermediate appellate court for civil matters and another for criminal matters. Judge Reuben Young, a Democrat, was appointed by Gov. Young and Brook were both appointed to the appellate court by Cooper earlier this year. .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals • U.S. District Court: Eastern District of North Carolina, Middle District of North Carolina, Western District of North Carolina • U.S. Bankruptcy Court: Eastern District of North Carolina, Middle District of North Carolina, Western District of North Carolina, Supreme Court of North Carolina Nc Judicial Election Results 2020. fox news electoral map interactive 2020 kanye west president 2020 ad kanye west president 2020 speech kentucky election results 2020 state representative election prediction 2020 astrology electoral votes by state 2020 list election prediction in delhi 2020 electoral college map 2020 abc. Ranging across the ideological spectrum from the Foster Care Family Act to the Business Court Modernization Act, ALL passed almost unanimously by receiving broad bipartisan support. I am a strong believer in judicial independence and feel that judges should be totally free of any partisan or political influence. Chief Justice Cheri Beasley, who was appointed to the helm earlier this year, will run against Associate Justice Paul Newby, currently the most senior on the court and the only Republican, to keep her place on the bench. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. [4], To run for judge in North Carolina, a candidate must be at least 21 years old, a registered voter, and a resident of the district in which they seek to run at the time of filing.[5]. I am honored to be endorsed by AFL-CIO, NC Equality, People's Alliance, Replacements, LTD PAC, North Carolina Advocates for Justice, NC Sierra Club and Young Democrats of Forsyth County. For 30 years, I have advised and represented hundreds of clients, in different areas of the law, and in every corner of North Carolina — in courtrooms, administrative hearing rooms, and board rooms. North Carolina local trial court judicial elections, 2020, Presidential results by legislative district, Local trial court judicial elections, 2020, America's 100 largest cities by population, Intermediate appellate court elections by state,,_2020&oldid=7940102, Tracking election disputes, lawsuits, and recounts, Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio. RALEIGH, N.C. -- The 2020 election saw record turnout in the key battleground state of North Carolina. Cooper Names Supreme Court Associate Justice", "Former state senator Tamara Barringer of Cary to seek NC Supreme Court seat", "Cooper elevates Court of Appeals judge to Supreme Court",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, April C. Wood (Republican), North Carolina District Court Judge, Fred Gore (Republican), North Carolina District Court Judge, Jefferson G. Griffin (Republican), North Carolina District Court Judge, This page was last edited on 3 November 2020, at 22:01. The table below details which states held state judicial elections in 2020 and how many seats were up for election on each court. Operations: Meghann Olshefski • Lauren Dixon • Kelly Rindfleisch • Sara Antel • Sara Horton. I appreciate your caring about justice and hope to earn your vote. There are three seats on the state Supreme Court up for election, and each race will be competitive, according to the candidate filing list from the State Board of Elections, which was last updated at 6:20 p.m. last Friday. with honors, UNC School of Law, 1990; B.A. As Chief Justice, she is responsible for overseeing the entire state court system, which includes 120 courthouses and 6,500 employees across NC. I am a product of the Wake County public school system and a double Tar Heel. I am honored to have the support of many Republican, Democratic and unaffiliated former elected officials, including many from both major parties who have served on our Court.