Alleged definition, declared or stated to be as described; asserted: The alleged murderer could not be located for questioning. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. How to use alleged in a sentence. -Packwood's alleged altering of diaries to thwart investigators. The English barons were simply desirous of getting rid of the strong and effective govern.ance of the king, and the alleged wrongs of his sons were an empty excuse. It is alleged they targeted a busy station manned by part-time retained firefighters during their eight-day walkout. A prolonged ministerial crisis, in April and May, was attributed by the Nationalists to the influence of reactionary courtiers, and by the Royalists to the influence of the Anjumans, or political clubs, which were alleged to control the Nationalist majority in the Majlis. The police are looking for Rick because he allegedly beat up his ex-girlfriend. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. death, and carefully corrected, it is alleged by Tulsi Das himself, is at Ajodhya. On the 18th of December a Boer policeman, in pursuit of an Englishman named Edgar, whom he wished to arrest for an alleged assault on another man, entered his house and shot him dead. Yet no interpretation or rearrangement of the text of Old Testament prophecies will secure a fair and non-allegorical correspondence between these and their alleged fulfilment in the New Testament. In 1861 an alleged "centre" of speech was detected, by a combination of clinical and pathological researches, by Paul Broca (1824-1880). , The police found explosive devices in the alleged terrorist’s home. The whole argument of some of the controversial writings of the time, such as Bishop Cooper on Private Mass, depends upon that fact; and when Cardinal du Perron alleged against the English Church the lack of the reserved Eucharist, Bishop Andrewes replied, not that the fact was otherwise, but that reservation was unnecessary in view of the English form for the Communion of the Sick: " So that reservation needeth not; the intent is had without it" (Answers to Cardinal Perron, &'c., p. 19, Library of AngloCatholic Theology). It has been alleged that Jack stole the money. 19); and as late as the 4th century was discovered the most important of the relics of Christ, the cross which was alleged to have been His. Media coverage is increasing regarding the Recording Industry Association Of Amercia's copyright infringement lawsuit against alleged illegal file sharer Patricia Santangelo. He didn't even prattle on about some alleged personal experiences in a diamond mine in Africa, a search for gold or other such nonsense he was expected to resurrect or invent. Taylor is more persuasive when he is developing his second main thesis - that of the alleged existence of an ultimate dualism in the nature of morality. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As yet no solid reason has been alleged for excluding fluctuating variations, on account of their limitation, from the materials for specific change. In Wilson College, Mumbai, an assistant librarian committed suicide because the college authorities had allegedly harassed her. The word 'alleged' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to allege, meaning to assert to be true; to assert before or without proof. Her diary contains no reference to the, 27. In 1917 he was appointed chairman of the Draft Appeals Board of New York City by Governor Whitman, and the following year was special assistant to the U.S. Attorney-General, in charge of the investigation of alleged waste and delay in the construction of aircraft. Defeated by a hostile combination of parties in the House of Commons on the question of the Chinese war in 1857 and the alleged insult to the British flag in the seizure of the lorcha " Arrow," he dissolved parliament and appealed to the nation. Another species, Hyalomma aegyptium, the so-called camel-tick of Egypt and Arabia, is alleged to be parasitic only in its mature stage.