Binomial Name. The fossils of one very early amphibian, Hynerpeton bassetti, have been found in Pennsylvania and the animal presumably lived in ancient New Jersey as well. That is the case for the declining spotted salamander and state-listed Special Concern Jefferson salamander in Sussex and Warren counties, where the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey (CWF) hosts its Amphibian Crossing Project. On land is a different story. Diamondback Terrapins are similar, but prefer a saltier environment, and are usually found in brackish water. An assortment of reptiles and amphibians that might be observed in and around the water. Neither of these frogs is likely to stray too far from water. A few species are completely aquatic, retaining these features as adults. Common small harmless Garter snakes are also often found around water. Eastern Box Turtle - Terrapene carolina carolina. This is the turtle that is most often eaten, and their numbers were once greatly reduced due to human predation, but have since recovered. Map. I hope, one day, to get them all. They prefer quiet vegetated waters, where they feed on algae, although under adverse conditions they may even become cannibals. Notes: This big frog will eat almost anything that moves. Possibly some kind of Dusky Salamander. He was not the least bit appreciative, and snapped at me repeatedly - the long neck gives this turtle a very quick snake-like motion. There are many other types as well. Likes to sun itself on floating logs. Larvae have both gill slits and external gills. Most sport some variation of an attractive pattern of yellow/black stripes. However, the yellow spots on an Eastern Tiger Salamander are not perfectly round and typically produce more of a barring effect than a spotted one. Image. :: American Toads :: :: Fowler's Toads :: :: New Jersey Chorus Frogs :: :: Spring Peepers :: :: … Anyone who hasn't raised a tadpole in a jar has missed a part of their childhood. List of frogs and toads of New Jersey. Habitat: shallow water over muddy bottoms. With its many landscapes and habitat types, New Jersey has a wide variety of reptiles and amphibians. A tiny larval salamander at Dutch Springs. FROGS & TOADS American Toad Bufo americanus call Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana call Carpenter Frog Rana virgatipes call Eastern Spadefoot (toad) Scaphiopus h. holbrookii call Fowler’s Toad Bufo woodhousii fowleri call Green Frog Rana clamitans melanota call New Jersey Chorus Frog Pseudacris triseriata kalmi call Name. They have been known to catch and eat birds. TOADS AND FROGS OF NEW JERSEY Eastern Spadefoot (toad) ( Scaphiopus holbrookii holbrookii ) Identification: 1 3/4" -2 1/4". Yellow spots on a dull, black background make it easily confused with the Spotted Salamander. Green frog ( left ) is similar, but smaller. Often bad-smelling, sometimes snappy, and a nimble climber. Spring seems to be the season for Snapping Turtle wanderlust, and they turn up in the darn'dest places. A lot longer than you or me, that's for sure. I will not be responsible for the consequences of any action that is based upon information found here. New Jersey Amphibians. Here are some of New Jersey's 31 species of amphibians. Copyright © 1996-2020 Rich Galiano Some salamanders are boldly colored and patterned and easy to identify, but many are simply small and brown and very difficult to tell apart, like this one. The Eastern Tiger Salamander is the largest in New Jersey. Acris … Occasionally, this little turtle is even found in trees. Notes: Not poisonous, but likely to bite if caught, with sharp, needle-like teeth. These two lines are usually quite obvious; however, some spadefoots are highly melanistic and the lines are very faint. Tadpoles are clumsy swimmers, and are usually found in waters devoid of predatory fish, such as temporary pools. Salamanders are terrestrial as adults, but eggs and larvae are aquatic. These snakes retreat into the water at the slightest disturbance, and are excellent swimmers, although they show no particular adaptations to it like oceanic sea snakes. Frogs. Notes: Sometimes wanders well away from water. This turtle can easily amputate a finger or toe, and becomes pugnacious when landed. Children thrill to finding familiar box turtles or garter snakes, and endangered salamanders struggle to survive as habitat is lost. I pulled over and used a stick to push this nasty little guy off the highway. This turtle can easily amputate a finger or toe, and becomes pugnacious when landed. If you have the patience, try to see how long this turtle can go between breaths. unless otherwise noted. Scuba diving is an adventure sport, and as always, you alone are responsible for your own safety and well being. Calling spring peepers enhance spring evenings and summer bullfrogs entertain us at night. If you have the patience, try to see how long this turtle can go between breaths. This toad is essentially some shade of brown, with two yellow lines running from each eye down the back. I make no claim as to the accuracy, validity, or appropriateness of any information found in this website. Notes: Also known as 'Stinkpots'. They are harmless, and even tame. Eventually they grow legs, lose the tail, and climb out of the water as frogs ( or toads. ) Except for a single species of frog, amphibians are absent from the marine environment. Box Turtle numbers are declining, so if you see one on a road or some other bad place, give it a boost to a better location before it gets killed. In the water these turtles are inoffensive, but don't temp fate ! Tadpoles are larval frogs. Habitat: hides on bottom in any type of water. Size: to 15" (body) Habitat: hides on bottom in any type of water Notes: Generally docile and easily approached in the water, but should be treated with respect for its powerful bite. Sliders are not native to New Jersey, but the descendants of released pets are quite common. Notes: Generally docile and easily approached in the water, but should be treated with respect for its powerful bite. Chelydra serpentina. Notes: Also known as 'Sliders'.