The comparison is based The essay provides a financial analysis and comparison of Apple Inc. from the fiscal year 2008 to 2009. Investor Relations. For that reason, in comparison with all businesses, the Company has a higher result. Source: FactSet. This indicates that the organization is continually adding additional overhead costs to the organization at a faster pace than revenue growth. This could also mean that Apple’s Accounts Receivable department may not be as efficient as in previous years. Apple Incorporated specializes in designing and manufacturing communication devices, such as phones and iPads. The above is a comparative analysis of the financial position and performance of the company. Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR) (about 10,000 largest publicly traded companies). the quartile closest to the ratio value). This is were I use plain English to explain concepts. Fundamental company data and analyst estimates provided by FactSet. Their CEO is Tim Cook. Currently, the company has a market capitalization of approximately $955 billion. "ReadyRatios Financial Analysis" All rights reserved. Source: FactSet, Markets Diary: Data on U.S. Overview page represent trading in all U.S. markets and updates until 8 p.m. See Closing Diaries table for 4 p.m. closing data. The “Big Tech Q3 2020 Earnings Analysis: Drivers & Forecasts (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook & Google)” report has been added to’s offering. The main reason for the significant increase is the organization’s horde of cash. Another way to understand Apple’s financial position is to look at certain ratios that give an idea of how the company manages its business. Change value during the period between open outcry settle and the commencement of the next day's trading is calculated as the difference between the last trade and the prior day's settle. On this page, you will be able to find preliminary information about Apple's current financial performance as well as some historical track records and trends. Copyright © FactSet Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved. The result of the comparison may be as follows: Please note: The presented analysis does not indicate a poor or good financial position of the company, but gives its description relative to other U.S. businesses. From 2016 to 2017, the company had outstanding growth at about 15.9%. Line by line description, explanation, and analysis tip for most financial statement line items and financial ratios. From this, I then discuss and define income statement line items, such as revenues, gross profits, etc. Data may be intentionally delayed pursuant to supplier requirements. Next, I then offer a summary analysis of Apple’s important balance sheet line items. Change value during other periods is calculated as the difference between the last trade and the most recent settle. Get the detailed quarterly/annual income statement for Apple Inc. (AAPL). Professional financial analysis tips provided in each section to help YOU conduct your OWN financial analysis! Apple Inc. (AAPL) financial analysis and rating Comparison analysis based on SEC data. (-2 – below the first quartile; -1 – between the first and the second quartile; How to Write a House Flipping Business Plan, How to Write a Retail Store Business Plan, Write a Hair Salon and Barbershop Business Plan, How to Write a Bar or Lounge Business Plan, How to Write an Assisted Living Business Plan, How to Write a Smartphone App Business Plan, How to Write a Pest Control Business Plan, How to Write a Roofing Contractor Business Plan, Coronavirus: An Entrepreneurial Perspective, Must-Have Products for the Oily Skin Type, How to Write a Beauty Supplies and Cosmetics Business Plan, How to Write a Craft Brewery Business Plan. Sources: FactSet, Tullett Prebon, Currencies: Currency quotes are updated in real-time. In reviewing each line item, I will define the Apple’s balance sheet line item, such as cash, property, plant and equipment, and liabilities between 2015 to 2019. This is substantially up from 1.12 and 2018. FactSet (a) does not make any express or implied warranties of any kind regarding the data, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use; and (b) shall not be liable for any errors, incompleteness, interruption or delay, action taken in reliance on any data, or for any damages resulting therefrom. This ratio skyrocketed to 61.06% in 2019. By comparing each of the eleven key metrics with the median value, we have made a generalized conclusion about the quality of the financial condition of the company. For Apple Inc. balance sheet, I again go through each important line item from the balance sheet. Five year’s worth of over twenty common financial ratios presented with formulas, calculations, and analysis tips for each ratio. To mitigate this issue, the organization may choose to lower their prices to increase sales and elevate their asset utilization. on official financial statements filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) through the Electronic Data Gathering, Each section includes an “in other words” segment. Apple’s return on assets in 2015 at 18.39%. SG&A:    SG&A has continued to grow, as a percentage of sales, in the last five years. A better action would be for the company to invest additional money into short-term investment vehicles. Change during the year is calculated by comparing the resulting score of financial position within the industry with the last year's (quarter's) score. Source: Kantar Media, News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. The primary business activity of the company is Electronic Computers (SIC code 3571). Also, the growth in dividend payments may help because the cash payouts reduce the overall total assets. “Apple Inc. 2019 Company Analysis… For Beginners: Financial Statements and Financial Ratios: Defined, Discussed, and Analyzed for 5 Years” was written by, Paul Borosky, MBA. The essay contains three parts. “Apple Inc. 2019 Company Analysis… For Beginners: Financial Statements and Financial Ratios: Defined, Discussed, and Analyzed for 5 Years” was written by, Paul Borosky, MBA. Quality Business Plan by Paul Borosky, MBA. Sources: FactSet, Tullett Prebon, Commodities & Futures: Futures prices are delayed at least 10 minutes as per exchange requirements. The average price target is $ 0.00 with a high estimate of $ 0.00 and a low estimate of $ 0.00. Apple Financial Report Sources “Apple Inc. 2019 Company Analysis… For Beginners: Financial Statements and Financial Ratios: Defined, Discussed, and Analyzed for 5 Years” was written by, Paul Borosky, MBA. In this report, I used Apple’s 2018 10k, Apple’s 2017 10k annual report, Apple’s 2016 10k annual report, Apple’s 2015 10k annual report, and Apple’s 2019 10k annual report as the basis for information gathering. within the same industry, and also with the quartiles of those ratios. Currently, the firm employs over 100,000 individuals. Finally, their chief operating officer is Jeffrey Williams. This is a significant increase from 2015, which was 7.2%. The performance assessment bases on the ratio calculated by the data from balance sheet, cash flow statement and income statement of Apple. +1 – between the second and the third quartile; +2 – above the third quartile; Quarterly Earnings Reports. - load the data into the program>>. Apple Inc. Financial Statements and Financial Ratios Analyzed from 2015 to 2019, Expert Apple Inc. Financial Report & Analysis. Each ratio value is given a score ranging from -2 and +2 depending on its position relative to the quartiles Next, I supply the financial formula for calculating the specific ratio. Based on analysts offering 12 month price targets for AAPL in the last 3 months. Section 3: Apple Inc. Financial Ratios Analyzed from 2015 to 2019. Thanks for visiting my Apple Inc. Financial Report page. This indicates that the organization may not be fully exploiting cash usage. Source: FactSet, Indexes: Index quotes may be real-time or delayed as per exchange requirements; refer to time stamps for information on any delays. The financial condition of Apple Inc. in 2019 is about the same as the financial condition typical of the companies engaged in the activity "Electronic Computers". in detail. International stock quotes are delayed as per exchange requirements. Apple Inc. balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, earnings & estimates, ratio and margins. Summarized income statement for the last 5 years. Summarized balance sheet for the last 5 years. If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can use it to log in to ReadyRatios: You can log in if you are registered at one of these services: This website uses cookies. APPLE INC. : Forcasts, revenue, earnings, analysts expectations, ratios for APPLE INC. Stock | AAPL | Sources: CoinDesk (Bitcoin), Kraken (all other cryptocurrencies), Calendars and Economy: 'Actual' numbers are added to the table after economic reports are released. To draw a conclusion from the analysis the individual scores are weighted equally to get an overall score ranging from -2 and +2. © 2020 Quality Business Plan by Paul Borosky, MBA. Finally, I offer a brief analysis of Apple’s Important Financial ratios. Or, the company may choose to liquidate some of their assets to better align with company needs. Lipper shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. For a detailed financial analysis please use The average ratios for this industry are slightly better than the averages for all industries. Click Here for More Income Statement Trends! At least the significant cash pile will be earning some type of return for the organization.