Q: I placed an order online and had it shipped to the Apple Store. Items ordered on the Apple Online Store that arrived damaged or are incorrect can be returned to any Apple Store in the same country, or by contacting Customer Service. Products purchased from the Apple Online Store using an Apple Store Gift Card will be refunded to you as an Apple Store Gift Card by email. At Apple, we are people first, and we do what we do with the belief that technology can change lives and the hope that it can be a valuable tool in a moment like this. Please contact the card-issuing bank with questions about when the credit will be posted to your account. If you have multiple items to return, you may pack them in a single box with the packing slip. We do not yet know with certainty when the greatest risk will be behind us. For complete details on how to return a product purchased at the Apple Store please visit the. Trust us, we’re building them as fast as we can. Please note that certain products and payment methods are not eligible for in-store pickup by a third party. To purchase Apple products online from outside of Canada, please click here for international store information. We will be closing all of our retail stores outside of Greater China until March 27. The entire Apple family is indebted to the heroic first responders, doctors, nurses, researchers, public health experts and public servants globally who have given every ounce of their spirit to help the world meet this moment. If you are dissatisfied with an item and need to return it, we're here to help. Since the actual delivery of your order can be impacted by many events beyond Apple’s control once it leaves our facilities, Apple cannot be held liable for late deliveries. The page you’re looking for, however, is no longer available at apple.com. * You may return software after rejecting the licensing terms, provided the software is not installed on a computer. That’s because we go out of our way to ensure that they’re designed and built to be just what you need. Q: I placed an order to pick up at my local Apple Store. The stores are closed out of caution for coronavirus. Software Up-to-Date Program Products (software upgrades), Apple Gift Packaging (origami style gift box with ribbon and greeting card), Apple Developer products (membership, technical support incidents, WWDC tickets). When will it reopen? The Apple Store reserves the right at any time after receiving your order to accept or decline your order for any reason. It's a good idea to check in-stock availability by calling the Apple Store, or by viewing the product on the Apple Online Store to see if the item is available for pickup nearby. If you cancelled a pickup item, and you were billed for it, we initiate your refund immediately after you submit your cancellation request. Note: If you are returning an iPhone, refer to the iPhone Help page for details. First, I want to recognize Apple’s family in Greater China. Extensive, deep cleaning will continue at all sites. Here is the full FAQ, as of Monday, March 16th: Q: My local Apple Store is closed. You need to bring a government-issued photo ID and confirmation of the web order number with your items. Apple Watch from the Edition collection may only be returned or exchanged if it’s in its original, undamaged, and unmarked condition after passing inspection at Apple’s offsite facility. Once we receive the item(s), we will issue a refund and send you a Return Receipt confirmation email. The following products are not eligible for return: electronic software downloads, subscriptions to the Software-Up-To-Date program, Apple Store Gift Cards, and any Apple Developer Connection products. I want to express my deep gratitude to our team in China for their determination and spirit. newsletter, Apple to close US retail stores and all others outside China until March 27th, All 42 Apple Stores in China have reopened, Coronavirus disrupts the world: updates on the pandemic, US sees two days with over 100,000 reported COVID-19 cases, Twitter takes down coronavirus tweets from John McAfee, David Clarke, and others. You can reschedule your appointment and get self help at http://www.apple.com/support. You can visit online Order Status to view your most up-to-date return and refund information. Products purchased online from Apple will only be shipped to addresses within Canada and are subject to Canadian, U.S. and foreign export control laws and regulations. Apple has closed all of its retail stores outside of China amid the coronavirus panic, which has led to a lot of questions about device repairs, returns and Genius Bar appointments. Next, verify the return item(s) and the return address on your address label. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Price protection is only available for up to 10 units of a particular product. If you're having trouble with your new Apple product, please visit online Product Support or contact AppleCare Technical Support before attempting a return. Apple offers in-store pickup for many of the items available on the Online Store. Apple News has launched a new COVID-19 section, where users can be sure that they can find the latest verified reporting from trusted news outlets. Can I make changes? If you do not have an Apple ID, or the item you've received is incorrect or damaged, contact Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775. Or contact us via chat or phone. We’ll also send you a reminder or two, just in case it slips your mind. If ready for pickup, you can collect your device on March 15 or 16 between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. You can check the repair status at http://www.apple.com/support, A: You can check the status of a repair online at http://support.apple.com/repair. In the event we cannot supply a product you ordered, Apple will cancel the order and refund your purchase price in full. If these features have been activated and cannot be disabled by the person in possession of the phone, Apple may refuse the return or exchange. Apple announced on Friday that all its retail stores outside China are closed until March 27th to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Companies are experimenting with new ways to stay productive. We also want to make sure you have a rewarding experience while you’re exploring, evaluating, and purchasing our products, whether you’re at the Apple Online Store, in an Apple Retail Store, or on the phone with the Apple Contact Center. Apple explains how returns and repairs will work while its retail stores are closed, Plus, get $50 off the Apple Watch SE. As you may have seen, our annual Worldwide Developers Conference will be in an entirely new online format this year. In addition, please note the following: Wireless carriers have different service cancellation policies. Will you be open for that? Should you wish to return ten or more of the same product, you must return to the Apple Store where originally purchased. To return your item(s) to Apple, sign in to online Order Status(Opens in a new window) with your Apple ID and password. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Should Apple reduce its price on any Apple-branded product within 15 calendar days from the date you receive your product, feel free to visit an Apple Retail Store or contact the Apple Contact Center at 1-800-676-2775 to request a refund or credit of the difference between the price you were charged and the current selling price. On March 14th, Apple announced that all Apple stores outside China are closed until March 27th, and the company has since posted an FAQ with information about updated return policies… Please contact your wireless service provider for more information. The clothing retailer is offering a more generous return policy amid the coronavirus pandemic. But this global effort — to protect the most vulnerable, to study this virus, and to care for the sick — requires all of our care, and all of our participation. You can return your items to an Apple Retail Store within 15 calendar days of receiving your order. In that unlikely event, we invite you to review the following terms related to returning a product. On the next page, select the item(s) you would like to return and click the Continue button. Privacy PolicyUse of CookiesTerms of UseSales and RefundsLegalSite Map, Thanks for shopping at Apple. The common term for modifying an iPhone is jail-breaking, with a particular emphasis on the second part of that term. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”. If Apple tells you that your repair is ready for pickup, you can pick it up today between 12PM and 5PM. To receive the refund or credit you must contact Apple within 15 calendar days of the price change. In the event you have been charged more than the posted price for a product in an Apple Retail Store, please see a Manager for a refund of the overcharge. You will receive timely updates with important news and alerts from Canada’s Ministry of Health. We have expanded our leave policies to accommodate personal or family health circumstances created by COVID-19 — including recovering from an illness, caring for a sick loved one, mandatory quarantining, or childcare challenges due to school closures. Teachers are innovating to make remote lessons come alive. Apple says it’s also working to complete repairs that were started before stores closed. Please visit Shipping & Pickup (Opens in a new window) for complete details about in-store pickup. If Apple cancels an order after you have already been billed, Apple will refund the billed amount. Learn more. 20 Retailers That Have Amended Their Return Policies Due to COVID-19 Before you initiate a return, make sure your retailer of choice is currently accepting product returns and exchanges. We’re bringing the same creativity and passion to meeting this challenge that we do in everything else we undertake. Products must be purchased, sold, exported, re-exported, transferred, and used in compliance with these export laws and regulations. Copyright © What we’ve learned together has helped us all develop the best practices that are assisting enormously in our global response. As an exception, you may return Apple-branded software if you do not agree to the licensing terms; however, you may not retain or otherwise use any copies of returned software. Learn more. Opened software cannot be returned if it contained a seal with the software license on the outside of the package and you could read the software license before opening its packaging. As President Lincoln said in a time of great adversity: “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. (To make it visually easier on both of us, we’ll refer to these entities as the “Apple Store” in this policy.). We understand, however, that sometimes a product may not be what you expected it to be. Apple accepted returns up to 14 days after their stores reopened for any items purchased 14 days before locations were officially shut down, March 13th. A: Out of concern for the safety of our customers and employees, Apple has closed all retail stores outside of Greater China through March 27. At this point, you will receive the Shipment Notification Email. Really. Once you have verified your return details, click the Print Now button to print your address label and packing slip. The latest news and updates, direct from Apple. Given the popularity and/or supply constraints of some of our products, Apple may have to limit the number of products available for purchase. We will, however, work with you to ensure a smooth delivery. Item exchanges are subject to in-store product availability. If your device is ready for pick up or is awaiting parts, a Team Member will contact you with details. Recommendations are personalized and based on your personal risk factors. If your local Apple store hasn’t reopened yet, this policy is … Apple stores will accept returns up to 14 days after they reopen.