Arclight served with the American ground forces during the Vietnam War, and she is still haunted by memories of that place. (Uncanny X-Men I#350 (fb) / X-Men Origins: Gambit) - Gambit, still not fully realizing what the Marauders were about to do, led them into the Morlock Tunnels. Arclight has superhuman strength, enhanced endurance and … Cannonball came crashing through the floorboards, grabbing Riptide and dumping him on the second group of Marauders. Uncanny X-Men I#215 (March, 1987) - Chris Claremont (writer), Alan Davis (pencils), Dan Green (inks), Ann Nocenti (editor)
Powers/Abilities: Arclight can generate seismic energy, emanating as shockwaves from her hands and feet. Civil War: X-Men I#3 (November, 2006) - David Hine (writer), Yanick Paquette, Aaron Lopresti (pencillers), Serge LaPointe, Jay Leisten (inkers), Mike Marts (editor)
(New X-Men II#46) - Arclight was pleasantly surprised to see former New Mutant Wolfsbane all grown up. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 4 mars 2020 à 04:16. If you
Vertigo quickly hit her with a dizzying wave after which Scalphunter fired stun pellets, however, Threnody dodged the bullets leaving Vertigo to be hit and knocked out. The Lore, Legends, and Heroes from Marvel have arrived in Fortnite. Magneto III#6, p16, p4,5 (killed by Magneto)
Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? (X-Man I#19) - Scalphunter and Arclight were tasked with guarding Threnody who was now chained to a pipe. Captain America I#392 (September, 1991) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (penciler), Dan Bulanadi (inker), Ralph Macchio (editor)
(Civil War: X-Men I#3) - From inside the base Arclight, Scalphunter and the other 198 members watched what was going on outside of their base. formerly Internment camp at Xavier's School;
(Uncanny X-Men I#219 (fb) - BTS) - Possibly inspired by Malice's fight against the X-Men, Mr. Sinister decided to have her seek out and possess former X-Man Polaris. X-Men II#200 (August, 2007) - Mike Carey (writer), Chris Bachalo, Humberto Ramos (pencilers), Carlos Cuevas, Tim Townsend (inkers), Will Panzo, Andy Schmidt (editors)
As such they witnessed as the X-Men (Cyclops, Beast, Iceman, Angel) fought Bishop and his forces. [6] She is seen later being defeated by Rockslide.[7]. Scouring through the flames and rubble, he easily located Polaris hiding behind a rock. As a war veteran, she is well versed in battle and is known as one of the most bloodthirsty members of the Marauders, the group responsible for the "Mutant Massacre". (Magneto III#6 (fb) - BTS) - Magneto sought out one cell of Marauders and killed them, thus activating another cell of Marauder clones. Seemingly asserting herself as their leader, Mystique ordered the Marauders to pull back after which Arclight used her abilities to bring the house down on the X-Men. Encountering the assassins, the highly experienced heroes wasted no time and attacked Arclight and Harpoon. How do you reassemble the Avengers? Arclight appears aware of this fact. Throwing her vertigo inducing powers around, she succeeded in hitting both Threnody and Grey. Fully aware of Threnody's involvement with X-Man, Mr. Sinister sent the tree newly cloned Marauders and Harpoon to capture Threnody in the hopes that it would attract X-Man. Arclight's codename comes from the B-52 bombings during the Vietnam War, also called Operation Arc Light. Nevertheless, Spider-Man and the X-Men managed to escape unscathed. Eager for some payback and outraged their foes were hiding in the Alley of all places, the X-Men decided to ambush them. In a nearby alley Scalphunter struck at Cable and revealed their presence declaring he was now facing his destruction. With the Marauders defeated and Predator X dead, the X-Men decided to hand the baby to Cable so he could keep her safe in the distant future. The four Marauders prepared for the coming fight but were shocked when a giant construction crane came swooping down on Harpoon. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) formerly Gambit (Remy LeBeau), Omega Sentinel (Karima Shapander), Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida), Threnody (Melody Jacobs), Vanisher ("Telford Porter"), Enemies: Abomination (Emil Blonsky), Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur), Bishop (Lucas Bishop), Black Mamba (Tanya Sealy), Blaquesmith, Cable (Nathan Summers), Captain America (Steve Rogers), Goblin Queen (Madelyne Pryor), Herr Hitzig, Johnny Dee, Artie Maddicks, Magneto (Max Eisenhardt), Irene Merryweather, Morlocks (Annalee, Ape, Beautiful Dreamer, Berzerker, Bliss, Blowhard, Caliban, Callisto, Chickenwings, Cybelle, Erg, Healer, Leech, Lightning Bug, Marrow, Masque, Mole, Piper, Plague, Tar Baby, Tommy, Scaleface, Sunder, Zeek and unrevealed others), New X-Men (Anole/Victor Borkowski, Armor/Hisako Ichiki, Blindfold/Ruth Aldine, Dust/Sooraya Qadir, Elixir/Josh Foley, Hellion/Julian Keller, Mercury/Cessily Kincaid, Pixie/Megan Gwynn, Prodigy/David Alleyne, Rockslide/Santo Vaccarro, Surge/Noriko Ashida, X-23/Laura Kinney), Nimrod Sentinels of Reality-1610, Paladin, Power Pack (Destroyer/Alex Power, Molecula/Julie Power, Jack Power, Starstreak/Katie Power, Tattletale/Franklin Richards), Predator X, Briar Raleigh, Illyana Rasputin, The Right, Richard Salmons, San Francisco Police Department (Detective Harry, Sabrina Morrel), Sentinel Squad O*N*E (Valerie Cooper, General Lazer, unrevealed others), S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Strucker family, Hope Summers, X-Man (Nate Grey), Threnody (Melody Jacobs), X-Men (Angel/Warren Worthington III, Beast/Hank McCoy, Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, Colossus/Piotr Rasputin, Dazzler/Alison Blaire, Emma Frost, Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Havok/Alex Summers, Iceman/Robert Drake, Karma/Xi'an Coy Manh, Longshot, Magneto/Max Eisenhardt, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Northstar/Jean-Paul Beaubier, Omega Sentinel/Karima Shapander, Professor X/Charles Xavier, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Cecilia Reyes, Rogue/Anna Marie, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Warbird/Ava'Dara Naganandini, Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett), X-Factor (Angel/Warren Worthington III, Beast/Hank McCoy, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Iceman/Robert Drake, Marvel Girl/Jean Grey), X-Factor Investigations (M/Monet St. Croix, Siryn/Terry Cassidy, Strong Guy/Guido Carosella), X-Force (Archangel/Warren Worthington III, Domino/Neena Thurman, Elixir/Josh Foley, Hepzibah, Warpath/James Proudstar, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair, Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett, X-23/Laura Kinney);