Manufacturing drawings and specifications are sent to a certified manufacturer which provides samples of the finished distinctive unit insignia to the Institute of Heraldry for approval. Distinctive Unit Insignia in Original Packaging are Mist!! If it is not available, one is requested from the United States Army Center of Military History. Distinctive unit insignia (DUI) of a design approved by The Institute of Heraldry, U.S. Army, are authorized under Paragraph 28-22 of Army Regulation 670-1. Now all major commands, field hospitals, corps, logistics commands and certain other units – groups, for example – are authorized distinctive unit insignia. Circular 244, 1921 states: "It has been approved, in principle, that regiments of the Regular Army and National Guard may wear distinctive badges or trimmings on their uniforms as a means of promoting esprit de corps and keeping alive historical traditions. The authority continued until omitted in the Army uniform regulation dated December 26, 1911. A blue disc inside the maroon band is a reference to the earth, signifying the AMLC's global posture.The two serpents, facing one another, were adapted from the Army Medical Corps branch insignia that denotes the concept of medical hearing. Various organizations which carry colors or standards have generally submitted coats of arms having certain historical significance. [4], 21st Replacement Battalion"Strength and Service", 43rd Adjutant General Battalion"Soldiers for Freedom", 120th Adjutant General Battalion"We Set the Example", 328th Personnel Services Battalion"Support and Service", 360th Replacement Battalion"Support to Win", 369th Adjutant General Battalion"Army Pride", 556th Personnel Services Battalion"Service Always First", United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command"By Sword, Deed, and Word", United States Army Combined Arms Support Command"Support Starts Here", United States Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, United States Army Cyber Command"Secundum Ad Neminem"(Second to None), United States Army Forces Command"Freedom's Guardian", United States Army Futures Command"Forge the future", U.S. Army Human Resources Command"Soldiers First", United States Army Installation Management Command"Sustain, Support, Defend", United States Army Materiel Command"Arsenal For The Brave", United States Army Military District of Washington"Haec Protegimus"(This We Guard), United States Army Parachute Team"Golden Knights", United States Army Reserve Command"Twice the Citizen", United States Army Sergeants Major Academy"Ultima"(Farthest), United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command"Securing the High Ground", United States Army Special Operations Command"Sine Pari"(Without Equal), United States Defense Language Institute–Army element, United States Military AcademyFaculty & Staff, United States National Guard Bureau–Army element, United States Space Command–Army element"Lutum Ad Spatium", United States Special Operations Command Central–Army element, United States Special Operations Command Europe–Army element"Semper Preparate"(Always Prepared), United States Special Operations Command North–Army element, United States Special Operations Command Pacific–Army element"Guardians Of The Pacific", United States Forces Korea–Army element"Supporting Defense", United States Army Training and Doctrine Command"Freedom's Fortress", Asymmetric Warfare Group"Think. Distinctive unit insignia. Charles C. Carson Center for Mortuary Affairs, United States Army Center of Military History, United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, United States Army Combined Arms Support Command, United States Army Installation Management Command, United States Army Military District of Washington, United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command, United States Army Special Operations Command, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Third United States Army / United States Army Central, Fifth United States Army / United States Army North, Sixth United States Army / United States Army South, Seventh United States Army / United States Army Europe, Ninth United States Army / United States Army Africa, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, United States Army Chemical Materials Activity, 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, United States Army Medical Department Center and School, United States Army Reserve Medical Command, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, United States Army Criminal Investigation Command, United States Army Communications-Electronics Command, Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, 112th Special Operations Signal Battalion, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, Special Troops Battalion, 10th Mountain Division, Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, Special Troops Battalion, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), 135th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), 143rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), 1st Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, 4th Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, 10th Mountain Division Sustainment Brigade, 13th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 68th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 87th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 167th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 264th Support Battalion (Combat Sustainment), United States Army Surface Deployment and Distribution Command. "(Let's Go), 16th Field Artillery Regiment"Macte Nova Virtute"(Go Forth With New Strength), 17th Field Artillery Regiment"In Time of Peace Prepare For War", 18th Field Artillery Regiment"Per Aspera Ad Astra"(Through Difficulties to the Stars), 19th Field Artillery Regiment"Per Scintillam Flamma"(Through The Spark, The Flame), 21st Field Artillery Regiment"Progressi Sunt"(They Have Advanced), 22nd Field Artillery Regiment"Labore et Honore"(With Industry and Honor, 24th Field Artillery Regiment"Crescit sub pondere Virtus"(Virtue increases under a load), 25th Field Artillery Regiment"Tace Et Face"(Be Silent and Act), 26th Field Artillery Regiment"Courage and Action", 27th Field Artillery Regiment"Conjuncti Stamus"(United We Stand), 28th Field Artillery Regiment"We Support the Line", 29th Field Artillery Regiment"Fidelis et Verus"(Faithful and True), 30th Field Artillery Regiment"Striving To The Highest", 31st Field Artillery Regiment"In Periculo, Nos Jubete"(When in Danger, Command Us), 32nd Field Artillery Regiment"Proud Americans", 33rd Field Artillery Regiment"Servabo Fidem"(I Will Keep Faith), 34th Field Artillery Regiment"We Support", 35th Field Artillery Regiment"En Avant Toujours"(Forward Always), 37th Field Artillery Regiment"On the Minute", 38th Field Artillery Regiment"Steel Behind the Rock", 39th Field Artillery Regiment"Celeritas In Conficiendo"(Speed in Action), 40th Field Artillery Regiment"All for One", 41st Field Artillery Regiment"Mission Accomplished", 42nd Field Artillery Regiment"Festina Lente"(Make Haste Slowly), 73rd Field Artillery Regiment"Speed and Power Always", 75th Field Artillery Regiment"Paratus Facere"(Prepared To Do), 76th Field Artillery Regiment"Duty The Spirit of 76", 77th Field Artillery Regiment"En Garde"(On Guard), 78th Field Artillery Regiment"Semel Et Simul"(At Once and Together), 79th Field Artillery Regiment"Our Country – Our Regiment", 81st Field Artillery Regiment"Libertas Justitia Humanitas", 82nd Field Artillery Regiment"Can and Will", 84th Field Artillery Regiment"Performance Above All", 92nd Field Artillery Regiment"Brave Cannons", 101st Field Artillery Regiment"Vincere et Vivere", 103rd Field Artillery Regiment"Play the game", 107th Field Artillery Regiment"Gettysburg to the Marne", 108th Field Artillery Regiment"Non Sibi - Sed Patriae"(Not Self - But Country), 109th Field Artillery Regiment"En Avant"(Forward), 112th Field Artillery Regiment"A Outrance"(To The Utmost), 118th Field Artillery Regiment"Nescit Cedere", 119th Field Artillery Regiment"Viam Praeparamus", 120th Field Artillery Regiment"Eager To Assist", 123rd Field Artillery Regiment"Parati et Volentes", 131st Field Artillery Regiment"We Play the Game", 134th Field Artillery Regiment"Fides et Audax", 142nd Field Artillery Regiment"Try To Stop Us", 143rd Field Artillery Regiment"Facta Non Verba"(Deeds Not Words), 144th Field Artillery Regiment"Contendimus"(We Strive), 145th Field Artillery Regiment"Pro Deo"(For God and Country), 148th Field Artillery Regiment"Whenever, Wherever", 157th Field Artillery Regiment"Eager for Duty", 160th Field Artillery Regiment"Toujours En Avant"(Always Forward), 161st Field Artillery Regiment"Faire Sans Dire"(To Do Without Saying), 178th Field Artillery Regiment"Tried and True", 182nd Field Artillery Regiment"Might if Right", 197th Field Artillery Regiment"A Bas L'avion"(Down with the Plane), 206th Field Artillery Regiment"Never Give Up", 214th Field Artillery Regiment"We hear and strike", 258th Field Artillery Regiment"Paratus et Fidelis"(Ready And Faithful), 320th Field Artillery Regiment"Volens et Potens"(Willing and Able), 321st Field Artillery Regiment"Noli Me Tangere" (Don’t Tread On Me), 333rd Field Artillery Regiment"Three Rounds", 377th Field Artillery Regiment"Firmiter Et Fideliter"(Steadfastly and Faithfully), 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion"Look Out Below", 674th Airborne Field Artillery Battalion"Thunder From Above", 907th Glider Field Artillery Battalion"We Will We Can", Rocket Battery, 1st Field Artillery"Ace in the Hole", Rocket Battery, 3rd Field Artillery"Power for Peace", Rocket Battery, 7th Field Artillery"Flaming Fury", 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division"Devils", 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division(formerly 2nd Infantry Brigade), 1st Brigade (Airborne), 8th Infantry Division, 45th Infantry Brigade"Semper Anticus"(Always Forward, 56th Infantry Brigade and 72nd Infantry Brigade, 79th Infantry Brigade"Dominate the Fight", 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team"Ready to Go", 120th Infantry Brigade"Our Outfits in the Fight", 157th Infantry Brigade"Vigilance and Valor", 162nd Infantry Brigade"Omne Vir Tigris"(Every Man a Tiger), 170th Infantry Brigade"Strength, Honor, Discipline", 181st Infantry Brigade"Docere Bellum Et Pax Pacis"(To Win War and Peace), 187th Infantry Brigade"The Ready Brigade", 188th Infantry Brigade"Procinctus"(Ready for Battle), 193rd Infantry Brigade"No Ground to Give", 196th Infantry Brigade"Ahead of the Rest", 199th Infantry Brigade"Light Swift Accurate", 205th Infantry Brigade"Star of the North", 256th Infantry Brigade"Honor Our Heritage", 1st Infantry Regiment"Semper Primus"(Always First), 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment"Laging Una"(Always First), 2nd Infantry Regiment"Noli Me Tangere"(Do Not Touch Me), 3rd Infantry Regiment"Noli Me Tangere"(Don't Touch Me), 4th Infantry Regiment"Noli Me Tangere"(Don't Tread on Me), 7th Infantry Regiment"Volens et Potens"(Willing and Able), 8th Infantry Regiment"Patriae Fidelitas"(Loyalty to Country), 10th Infantry Regiment"Courage and Fidelity", 11th Infantry Regiment"Semper fidelis"(Always Faithful), 12th Infantry Regiment"Ducti Amore Patriae"(Led By Love of Country), 14th Infantry Regiment"The Right of the Line", 16th Infantry Regiment"Semper Paratus"(Always Ready), 17th Infantry Regiment"Truth and Courage", 18th Infantry Regiment"In Omnia Paratus"(Prepared For All Things), 19th Infantry Regiment"Rock Steady, Rock Force", 20th Infantry Regiment"Tant Que Je Puis"(That As I Can), 24th Infantry Regiment"Semper Paratus"(Always Prepared), 27th Infantry Regiment"Nec aspera terrent"(Fear no Difficulties), 28th Infantry Regiment"Vincit amor patriae"(Love of Country Conquers), 30th Infantry Regiment"Our Country Not Ourselves", 31st Infantry Regiment"Pro Patria"(For the Country), 32nd Infantry Regiment "The Queen's Own"Against all Odds, 33rd Infantry Regiment"Ridentes Venimus"(Smiling We Come), 34th Infantry Regiment"Toujours en Avant"(Always Forward), 38th Infantry Regiment"Rock of the Marne", 39th Infantry Regiment"D'une Vaillance Admirable"("With A Military Courage Worthy of Admiration"), 41st Infantry Regiment"Straight and Stalwart", 47th Infantry Regiment"Ex Virtute Honos"(Honor Comes From Virtue), 52nd Infantry Regiment"Fortis Et Certus"(Brave and True)"Ready Rifles", 53rd Infantry Regiment"Courage Sans Peur"("Courage Without Fear"), 54th Infantry Regiment"I will cast my shoe over it", 57th Infantry Regiment"Anywhere, Anytime", 60th Infantry Regiment"To the Utmost Extent of Our Power", 61st Infantry Regiment"The Best lead the Rest", 65th Infantry Regiment"Honor and Fidelity", 66th Infantry Regiment"Semper in Hostes"(Always into the enemy), 68th Infantry Regiment"Ventre a Terre"(With Great Speed)), 69th Infantry Regiment"Conjunctis Viribus"("With united powers"), 69th Infantry Regiment"Gentle When Stroked; Fierce when Provoked", 74th Infantry Regiment"Audax et Fortis("Bold and Brave"), 75th Ranger Regiment"Sua Sponte"(Of their own accord), 86th Infantry Regiment"Courage and Dependability", 87th Infantry Regiment"Vires Montesque Vincimus"("We Conquer Power and Mountains"), 101st Infantry Regiment"Semper Paratus"("Always Ready"), 104th Infantry Regiment"Fortitude et Courage"("Foritude and Courage"), 106th Infantry Regiment"Fidelis et Constans"("Faithful and Constant"), 107th Infantry Regiment"Pro Patria et Gloria"("For Country and Glory"), 108th Infantry Regiment"Virtue non-Verbis"(By Valor Not Words), 109th Infantry Regiment"Cives Arma Ferant"(Let the Citizens Bear Arms), 110th Infantry Regiment"Cuiusque Devotio est Vis Regimenti"(The Devotion of Each is the Strength of the Regiment), 111th Infantry Regiment"Nulla Vestigia Retrorsum"(No Steps Backward), 112th Infantry Regiment"Strive, Obey, Endure", 113th Infantry Regiment"Fidelis et Fortis"(Faithful and Brave), 114th Infantry Regiment"In Omnia Paratus"(Prepared In All Things), 115th Infantry Regiment"Rally Round the Flag", 118th Infantry Regiment"Wherever My Country Calls", 120th Infantry Regiment"Virtus Incendit Vires"(Virtues Kindle Strength), 121st Infantry Regiment"Faciendum Est"(It Shall Be Done), 122nd Infantry Regiment"Sentinel of Freedom", 124th Infantry Regiment"Florida and Country", 126th Infantry Regiment"Courage Sans Peur"(Courage Without Fear), 127th Infantry Regiment"Les Terribles" (The Terrible), 128th Infantry Regiment"Les Terribles" (The Terrible), 129th Infantry Regiment"Pro Maiore Securitate"(For Greater Security), 131st Infantry Regiment"Ducit Amor Patriae"(Led By Love of Country), 132nd Infantry Regiment"Semper Paratus"(Ever Ready), 133rd Infantry Regiment"Avauncez" (Advance), 134th Infantry Regiment"Mahpiya Etanhan" (From the Sky), 136th Infantry Regiment"Rex Montis" (King of the Hill), 137th Infantry Regiment"Valor for Service", 139th Infantry Regiment"First, Furthest, Last", 140th Infantry Regiment"Siempre Listo"(Ever Ready), 141st Infantry Regiment"Remember the Alamo", 143rd Infantry Regiment"Arms Secure Peace", 144th Infantry Regiment"Par Oneri"(Equal To The Task), 147th Infantry Regiment"Cargoneek Guyoxim", 149th Infantry Regiment"Assign us the Mission", 151st Infantry Regiment"Wide Awake Wide Awake", 154th Infantry Regiment"Firm to my Trust", 156th Infantry Regiment"Dieu Et Moi"(God and Me), 159th Infantry Regiment"Unity for Service", 160th Infantry Regiment"Habeant"(Strike)[5], 161st Infantry Regiment "First In War – First In Peace", 162nd Infantry Regiment"First to Assemble", 163rd Infantry Regiment"Men, Do Your Duty", 164th Infantry Regiment"JE SUIS PRET"(I Am Ready), 165th Infantry Regiment"Gentle When Stroked; Fierce when Provoked"), 169th Infantry Regiment"Armis Stant Leges", 172nd Infantry Regiment"Ascend to Victory", 175th Infantry Regiment"Decus et Praesidium"(An Honour and a Guard), 178th Infantry Regiment"One Country- One Flag", 179th Infantry Regiment"In Omnia Paratus"(In All Things Prepared), 180th Infantry Regiment"TANAP-NANAIYA KIA ALHTAIYAHA"(Ready in War Or Peace), 181st Infantry Regiment"Keep Your Powder Dry", 182nd Infantry Regiment"Avitos Juvamus Honores"(We Uphold Our Ancient Honors, 185th Infantry Regiment"Nunquam Non Paratus"(Never unprepared), 185th Infantry Regiment"Fulmen Jacio"(I Hurl The Thunderbolt), 186th Infantry Regiment"Custodes Portae Occidents"(Guardians of the Western Gates), 187th Infantry Regiment"Ne Desit Virtus"(Let Valor Not Fail), 196th Infantry Regiment"Nunc et Semper"(Now and Always), 199th Infantry Regiment"Nous Sommes Pret", 200th Infantry Regiment"Pro Civitate et Patria"(For State and Country), 220th Infantry Regiment"Monstrat Viam"(It Points the Way), 223rd Infantry Regiment"Siempre Adelante"(Always Forward), 224th Infantry Regiment"Perseverentia Triumphat"(Perseverance Triumphs), 249th Infantry Regiment"Destroy in Depth", 289th Infantry Regiment"Vincere Aut Mori"(To Conquer or To Die), 290th Infantry Regiment"Prepared Professionals", 291st Infantry Regiment"Altaha Abilia"(Always Ready), 295th Infantry Regiment"Todo Por La Patria", 299th Infantry Regiment"E Maka'ala Kakou"(Let's Be Alert), 309th Infantry Regiment"Esse Quam Videri", 310th Infantry Regiment"Allons Mes Enfants"(Forward My Children), 311th Infantry Regiment"Jamais Trop Tard", 314th Infantry Regiment"Fortitude and Courage", 315th Infantry Regiment"Qui me tangit paenitebit"(He who touches me will repent), 318th Infantry Regiment"Old Virginia Never Tires", 319th Infantry Regiment"Volens et Potens", 323rd Infantry Regiment"Le Bon Vouloir Servir Le Pays", 326th Infantry Regiment"Aspera Juvant"(Difficult Delight), 327th Infantry Regiment"Honor and Country, 333rd Infantry Regiment"The Citizen in Arms", 334th Infantry Regiment"Fortes Fortuna Juvat", 337th Infantry"Vis Et Virtus"(Strength and Courage), 338th Infantry Regiment"Marchons"(March On), 339th Infantry Regiment"Shtuk Ryshayet"(We Finish With The Bayonet), 346th Infantry Regiment"Semper et Ubique Fidelis", 348th Infantry Regiment"AnLI yamohmikma KAMASSA"(Sincerity and Strength), 349th Infantry Regiment"Liberty and Rights", 350th Infantry Regiment"Fidelity and Service", 351st Infantry Regiment"Toujours Prêt"(Always Ready), 355th Infantry Regiment"Fidem Praestabimus"(We will keep the faith), 356th Infantry Regiment"Boutez en Avant"(Push Forward), 357th Infantry Regiment"Siempre Alerta"(Always Alert), 358th Infantry Regiment"Peragimus" (We accomplish), 361st Infantry Regiment"Ducit Amor Patriae"(Led by Love of Country), 362nd Infantry Regiment"Arma Tuentur Pacem"(Arms maintain peace), 369th Infantry Regiment"Harlem Hellfighters", 392nd Infantry Regiment"Pace et Bello Paratus", 393rd Infantry Regiment"Patriotic Service", 394th Infantry Regiment"Audax et Cautus"(Bold And Wary), 395th Infantry Regiment"Vigilans et Celer", 401st Glider Infantry Regiment"Lions of the Skies", 410th Infantry Regiment"Super Ardua Surgo", 411th Infantry Regiment"Paratus Ferire"(Ready to Strike), 414th Infantry"Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"(If You Wish Peace, Prepare For War), 420th Infantry Regiment"Ubique Impavidi"(In All Things Undaunted), 425th Infantry Regiment"Around the World Unseen", 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment"Geronimo", 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment"The Rock", 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment"Strike Hold", 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment"H-Minus", 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment"All the Way", 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment"Strength from Above", 550th Airborne Infantry Regiment"A Bolt from the Blue", 17th Armored Infantry Battalion"Delenda Est Mal""Evil Must Be Defeated", 41st Armored Infantry Battalion"Straight and Stalwart", 42nd Armored Infantry Battalion"Forward with Fire and Steel", 43rd Armored Infantry Battalion"Above and Beyond", 1st Information Operations Command (Land), 151st Theater Information Operations Group"Non Memor", 152nd Theater Information Operations Group"Praestantia Indicii", 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"Guardian Brigade", 3rd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"Resolve, Protection, Strength", 4th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"Dauntless", 92nd Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"A Lo Que Vinimos"(What we came for), 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"Never Defeated", 157th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"Iron Brigade", 404th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade"Dragons in Support", United States Army Dental Command"Global Care", United States Army Medical Command"Responsive and Dedicated", United States Army Medical Logistics Command"Prepare, Deploy, Sustain", United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command"Protect, Project, Sustain", United States Army Medical Department Center and School"To Conserve Fighting Strength ", United States Army Reserve Medical Command"Civis Militis Medicus"(Citizen Soldier's Doctor), 807th Medical Command"Dedicated to Health", 1st Medical Brigade"Fortitude and Compassion", 5th Medical Brigade"Leadership and Service", 8th Medical Brigade"Strength through Health", 62nd Medical Brigade"Proud and Steadfast", 48th Armored Medical Battalion"Humanity Marshalled", 109th Medical Battalion"Save to Serve Again", 161st Medical Battalion"Conservo et Supero" (I save and overcome), 421st Medical Battalion"Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime", 10th Combat Support Hospital"In Cruce Vincam"(I Shall Conquer By The Cross), 14th Combat Support Hospital"First to Care", 28th Combat Support Hospital"Service Through Mobility", 115th Combat Support Hospital"Evacuare"(Evacuate), 343rd Evacuation Hospital"Best of the Best", Brooke Army Medical Center"Dedication Duty Service", Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center"Care and Concern", Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center"Dignity Dedication Honor", Ireland Army Community Hospital"Because we care", Kenner Army Health Clinic"Medicine Service Health", Kirk General Hospital"Your Health is our Goal", Landstuhl Regional Medical Center"Selfless Service", Madigan Army Medical Center"Care With Compassion", McDonald Army Health Center"Medicine in Motion", Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, U.S. Army Element[6]"Scientia Inter Arma Spiritus" (In the Spirit of Science and Arms), William Beaumont Army Medical Center"First to Care", Medical Department Activity, Yuma Proving Ground, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command, United States Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, 66th Military Intelligence Brigade"Honor Valor and Security", 205th Military Intelligence Brigade"Vanguard of Vigilance", 300th Military Intelligence Brigade"Excellence in Language", 470th Military Intelligence Brigade"Truth Security Loyalty", 500th Military Intelligence Brigade"Scientia Potentia Est"(Knowledge is Power), 501st Military Intelligence Brigade"Red Dragons", 513th Military Intelligence Brigade"Per Vigilantiam Scientia" (Knowledge Through Vigilance), 704th Military Intelligence Brigade"Here and Everywhere", 780th Military Intelligence Brigade"Ubique et Semper in Pugna"(Everywhere and Always in Battle), 1st Military Intelligence Battalion"Informare Laboramus"(We work to inform), 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Oculi Cultus Secreti"(The Eyes of Intelligence), 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Winged Vigilance", 15th Military Intelligence Battalion"Vigilantia Ad Finem"(Vigilant to the End), 18th Military Intelligence Battalion"Collection for Defense", 24th Military Intelligence Battalion"Our Eyes Support", 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Knowledge for Battle", 103rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Top of the Rock", 109th Military Intelligence Battalion"The Disruptors", 141st Military Intelligence Battalion"Strength through Knowledge", 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Into all the World", 163rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Knowledge is Power", 165th Military Intelligence Battalion"Pride Quality Success", 201st Military Intelligence Battalion"Accurate Fast All Source", 202nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Conlige Et Profice"(Collect and Exploit), 204th Military Intelligence Battalion"Silently We Defend", 205th Military Intelligence Battalion"Pacific Vigilance", 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Insight through Inquiry", 224th Military Intelligence Battalion"Vigilance Above", 229th Military Intelligence Battalion"Strength from Intelligence", 250th Military Intelligence Battalion"Knowledge Power Freedom", 260th Military Intelligence Battalion"Intelligentia Et Veritas"(Intelligence and Truth), 301st Military Intelligence Battalion"The Force Multiplier", 302nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Sly Fox", 303rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Primi Noscere"(First to Know), 308th Military Intelligence Battalion"Guardians of America", 310th Military Intelligence Battalion"Arrectis Auribus"(With Ears Pricked Up), 311th Military Intelligence Battalion"Eyes of the Eagle", 313th Military Intelligence Battalion"Crimson Dragons", 314th Military Intelligence Battalion"Sapientia et Veritas"(Prudence and Truth), 319th Military Intelligence Battalion"Hostem Cogere"(To Know the Enemy), 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Collect Exploit", 338th Military Intelligence Battalion"Inveni Et Usurpa"(Find and Use), 341st Military Intelligence Battalion"Vigilantia Et Valor"(Vigilance and Valor), 368th Military Intelligence Battalion"Vanguard of the Pacific", 389th Military Intelligence Battalion (Airborne), 415th Military Intelligence Battalion"Passe Partout", 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Freedom by Vigilance", 511th Military Intelligence Battalion"Ever Supportive", 524th Military Intelligence Battalion"Silent Vigilance", 532nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Nosce Hostem", 629th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion, 636th Military Intelligence Battalion"Lone Star Vigilance", 709th Military Intelligence Battalion"Fortis Et Vigilio"(Strong and Vigilant), 719th Military Intelligence Battalion"Strive for Excellence", 741st Military Intelligence Battalion"Primoris Scio"(First to Know), 742nd Military Intelligence Battalion"Might Through Vigilance", 743rd Military Intelligence Battalion"Beyond all boundaries", 781st Military Intelligence Battalion"Ubi Ceteri Non Possunt", United States Army Criminal Investigation Command"Do what has to be Done", Army Corrections Command"Vanguards of Justice", 46th Military Police Command"Securing Freedom Worldwide", 200th Military Police Command"Commanding the Best", 2nd Military Police Group"Pride with Honor", 11th Military Police Brigade"Command Plan and Control", 14th Military Police Group"We Give our Best", 42nd Military Police Group"Integrity of Action", 15th Military Police Brigade"Duty Justice and Loyalty", 16th Military Police Brigade"Combat Support", 18th Military Police Brigade"Ever Vigilant", 42nd Military Police Brigade"Integrity of Action", 43rd Military Police Brigade"Protect the Right", 49th Military Police Brigade"Pride and Power", 89th Military Police Brigade"Proven in Battle", 177th Military Police Brigade"Protect Defend Preserve", 220th Military Police Brigade"Support by Doing", 290th Military Police Brigade"Custody with Honor", 5th Military Police Battalion (CID) "Professional Always", 10th Military Police Battalion (CID) "Justice from Above", 11th Military Police Battalion (CID) "Strength through Truth", 19th Military Police Battalion (CID) "Truth is our Sword", 22nd Military Police Battalion (CID) "Integrity above All", 91st Military Police Battalion"Honor Above All", 92nd Military Police Battalion"Hold the Gate", 94th Military Police Battalion"When in Need", 95th Military Police Battalion"Superstars", 96th Military Police Battalion"Unity is our Strength", 97th Military Police Battalion"Take Charge", 102nd Military Police Battalion"Honor Pro Militisus", 104th Military Police Battalion"Vanguards of the Empire", 117th Military Police Battalion"Our History, Our Strength", 160th Military Police Battalion"Honorem Restituimus"(We Restore Honor), 168th Military Police Battalion"Serving Those Who Serve", 175th Military Police Battalion"Fidelitas Virtus Stabilitas"(Fidelity, Virtue, Stability), 185th Military Police Battalion"Forged from Freedom", 192nd Military Police Battalion"Skill and Force", 211th Military Police Battalion"Monstrat Viam"(It Points the Way), 304th Military Police Battalion"Comis Sed Fortiter"(Kindly but Strongly), 306th Military Police Battalion"Quttianum", 317th Military Police Battalion"Be Just and Fear Not", 327th Military Police Battalion"Safety and Security", 372nd Military Police Battalion"We Guard the Peace", 385th Military Police Battalion"Honor Vigilance Justice", 393rd Military Police Battalion (CID) "Truth and Justice", 503rd Military Police Battalion"Protect Assist Enforce", 504th Military Police Battalion"Duty, Justice and Honor", 508th Military Police Battalion"Sine Praejudicio"(Without Prejudgement), 519th Military Police Battalion"Service to the Troops", 535th Military Police Battalion"Guard and Defend", 701st Military Police Battalion"Assist by Example", 709th Military Police Battalion"Securitas Copiarum", 716th Military Police Battalion"Lex et Ordo"(Law and Order), 720th Military Police Battalion"Orderly Regulation", 724th Military Police Battalion"Honor Commitment Justice", 733rd Military Police Battalion (CID) "Virtus Integritas Veritas"(Virtue, Integrity, Truth), 728th Military Police Battalion"In Peace as in War", 759th Military Police Battalion"Tenez La Porte"(Hold The Gate), 785th Military Police Battalion"Safeguard and Secure", 787th Military Police Battalion"Excellence Always", 793rd Military Police Battalion"Facta cum Honore"(Achievement with Honor), 850th Military Police Battalion"Veritas Aequitas"(Truth and Justice), 71st Ordnance Group (EOD)"With Distinction and Valor", 3rd Ordnance Battalion"Service, Not Glory", 9th Ordnance Battalion"Support with Strength", 55th Maintenance Battalion"Victory Through Support", 55th Maintenance Battalion"Complete Support", 63rd Ordnance Battalion(EOD)"Semper Ibi"(Always There), 72nd Ordnance Battalion"Security and Reliability, 83rd Ordnance Battalion"Supporting the Best", 124th Ordnance Battalion"Valere et Servitium"(To Be Strong and Serve), 184th Ordnance Battalion (EOD)"Without Equal", 192nd Ordnance Battalion (EOD)"The Reliable One", 724th Ordnance Battalion "Strength in Service", 725th Ordnance Battalion"Service to the Line", 734th Maintenance Battalion"Maintain, Support, Defend", 2nd Psychological Operations Group"Veritas"(Truth), 4th Psychological Operations Group"Verbum Vincet"(The Word Will Conquer), 7th Psychological Operations Group"Support by Truth", 8th Psychological Operations Group"Decisive Influence", 1st Psychological Operations Battalion"First With the Finest", 3rd Psychological Operations Battalion"Power to Influence", 5th Psychological Operations Battalion"Victory Through Influence", 6th Psychological Operations Battalion"Veritas Vos Liberabit" (the truth shall set you free), 7th Psychological Operations Battalion"Potentia et Adduco" (To Influence and Persuade), 8th Psychological Operations Battalion"Triumphus Persuasionis" (Triumph of Persuasion), 9th Psychological Operations Battalion"Win the Mind, Win the Day", 10th Psychological Operations Battalion"Potestas Persuasionis"(The Power of Persuasion), 11th Psychological Operations Battalion"Exploiters", 12th Psychological Operations Battalion"Mutatio Animi"(Changing Minds), 13th Psychological Operations Battalion"Power of Persuasion", 14th Psychological Operations Battalion"Vincere Persuadentes" (To Conquer by Persuasion), 15th Psychological Operations Battalion"Minds Words Deeds", 16th Psychological Operations Battalion"Strength in Truth", 17th Psychological Operations Battalion"Win with Words", 18th Psychological Operations Battalion"Anticipate the Command", 23rd Quartermaster Brigade"The Corps Starts Here", 2nd Quartermaster Group"Fuel Line to Victory", 49th Quartermaster Group"Fueling the Force", 56th Quartermaster Battalion"Meet the Need", 61st Quartermaster Battalion"Foundation for Victory", 95th Supply and Services Battalion"Supply the Line", 244th Quartermaster Battalion"Si Non Potestis Possumus", 262nd Quartermaster Battalion"Lifeline to Victory", 266th Quartermaster Battalion"The Providers", 505th Quartermaster Battalion"Proud to Pump", 554th Quartermaster Battalion"Liberte et Droit", 10th Regional Support Group"Service through Support", 191st Regional Support Group"Sempre Presente", 644th Regional Support Group"Northern Star", United States Army Communications-Electronics Command"Combat Power for Leaders", Army Network Enterprise Technology Command"Voice of the Army", 5th Signal Command"Professional Communicators", 11th Signal Brigade"Flexibility, Dependability", 35th Signal Brigade"Utmost of our Ability", 93rd Signal Brigade"Loyalty, Harmony, Accuracy", 160th Signal Brigade"Finest Of The First", 261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade"Foresee", 516th Signal Brigade"Voice of the Pacific", 17th Signal Battalion"Fons Communicationes" (Fountain of Communications), 30th Signal Battalion"Fortiter et Strenue", 32nd Signal Battalion"Sound the War Horns", 39th Signal Battalion"The Will to Succeed", 56th Signal Battalion"Debit Verbum Transire", 63rd Expeditionary Signal Battalion"Ab Initio"(From the Beginning!