} With the inauguration of the court of District & Sessions judge, Aurangabad on 10-09-1977 by the then Hon’ble the Chief Justice Sri Krishna Ballabha Narayan Singh of Hon’ble Patna High Court, the Judgeship began to function as separate entity. Every day a court publishes the list of cases that will be presented before a judge the next document.getElementById("txtmsg").title =val; } case $(".case_details_table").css("background", "#3D3A3A"); function trim(inputString) { document.getElementById('txtmsg').value=val; function funUsrErrorParam(input) position With the inauguration of the court of District & Sessions judge, Aurangabad on 10-09-1977 by the then Hon’ble the Chief Justice Sri Krishna Ballabha Narayan Singh of Hon’ble Patna High Court, the Judgeship began to function as separate entity. if(str.charAt(i) == ".") in } pending. the cause list of the day of listing. $(".button").css("background", "#1A5984"); hc-judge. Both of them were authorized Kazi of Auranjeb’s regime. $("h4").css("color", "#4B8BCD"); $("a").css("color", "#4B8BCD"); $(".case_details_table").css("border-bottom", "1px solid #fff"); document.getElementById('showList').style.display='none'; $("tr").css("background", "#3D3A3A"); document.getElementById("txtmsg").title =val; return str; F.T.C. or lc-fir. { Courts Echo magazine. case It was also ruled by Bimbisar and Ajatshatru. hearing var val='Invalid Input'; $(".Lower_court_table").css("background", "#3D3A3A"); $(".FIR_details_table").css("background", "#3D3A3A"); displayed. document.getElementById('errSpan').style.display=""; $(".FIR_details_table").css("background", "#3D3A3A"); } $(".button").css("background", "#1A5984"); function applycssblack1() $(".FIR_details_table").css("background", "#fae3df"); Number, It is said that the famous sun tample at Deo was founded by 'Raja Ayel' , a 'Tretayug' , Kingwho is said to be an ascendant of Lord 'Sri Krishna'. presented. During the regime of Sher Shah, the area became strategically important. Presently Sri Balram Dubey is the District & Sessions Judge of this Judgeship, under whose guidance and able administration the Judgeship is ready to achieve new heights and recognition. Log on to LawStar.Select Aurangabad as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. $(".Respondent_Advocate_table").css("border", "1px solid #fff"); { document.getElementById('showList').style.display='none'; The soil of Aurangabad is plane and fertile but some of the region has rocky mountains. $("body").css("color", "black"); { When Aurangabad was made subdivision in year 1865, the munsif was vested with some more power.The Court of sub-judge was inaugurated on 22.06.1973 by the then Hon’ble Chief Justice Mr. Nandlal Untwalia. Case Type Select Case Type ... * Case Number Enter Maximum 7 digit of Case Number Compulsory Field * Year Please Enter Year in 4 digit Compulsory Field. $(".Acts_table").css("background", "#3D3A3A"); //document.getElementById('showList').innerHTML=""; var retValue = inputString; is $(".headingtxt").css("color", " #4B8BCD"); The Afghan ruler built the famous Grand Trunk Road (Now N.H.No.-02). The plaster of the building was also made in lime mortar. function checkInteger(str) This list gives details of the Case Name, Parties, Case or document.getElementById('errSpan').style.display=""; document.getElementById('txtmsg').value=val; After filling all the details click on "Search Your Case", your Civil Court, Complex, Aurangabad at Aurangabad case status … day. The only difference is the absence of fourth side wall of the pond at Devkund, which Lord Vishwakarma could not complete as the Sunrise occurred. { is The information displayed on this site is based upon the data made available by the consumer forums which are using Online Case Monitoring System (OCMS) application. Daudnagar The Magadhas, King Asoka, Bimbisar, Ajatshatru, the Rajputs, Bhairvendra Singh and the British are the rulers who ruled the kingdom. particular $("body").css("color", "white "); The statistics/ graphs made available on this site are only for general purpose and not to … { function funUsrError() Case No. used to search by advocate details. According to Hindu mythology, once Lord Vishwakarma was told to make three temples in one night. function funConnError() } new orders will be published. $("body").css("color", "white "); on "find cases" and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your ), Video Conferencing Hall and other offices are housed. Sri Singh was also First Chief Judicial Magistrate of Aurangabad. You may have to wait for the date to be updated and the same will be reflected whenever it retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.length-1); After filling all the details click on