Learn more about Backgammon strategy here. When this happens the player will get to move the number on the dice four separate times. Players will roll the dice and move their checkers around the board, into their home board, and finally off the board completely. Remove your hand from the cup and drop the dice from a reasonable height onto the board so that both dice roll several times before stopping. by shanemc1 | Jan 9, 2020 | Game Play | 0 comments. All of this happens during A's turn; A now rolls the dice and the game continues. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1635337690635313";
For convenience, two pairs of dice (one pair for each player) is best. Backgammon Rules on Setting Up Your Board. Moving To Open Points: Checkers may only be moved to open points. For instance, if a 6 and a 4 are rolled. Now that you know how to set up your backgammon board, why not take a look at the shop of our partner GammonVillage . I hope this article helps you to know the basics of, If you want to play this game with the better performance you need a good strategy for that, to know more about. It's because either way, one is only the reverse of the other. Place six of your pieces in a vertical line on triangles 6 and 13, two pieces on triangle 24 and three pieces on triangle 8. How to put 5 checkers on the board there are 13-points given. For example, if one of your pieces is three triangles away from the edge of the board in your home quadrant, and you roll a 3 you can remove or "bear off" that piece. It's best to undo a move completely before trying a different move. The lining of the suitcase serves as the game board and the inside contents include 30 checker pieces, 2 sets of dice, and 2 shakers. For each player, the 12 closest points are numbered 1 to 12 from right to left, and the farther points are numbered 13 to 24 from left to right. Count all of the game pieces before you begin. Here is a video that covers each step of the game play rules above: While this post gives you all of the basics you will need to get started on a game of backgammon using the standard game play rules, there are a number of other special rules and backgammon variation games that you can play as well. Paul Magriel, "It's a game of skill and luck. We grouped our picks by the following categories: Budget Tabletop Travel Leather Luxury Wood Vintage If you already know what you are looking for jump ahead by clicking any of the categories of backgammon sets... Each players “Home board” is considered points numbered 1-6. You can only move checkers to spaces occupied by one or none of your opponent's checkers. 13-points will be on one side of the backgammon board and 24-points are on the right side. Backgammon is often played for money, but it is certainly not a game of luck. Download Backgammon Set Up Direction DOC.