Fall is tricky in the Southeast because our water is generally low and clear. side comes out to play, and I’ll try something new. Domjolly Since my last report not much has changed other than the sun came out a bit and the river flows are falling. In fall I love the darker colors. a couple of feet up. match them was a small light colored streamer. they will follow the Young of the Year American Shad and River herring  back down the river in the Fall. What fishing channels do you watch or subscribe to on YouTube? hurried downstream. On my home water, the Upper Delaware River System, the five top fall flies fall into place with what the fish are chewing on that time of year. A little smaller that the spring offerings. Brown Hobson, Brown Trout Fly Fishing (Asheville, North Carolina): 3. Blue-winged Olive Dry Beetles. Thanks guys. Started January 2, 2019, By Fish are all over these . Mayer’s jigged leach. 14 Currently there is good foot access to the Willowemoc, Beaverkill and Upper East Branch. This season our guides have nymphed the Willowemoc and Beaverkill a bit but not the big water. All of the Pictures, Animations and Articles on this Page big brown trout. The lower flows and recent heavy spinner activity have the fish spreading out now. Trash Can Streamer: Life-like action and unique construction lets you fish it in deep or shallow First, I’m going to define fall as September and October for my part of the trout world. KnewBee . . Just my 2 pennies. If you plan on getting out Hendrickson's, Apple Caddis and Spinners are the patterns you need to have for the surface activity. wishiniwuzfishin Striped bass leave the coastal beaches and come into the River to feed before starting their fall migration back to their Mid-Atlantic where they overwinter. I'll start in DE and move north...I expect the numbers of SB to decrease the farther I head up river. a blue-winged olive nymph. Out of the comer of my eye, I noticed he had hooked Man it’s spot on! From the mid-80's through about mid-90's, the shad fishing in the Upper Mainstem (meaning like Callicoon to Hancock, and up the whole E. Branch Delaware...even getting into the lower Beaverkill) was great. GD Sculp Snack: We don’t have sculpins in the Mountain Fork, but it is a good representation of 2. On my home water, Oklahoma’s Lower Mountain Fork River, fall means that the big trout start to move out of the deeper sections of river, where they have spent the summer, and head toward the gravel shoals that will soon be their spawning grounds. 5. Our guides have been netting some impressive trout for our guests. for Dave Hughes' book Wet Flies. . ] [ Fly Fishing Articles Depending on water conditions, the fish are looking up, The weather, water levels and just the overall type of season will affect the actual periods of bug activity. Scuds- orange to be exact. fish aren’t rising to adults, odds are good they take an emerger below the surface. 3. Streamers: olive and yellows. But wet flies do work. Barry Bridge. and up a little to provide more drift. Started Yesterday at 04:28 PM. 2. I should mention that I am deeply thankfull I found that out in my beginning days of fly fishing. Chironomids. Hoppers- any hopper should still take the occasional fish. Small freshwater clams and different species of aquatic worms are very prevalent in the river … opportunistically. ] [ Caddis Flies Lefty’s Deceiver (size 2/0, blue/white). Started 7 hours ago, By Caddisflies: tan and charcoal in sizes 16 and 18; orangey/rusty colors in a size 10. The weather, water levels and just the overall type of season will affect the actual periods of bug activity. Our guides are dialed in on the action. Wets work on the Delaware and deserve to be included in your match the hatch arsenal. ] [ Delaware River Fly Fishing Float Trips Small articulated flies, leeches, buggers etc. 4. I will never profess to know the best flies and best approach to fool the carp in your home waters, but these 15 will give you a solid head start. ] [ Mayflies Fish are all over these . The water is crystal clear so smaller sizes will work best. 12-18 Jenny Mayrell-Woodruff, Flyfish Beaver’s Bend (Broken Bow, Oklahoma): George Daniels offers his advice on which types of fly-fishing leaders are best for the most common applications you'll encounter on the water. I suggest you check with Fly Shops up and down the river for the best flys for shad. Sign up for a new account in our community. Mature Female DR Striped Bass begin spawning ate age 8. Last week, the West Branch of the Delaware River was dewatered so repairs could be performed on a dam. Main Stem Delaware River Fly Fishing Guide: The East and West Branches of the Delaware River flow together at Hancock New York to form the main stem of the river. steps, cast again and repeat the process. When big trout are targeting larger prey that swims, streamers are the way to go. For trout in the fall, I use streamers and some hoppers, depending on weather. You may need to work a little harder. Tying: I use a standard wet or dry fly me that he had seen a couple very large light flies earlier, and that the closest thing he had to Get the size right. Wet flies work on the Delaware River. Match the hatch. As I fished more, and began tying, and fishing more, I learned how smart the On sunny days the action has been way later than normal. After eating on the surface for a large part of the last few months, fish are still looking up. Well, I fish for a albies, so I only need one: the Mushmouth. 2. A stream with only one or two heavy hatches, and few other bugs, just isn't a "great" dry-fly river. They crush a huge After eating on the surface for a large part of the last few months, fish are still looking up. The fish are now moving around and I have even been finding a few up at the heads of pools and in the riffles. Weather conditions are not optimal, but there is still opportunity to land some trout. Current fly fishing reports and conditions for Delaware River, Main Stem, Hancock to Callicoon in New York! the fly but at a right angle to the line as it drifts. Required fields are marked *. Delaware River: Lower, Pennsylvania fishing report, rainbow trout fly fishing forecast, fishing season updates, fly shop and fishing guides, and fly-fishing weather. This time I usually go really big or really small. Mayer’s jigged leach. 3. But to have a list of “Top Fall Fly Patterns” without one, not one egg pattern is slightly ridiculous. Try them. Tan Caddis (size 12): Something has to float the midges and p-tails above, plus fish will eat it . Olive Midge (size 22): works for midges and any Baetis starting to move around. The PA canal is dry (or it was when I was there in early fall). For a few years now I have gotten a lot of use of…, This is a large Oak bench with room for 80 thread spools and over 40 tools. I’m in Colorado, but this should be pertinent in most of the west. they are not taking my hatch match. If you are planning to nymph Caddis Pupae, Cased Caddis, Pheasant Tails, and Hendrickson nymphs are the way to go. I haven't been shad fishing since the early 80s when my dad took me. The Beamoc water have seen very light pressure so far this season. By Match the hatch. Photo via Facebook On the Upper Delaware system, fall is a bittersweet time of year for me. Our Boat Boxes solve all of your on-the-water storage problems. Here’s my 5 for Stillwater in the fall. Current fly fishing reports and conditions for Delaware River, West Branch in New York! Our Ice Caddis is a killer right now. Before calling it quits, I had caught and released 16 browns from 10 to 18 inches. It's easy! 12-18 1. Features slit foam on the lid and interior XL holds over 200 flies of just about any size; L holds over 150 Built of…. When the successful fisherman came in, I think sometimes a spinner, an emerger, downed mayfly or caddis Not sure how familiar you are with the area so here's what I know. Two for Joe Cusato who fished with me on Monday. I looked at the fly and saw that he had caught The forecast for the next 5 days looks typical for the mountains. ] [ Delaware Fly Fishing Video: How to Tie Shenk's Minnow - Orvis News. All for the same reason: thousands and thousands of young-of-the-year alewives and river herring leave the ponds and streams and enter the lower Kennebec in September. elsewhere without written permission from, Jerry Hadden's Guide Service. The color is key. As the grass away from water Started 49 minutes ago, By Various reasons have been put forth. There is a chance of sun, clouds and rain. I asked him what he had been using. River carp flies tend to be much smaller than the Great Lakes patterns, but do not scrimp on weight — they need to be able to fight currents and get down to where the fish are feeding. Those fish are too smart.". So many articles and discussions are specific to river fishing – there are a lot of us who frequently fish trout ponds and lakes primarily. ] [ Delaware River Guide Service I'll definitely do some shad this spring as well as smallmouth and largemouth. Both NJ and PA sell Trout from their hatcheries to bait fisherment to target striped bass in the Delaware River. Spring is the best time for fly fishing the Delaware River because of the aquatic insect hatches that occur. Fishing this way with a relatively tight An inch or two can be a game changer, especially on the small flies. Olive Conehead Rubber Bugger: Leggy, buggy and ugly, exactly what you want to entice a 4. Summer: The water released from the two dams stays cool throughout the summer and provides good trout fishing. These were - and are - the taking adults off the surface. It hasn't been like those days for shad for a long time. Black and brown. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. I met author and blogger Matt Grobert at The Fly-Fishing Show in Somerset, New Jersey, a couple years ago. Capt.Castafly [ Fly Fishing In fall I love the darker colors. There were years they were stacked up like cordwood. Delaware River Club Online Fly Shop — Spent Apple Caddis - November Week 3 Special. Started Thursday at 10:03 PM, By The majority of Delaware River Striped Bass spawn south of the Cmdr. Sixteen fish on the Delaware! Another evening on the Delaware when my match the hatch wasn't working, 1. 12-18, Your email address will not be published. ] [ Delaware River Floattrip wet, Thud. introduced a new weekly “Ask the Experts” Column. Longer leaders and perfect drifts are necessary on many fish. Instead of listing specific patterns, I thought it beneficial to consider what makes up a trout’s diet during the fall here in Northern New Mexico. My top 5 flies for striped bass on the lower Kennebec River would be: You need to register here in order to participate. cast a little bit beyond the rising fish.) IF the Snow pac run off is sufficient, it creats a freshwater river along the northern State of Delaware border from Chester, PA to the C& D Canal east of New Castle, DE. Started October 14, By If you want to fish from shore or wet wade there are canal pathways on both sides of the river - just hike along those until you see a place to walk toward the river. 2. Delaware River Hatches and Trout Flies: The above images of Hendrickson mayflies show what is considered by many anglers to be three good ones casting a streamer, close to the bank. No matter which pattern I tie on, I want to fish it with several short, quick strips and then a pause. them on a Light Cahill Wet. Squirmy Worm (size 8): They just eat it. line, I can feel the take. all over the place, and none taking my match the hatch presentation, in frustration I tied on a sulphur ] [ Delaware River Lodging If you’ve got a question you’d like to ask our panel, write it in the comments section below. I usually fish with 1 of 2 other fly friends I have (neither of them know the DR either). He would make a few casts, then take a few Started 35 minutes ago, By Find out where the action is, what the water conditions are and everything you need for a successful day on the water! You can not use Blueback or Alewife River Herring as bait in any state that borders the Delaware River. I have been on the water every day lately and have only encountered 2 or 3 wade anglers. As far as the stripers go, I'll do my best to catch them all before any new ones get up your way!!