Romney’s Mormon relatives likely relocated out of the United States and headed to Mexico to be able to freely and openly practice the Mormon church’s polygamist way of life without the threat of arrest. We have previously covered some eye-opening documentaries made by Vice. If you have any suggestion for YouTube documentaries, let me know in the comment below. If you like Twitter, and you like bad jokes once every four months, follow me. The architecture, the music, the news, everything is specifically designed to give the North Korean laborers the illusion that they’re still in North Korea. To get our list of 15 best Vice documentaries on YouTube, we visited Vice YouTube channels including the main channel, Vice News, Vice Sports and others. If you’re unfamiliar with it, check out Inside North Korea. Regardless of your political ideology or personal philosophy, this documentary is worth the watch. Ultimately, the significance of this documentary lies within the post-apocalyptic state of Chernobyl and how the radioactive fallout is still devastating the area’s inhabitants over 20 years later. Odds are you probably haven’t. Why would anyone decide to go to war without clothes on, you ask? As intriguing as its title, this one is the next choice here for the … It involves an innocent, lonely high school kid with Asperger’s syndrome and a local police force that went to great lengths to trick him into selling his medication to an undercover officer Jesse believed to be his only friend, so they could convict him for it. It is strange that something this downright bizarre wasn’t at the very least mentioned throughout Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, neither by his opponents nor the mainstream media. Have you ever wondered what kind of high-tech materials the super awesome, incredibly expensive smartphone you constantly obsess over is actually made of? But the documentary does a good job of reminding you about these risks when their encampment is threatened by a hungry grizzly bear in the dead of night. 10 Crazy Syndromes That Change The Way You See The World, 8 Maps That Will Change How You See The World, Top 10 Bizarre Facts That Will Change How You See Dinosaurs, 10 Dark Tales Of Depravity, Vice, And Abuse From Old…, 10 Times Inmates Got Prison Guards Pregnant And Vice Versa, 10 Ways Life Will Change If China Becomes The…, Top 10 Tech Crazes That Failed To Change The World, 10 Amazing Ways That Children See The World Differently, 10 Historical Facts That Will Change How You Think…, Top 10 Discoveries That Wouldn’t Exist Without Nazi Germany, Top 10 Spokesmen With Bizarre And Tragic Pasts, 10 Of The Most Unflattering Nicknames Given To Royals, Top 10 Fascinating Facts From Classic Comedies – 2020, Top 10 Stupid Mistakes That Ended A Serial Killer’s Career – 2020, Top 10 Strangest Farms From Around The World – 2020, Top 10 Masterfully Exploited Loopholes – 2020, 10 Underhanded Ways Governments Use The Modern Media, 10 Inspiring Tales Of Evil Groups Unexpectedly Doing Good, 10 Deeply Embarrassing Pieces Of Political Memorabilia, 10 Guys Who Weren’t Republicans or Democrats But Still Kicked Ass, 10 Nearly Forgotten Acts Of Terrorism From The 20th Century, 10 People Who Give America a Bad Reputation. What you likely don’t know is that many of his family members, who are also Mormon, have been at war with the drug cartels of Juarez, Mexico for many years. And it should. It is believed that nearly 500,000 people have died as a result of Liberia’s 14-year-long civil war. Breaking Bad is often cited as being one of the greatest shows to ever air on … 10:49. until their son’s new and only friend ultimately guilted and harassed Jesse into purchasing a minuscule amount of marijuana for him, effectively entrapping Jesse in order to charge him with a felony. This documentary provides an unparalleled insight into the state of utter lawlessness of the country and how dangerous it still is. Founded in 1994 by Shane Smith, Suroosh Alvia, and Gavin McInnes, Vice has gone from a slick magazine to a little media empire in just 20 years, but that hasn’t changed its intense style. The story of Jesse Snodgrass will make you angry. They may not be considered as full component documentaries you are acclimated to, yet it doesn’t make them any less important. Share it with your friends. Jesse had a tough time making friends, and understandably so. For a lot of people, it’s incredibly difficult to truly conceive the scope of this man-made environmental epidemic. This documentary is a fascinating glimpse into the brutally violent conflict between the Mexican drug cartels and the remaining members of Mitt Romney’s family that still reside there. Every year, 3.2 billion kilograms (7 billion lb) of non-recyclable plastics are produced throughout the world. Once you cap out on your youtube documentaries, be sure to check out the ones found on Netflix, amazon, amazon prime, or any streaming service you have. The resulting interviews provide an unsettling glance into the state of the most well-known military prison no one knows that much about. The glaring juxtaposition of multibillion-dollar technology corporations exploiting the labor of individuals in one of the poorest countries on the face of the planet is something you won’t be able to forget after watching this. It’s a look at arguably the most critically significant threat facing America today, and it should be seen by as many people as possible. Whether you like her or don’t like her, her story is so much more disturbing and interesting than you think. Vice co-founder Suroosh Alvi travels to the Democratic Republic of Congo to figure out where the minerals in your iPhone are initially mined and extracted. This Vice documentary follows Cody Wilson, the man at the center of the 3D-printed gun revolution. The Family that Walks on All Fours. In North Korean Labor Camps, Shane Smith and freelance correspondent Simon Ostrovsky set out to find secret North Korean labor camps hidden in the depths of Siberia. More often than not, these non-recyclable materials find their way into the environment. The “Hermit Kingdom” and the many odd aspects of this fantastic country were covered by Vice in the past. With the recent news of yet another US journalist being executed at the hands of the Islamic State, it’s quickly becoming one of the most crucially important international news stories of the 21st century. In this utterly fascinating glimpse into a lifestyle entirely devoid of all the raw necessities that make civilized life possible (like electricity and running water), it’s hard not to realize just how many essential resources we take for granted on a daily basis. We have previously covered some eye-opening documentaries made by Vice.What many people fail to realize about Vice is the sheer number of high-quality documentaries they’re constantly producing. Watch it. The Real Walter White. . DOCUMENTARIES VICE; 412 videos; 7,723,503 views; Last updated on May 2, 2020; Play all Share. Things take a turn for the surreal when we discover the fact that a large majority of warlords—and even your average Liberian citizens—openly admit to practicing cannibalism. I Made The Most Hated Music Video Ever: FRIDAY Rebecca Black by VICE. Here are some: * Documentary Movies - Topic (Auto generated) * DOCUMENTARY TUBE * HBODocs * RT Documentary * Free Documentary * Documentary Films (Official) * Trey Smith * New Atlantis Full Documentaries VICE's documentary explores a strange and powerful drug called Scopolamine, also known as "The Devil's Breath". The video follows Shane Smith on his travels throughout Eastern Europe, drinking on trains and shooting assault rifles at “radioactive beasts” lurking in the forest. Over 240 kilometers (150 mi) north of the Arctic Circle, a man by the name of Heimo Korth and his wife Edna brave the harsh and unforgiving Alaskan landscape. This documentary may very well alter the way you view the current state of technological advancements in Western society and its adverse impact on the people who mine the minerals that are ultimately used to tell the world what we ate for lunch. In an effort to try and gain some insight as to what actually goes on at Guantanamo Bay, Vice correspondents leave the facility and track down former detainees to get a firsthand account of their experience. That’s 3.2 billion kilograms of non-recyclable material we don’t have any conceivable method for getting rid of. Heimo’s Arctic Refuge is one of the most fascinating, captivating, and heartrending examinations of life in the Arctic you’ll find on the Internet. Of those “lucky” enough to still be alive, 85 percent continue to live below the international poverty line. In addition to Jesse, 21 other unsuspecting students were tricked in a similar manner. Liberia is one of the most turbulent, chaotic, violent, and downright frightening countries in the world. Watching a Vice documentary is always a crazy experience. These villages are meant to mimic North Korean culture in every conceivable way. This is one of those very rare opportunities where social media can have a positive impact on shaping public policy. What they got instead was the threat of violence. It’s absolutely surreal and definitely worth the watch. Now that covid-19 hit, documentaries have been on the rise bringing out many popular documentary series. This documentary follows Vice correspondent Thomas Morton, producers Jake and Meredith, and a team of professional environmentalists as they spend seven straight days at sea in search of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a mythical island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean made entirely of non-biodegradable plastics. It’s a thorough study of the sacrifices that must be made when you choose to abandon the monotony of modern civilization for something far more admirable. The story serves as an unforgettable reminder of just how cruel life can be in the unforgiving and often unpredictable Arctic terrain. For those in need of catching up, there’s this throwback Vice documentary. If you are new to this then you should know what are the best Vice documentaries on YouTube. What we learn very quickly is that North Korea outsources labor to miniature replicas of North Korean villages that have been constructed in the middle of the Siberian forests, far away from any other towns or villages. Sign in. Although 31 people died as a direct result of the initial explosion, the long-term effects of radioactive exposure on humans and wildlife around Europe are practically incalculable.