", when you want to know what day of the week it is. El documento estará hecho antes del miércoles. References. Try repeating the sequence a few times. PRO TIP: every time you see a word in Spanish that you think is really similar to English… it probably means the same! From Monday to Friday the days of the week in Spanish end with an “s” so if you want to make them plural you have to write LOS. And if you have children, how about you invite them on your Spanish journey? Unless they are at the beginning of a sentence. Almost all of the courses made so you can learn Spanish will start with this topic, and it is important that you not only learn the list of the 7 days of the week but also pay attention and how you have to use them. It won’t only help you to use them properly (of course it has its tricks, it is Spanish!) Then say de (DAY) followed by the name of the month.. You can start by saying hoy es (OY ESS) before the date, which means "today is." For example, you might see the date "July 11, 2017" abbreviated in Spanish as "11-jul-2017. (Note how you only need to say “todos los” once, even if you are talking about more than one day.). When you write the date in Spanish, you use a slightly different form than you may have learned in English, especially if you are American. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Here you have a lesson with the corresponding practice. The most common of these is “on”, as in “on Monday”. But if you haven’t fully got your head around them yet, don’t worry! Your email address will not be published. But it also can be used in some circumstances to ask for the date, similarly to English. Language learning, getting fluent faster, and Clozemaster. "30 de junio de 2018" or "el treinta de junio de dos mil dieciocho.". You could also make sentences with Conditional Tense or any of the Spanish Past Tenses, but we are not covering those topics here since this is a post for beginners. Required fields are marked *. | Next Thursday it is going to rain. | I will be in London until Monday. With features such as Grammar Challenges, Cloze-Listening, and Cloze-Reading, the app will let you emphasize all the competencies necessary to become fluent in Spanish. | I haven’t seen her in class since Saturday. When you use desde with present tense verbs, it reads like the present perfect in English, so you can use either the Spanish present tense or Spanish present perfect. | Maria is going to meet up with David on Tuesday. If after all of this you think you need extra help to memorize the Days of the week in Spanish, go and have a look at the. / Every Tuesday I play soccer at school. Remember that words ending in s in Spanish do not change in their plural form. Early in a child's study, they are taught the days of the week. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Use Clozemaster to practise using them in sentences. Don’t try to add anything else to the day. "La fiesta se llevara a cabo (informal - La fiesta sera) el sábado 16 de Julio del 2016.". This is because este is of the same a word category as el (known as determiners). The numerals can be separated by periods, dashes, or slashes, just make sure you are consistent with your choice. Saturday is sábado. Write "el otoño" when writing about autumn. 4) We can also use Future Simple and we also have the option of using ESTE (as long as we are currently in that week) instead of EL. The two-letter abbreviations are: Lu, Ma, Mi, Ju, Vi, Sa, Do. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. No la veo en clase desde el sábado. Spell the year out in thousands and hundreds. The government’s proposal to move Spanish public holidays to Mondays and avoid this practice has yet to pass, however. Instead, use all lower-case letters when writing out the months! So we say todos los (days). El lunes pasado Jorge se presentó al último examen. It is followed by only the article when we are talking about the days of the week in Spanish. It is time to learn one of the most useful subjects, the days of the week in Spanish. nd the weekends are Saturdays and Sundays. For example, you would write out the year "1752" in Spanish as "mil setecientos cincuenta y dos. For tips on learning Spanish words for months and days, read on! In Spanish, the days of the week are named after heavenly or spiritual figures because of their Greco-Roman origin. | I’ve been in a new house since Sunday. This guide will take you through exactly what the days of the week are, and how … Days of the Week in Spanish: A Complete GuideRead More » Because there can only be one determiner in a given noun phrase, este replaces el. | I’ll lend it to you until Saturday. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. | I would like to see you this Friday. | I want to see you before Friday. Helena y Juanita salen de fiesta todos los sábados y domingos. ", "Just knowing the correct word order for the dates in Spanish.". It is time to learn one of the most useful subjects, the days of the week in Spanish! All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 2) Use Present Simple Tense when you are talking about recurrent actions: Los martes juego fútbol en la escuela. Not all the time, but if we were you, we would take that chance. However, the Spanish pasado is a more traditional adjective in that it comes directly after the noun, not before it. Just like “until”, the word for “since” in Spanish is used on its own. Now you know what the days are, but how do you make them stick? | I’ve been studying like crazy since Tuesday. Próximo should appear in between the article and the day, so it will look something like “el próximo (day)”. Another way to express “next” in Spanish which is slightly more colloquial is que viene. El martes que viene tengo una reunión con mi profesor. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com! Me gustaría verte este viernes. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This is where we write about language learning as well as post useful resources.