For a guy like Brakedown (aka Breakdown), his job is to not be seen. It is the final film featuring Walsh to be released in his lifetime. Earl begins gloating about how Jeff and his wife were easy targets, how he tampered with their Jeep and that his group intends to kill them anyway. During the war on Cybertron, he developed a rivalry with Bulkhead. Earl frees himself and shoots Boyd with a concealed gun. Jeff rushes out of the vehicle and into Red's big rig, where a struggle over the steering wheel forces Red's truck over the edge, leaving it dangling on a steel bridge support. After reconnecting them, he drives to the diner, only to discover that no one has seen Amy. Breakdown was filmed on location in Sacramento, California, Victorville, California, Pyramid Lake (Los Angeles County, California), Moab, Utah, Sedona, Arizona and the Tasmanian Midlands Highway. After utilizing Dark Energon bombers to blast their way into the Vaults, the squad came up against Zeta Prime himself. Force Jeffery into getting the $90,000 from his banking account from Boston (failed).Kill Jeffery and Amy Taylor (failed). Jeff sneaks into the barn, discovering evidence that Red has a history robbing and killing people and that his real name is Warren. Spring Breakdown is a comedy film directed by Ryan Shiraki and starring Amy Poehler, Parker Posey, and Rachel Dratch.Three years after principal photography, and after the film's owner, Warner Independent Pictures, was shut down by its parent company, it was released direct-to-video in 2009. Bulkhead Leland Bishop (deceased) Airachnid (Former love interest/Killer) Miko Nakadai El lavacoches le insinúa que vaya por una ruta y Jeff sigue el consejo, de pronto al final de la ruta, un individuo comienza a perseguirlo, ahí empieza el drama de Jeff para salvar su vida y la de su esposa. Jeff rushes to the location Billy mentioned, but is ambushed on a back road by Earl. A professional contract killer, haunted by visions of his violent past, spirals out of control. However, paranoid that Red's group is keeping an eye on him, Jeff abandons the idea and steals marked money ribbons and a letter opener. The trucker, Red Barr, is let go and Jeff is instructed by Boyd to see his deputy in the town of Brackett. Jeff is then instructed to leave town, where Earl picks him up and binds him with duct tape. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Breakdown not only got to fight, but got to be on the winning side for a change. Jeff eventually discovers that someone has tampered with the Jeep's battery connections. The film was produced by Dino De Laurentiis and Martha De Laurentiis, and released on May 2, 1997 by Paramount Pictures. Male They pass Boyd, who sees the speeding, swerving pickup and stops the vehicle. "Knock Out. As she went for his spark, she was surprised to see Silas. Knock Out had no guilt in expermenting on Breakdown's corpse as he thought his former partner would appreciate the irony. Knock Out, it turned out, had been street racing with the humans again. Gainey, who also played Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane in Dukes of Hazzard, Al in Are We There Yet?, and Hoyt in Stolen. When the couple stops at a near by gas station Earl confronts Jeff and complements on his new Car. Gainey. Seemingly unable to believe it despite having participated in the fight, Breakdown could only note, "Uh... all hail Megatron!" After a brief struggle, Jeff takes over the vehicle, binds Earl, and tortures him to reveal his rendezvous with Red at a local truck stop. Where'd you go? Breakdown was filmed on location in Sacramento, California, Victorville, California, Pyramid Lake (Los Angeles County, California), Moab, Utah, Sedona, Arizona and the Tasmanian Midlands Highway. They added Dark Energon to CYLAS, which turned him into an Energon craving Terrorcon. He escapes by driving his Jeep into a river and swimming into the water abandoning his jeep. Al and Billy arrive with a bound and gagged Amy, and the three lock her in a freezer in the barn's cellar, leaving her to die. Jeff then hails a passing sheriff named Boyd, but a brief search of the truck yields no sign of Amy. While Jeffery and Amy Taylor are traveling through the Grand Canyon from Boston to California in their brand new Jeep, a beat up truck (owned by Earl) cuts them off just as Jeff was grabbing for something in his Jeep. It stars Kurt Russell, J. T. Walsh, and Kathleen Quinlan. He was also skilled with a rotary buffer, according to Knock Out. Jeff Taylor and his wife Amy drive cross-country from Boston to San Diego in their new Jeep. Jeff eventually gets the money (but not the exact $90,000; instead he used money ribbons to pack stacks of $1 bills between two $100 bills), and bar tells him to start walking out of town and get in the first car that stops. After initially opening to 2,108 theaters, the film later expanded to 2,348 theaters and grossed a total of $50,159,144 in the United States and Canada. Breakdown was eventually defeated, and, true to his word, he joined the Decepticons. designed one, while his body retained numerous scar marks from being disassembled from Airachnid. Poco después, Jeff se da cuenta que la avería es un cable suelto, arregla el coche y se va a buscarla al restaurante de la carretera, pero descubre que nadie la vio allí. has located … His optics and lights were an orange color and his face was red. Throughout the film, Earl drives a black 1987 Ford F-150 pick-up truck. Later, at a gas station, Earl, the truck driver, confronts Jeff and they exchange hostile words. The Broken Circle Breakdown has an approval rating of 82% on review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 102 reviews, and an average rating of 7.29/10. Shortly after the couple resume their journey, their car breaks down on a vacant road. Catboy and Owlette's reaction to terrible and horrible events, Pyramid Lake (Los Angeles County, California), Colin Farrell back in Philly to continue filming 'Breakdown', 'Breakdown' First Trailer - Colin Farrell Beds Amber Heard, When Starscream requested that Knock Out and Breakdown come to the Nemesis, Breakdown was much too busy trying to track down an energon trace. Earl and another accomplice Al starts towing the Jeep out of the river not knowing that Jeff was watching nearby behind some rocks. Jeff cuts himself free with the letter opener and stabs Earl. They pass Boyd, who sees the speeding, swerving pickup and stops the vehicle. He was able to hold his own against the two Autobots until Knock Out announced he was bugging out, and the distraction resulted in Breakdown being knocked into a wall by Bulkhead. Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a 70% rating, based on 190 reviews, with an average rating of 5.4/10. [12], Learn how and when to remove this template message, Pyramid Lake (Los Angeles County, California),, "Weekend Box Office; Box Office Continues Its Breakout",, Articles needing additional references from February 2015, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 October 2020, at 11:55.