Then they continue with a comedy version of the drama "Anthony Adverse". December 13, 1936 - This is the first episode of Jack Benny with Andy Devine the western movie sidekick. They mention Jack's upcoming movie directed by Archie Mayo, actress Ann Sheridan, the Civil War battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack, and a Lavalier necklace. Best Jackbennyshow Podcasts For 2020. Each week your host, John Henderson, brings an episode from that week 60-80 years ago. Jive". January 17, 1937 – The Jack Benny / Fred Allen feud continues with Fred claiming that Jack’s violin only had two strings. In the episode they mention The NY Giants World Series loss, radio programs Little Orphan Annie, Manhattan Merry Go Round, Phil Baker, Eddie Cantor, Amos 'n Andy, plus movie stars Carole Lombard, Robert Taylor, Joan Bennett, and Claudette Colbert. Plus Don Wilson, Rochester and Dennis Day. We start our fall season of Movie Detectives since you folks enjoyed it so much this summer! Orson Welles Podcast 1940-10-28 Orson Welles Meets H G Wells Interview (Kathy... Orson Welles Podcast 1940-10-28 Orson Welles Meets H G Wells Interview (Kathy, John, Terry, and Buck), Movie☆Detectives_(0001)_Richard Diamond_1949-10-15_The Bogus Bills Case_Rocky Fortune_1954-03-09_Twice Murdered Man_The Saint_no date and title_The New Advs of Nero Wolfe_1951-02-16_Party to Murder, Jack Benny Podcast 1950-10-22 (742) Dennis borrows 50,000, PHAF 1950-10-22 Camping, and Jack Benny 1945-10-21 (557) Texas Sandman - First Polly Parrot, Bing Crosby Podcast 1950-10-25 (039) Claudette Colbert and Gordon MacRae's Railroad Hour 1950-10-23 (108) Revenge With Music, In Search of Podcast 1973-01-05 Host Rod Serling is In Search of Ancient Astronauts with Guest Carl Sagan, Jack Benny TV Podcast 1955-11-20 Guest Johnny Carson (1st Appearance), Raymond Burr Podcast - Fort Laramie 1956-07-22 ep26 Spotted Tails Return by Kathleen Hite, Fibber n Molly_1945-10-09_Shopping for a Car_My Favorite Husband_1950-09-09_Gossip_OMB_1950-09-17_The Elopement of Walter_Halls of Ivy_Ministers Son_1950-02-22_sw_Table, # 32 – Something’s Burning Uncut – Kyle Kinane & Matt Braunger, Judy Garland Podcast 1952-06-22 Judy's Concert at the Curran (Mindi and Buck), Jack Benny Podcast 1940-10-20 (382) Jack Tries To Trade In The Maxwell and Screen Guild Theater 1940-10-20 ep057 Guest Jack Benny, Orson Welles Podcast 1945-10-21 Orson Welles Commentaries - The Confusion Machine and Modern Music (Kathy, Terry, and Buck), Johnny Dollar Podcast 1955-10-17 to 10-21 John Dehner - The Chesapeake Fraud Matter. Starting this week I'm joined by my favorite historians to talk Orson and history! Tell me what you think at April 28, 1946 - Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone, Dennis Day and Phil Harris go to see Danny Kaye's new movie "The Kid From Brooklyn". Kaltenborn. Buck Benny host of Jack Benny Show - OTR Podcast. May 26, 1946 - Ed Sullivan stops by the broadcast while Jack Benny is in New York to give him an award. Parley Baer and Virginia Gregg stop by to see Johnny Dollar! March 23, 1941 - In this episode Jack Benny and the gang spoof the hillbilly movie "Tobacco Road", but Don Wilson is upset because Jack forgot his radio anniversary., If you want to watch this episode here it is on Youtube: You are now following your former Podomatic friends who have podcasts: The top trending podcasts and episodes on Podomatic. They mention Dennis Day's upcoming movie and the radio show My Friend Irma. They mention the Irwin Allen documentary "The Sea Around Us", the book and movie "The Cain Mutiny", silent film stars Lon Chaney and Charlie Chaplin, the game show "What's My Line?, and Bing Crosby singing "Come On-A My House".…, June 4, 1944 - The last episode sponsored by Grape Nuts Flakes. Come get a ton more podcasts from my website, The War Years! Listen to the most talented actors and comedians in radio history, new audio intros on many episodes. The information before the show about what was happening at the time and context for some of the jokes is so helpful and makes it that much easier to enjoy and connect with the actors. Buck Jones (Buck Benny Part 8) January 17, 1937 - The Jack Benny / Fred Allen feud continues with Fred claiming that Jack's violin only had two strings. In the episode they mention Lindy's Restaurant, the comedy team Olsen and Johnson, stars Heddy Lamar and Lana T…. Listen online, no signup necessary. What a treat! References include post-war meat and soap shortages, the honorable discharge lapel button (AKA Raptured Duck), news commentator Gabriel Heatter, Game 6 in the World Series, Hedy Lamar's baby, Bing Crosby, and Fred Allen.…, October 6, 1946 - Jack Benny is celebrating 15 years on the radio! Jack Benny stars in this (shortened) film from 1940. Happy Halloween From Jack and the gang along with Fred Allen! Tell me what you think at … Dennis Day is gone to Naval training and Phil Harris sings "G.I. At least the first half of the movie. Plus the first episode with The Knocking Man played by Harry Baldwin and references to Clark Gable, radio character comedian Bob Burns and Jack's movie "College Holiday".…, December 27, 1936 - Before another instalment of the western serial Buck Benny Rides Again, Jack Benny talks about the scarves he got for Christmas and Mary Livingstone reads a letter from her mother. They mention local spots like The Doll House restaurant, Rogers Stables and the Racquet Club resort. Pretty cool dramatization of Orson Wells War of The worlds presentaion with Edward R. Murrow! October 6, 1946 - Jack Benny is celebrating 15 years on the radio! From Al Jolson to Flying Saucers to cowboy Buck Benny! Plus the return of the Guadalajara Trio. by Buck Benny. Intro featuring John Henderson, Buck Benny, Kathy Fuller-Seeley, and Terry Phillips. November 15, 1936 - In this early episode it's singer Kenny Baker's first anniversary as part of the J-E-L-L-O cast. To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. References include the book Pollyanna, actress Carole Lombard, character actor Charles Laughton, comedic actor Edward Everett Horton and western silent film actor William S Hart. Then they continue with a comedy version of the drama "Anthony Adverse". Category: Science Fiction Location: Followers (2) Follow. You are now following your former Podomatic friends who have podcasts: In the episode they mention The NY Giants World Series loss, radio programs Little Orphan Annie, Manhattan Merry Go Round, Phil Baker, Eddie Cantor, Amos 'n Andy, plus movie stars Carole Lombard, Robert Taylor, Joan Ben…. Here is the link to this episode on Youtube:, Here is Jacks first ever TV Show on Youtube:, The #1 most popular Jack Benny and OTR Podcast on the internet! Like last year, he is tuning in to the Word Series. part 3). In the episode they reference the bandleader Spike Jones and the novelty song "Open the Door Richard". In the episode they mention radio comedian Judy Canova, Duz Soap, the movie "Ramona", the song "Near You", Shirley Temple who would soon have her first baby and Dinah Shore who just had her first baby. Plus the new electric razor. Listen to the most talented actors and comedians in radio history, new audio intros on many episodes. December 6, 1936 - In this episode Jack Benny takes a break from his Buck Benny western serial (or does he) to present a drama called Money Ain't Everything. Watch here:, A new podcast to our Strange New Worlds of Dimension X Minus One Podcast! Today I sit down with actor/comedian Joel McHale. October 11, 1936 - Jack Benny and the gang spoof the major motion picture "Anthony Adverse". They mention actresses Carole Lombard and Ginger Rogers, adventurer Frank Buck, movie theater "bank nights", and the book "Go…. "The Jack Benny program, starring Jack Benny with Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, Rochester, Dennis Day, and yours truly Don Wilson". December 6, 1936 - In this episode Jack Benny takes a break from his Buck Benny western serial (or does he) to present a drama called Money Ain't Everything. It was the middle of a coal strike lead by John L Lewis. We welcome back Gunsmoke after a few weeks of a break. By creating an account, you accept Podomatic’s, We'll send you an email to reset your password, Zero Hour Podcast (04) 1973-11-05 to 1973-11-09 Host Rod Serling with Jessica Walter, Joseph Campanella, Judy Carne, and Richard Dawson - Face of the Foe, Suspense Podcast 1948-11-04 (313) Raymond Burr in Death Sentence, Star Trek Time Podcast (022) 2020-10-31 Star Trek Discovery - Season 1 Final 2 episode Chat, X Minus One Podcast 1955-10-27 (022) Requiem (Bob, Matt, and Buck), Orson Welles Podcast 1938-07-11 Mercury Theatre on the Air - Dracula, Orson Welles Podcast 1957-09-09 Studio One - The Night America Trembled (CBS), War of The Worlds 1938-10-30- Alternate-Vers (Newly Discovered RandEsoteric), Quiet Please Podcast 1948-08-09 (60) The Thing on the Fourble Board (Buck, Bob, and Matt), Suspense Podcast 1946-12-05 (222) Robert Taylor, Cathy Lewis, Howard Duff, Hans Conreid - The House in Cypress Canyon (2017), In Search of Podcast 1973-01-05 Host Rod Serling is In Search of Ancient Astronauts with Guest Carl Sagan.