Dumb as Roxy was, he could smell trouble like other people could smell gas. (Lights up on ROXY. Take it easy, boss, sit down. (KNUCKLES cracks his knuckles as FAT SAM moves to throttle him. Am I going mad? I don’t need a singer. I wanna see everyone enjoying themselves. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. SIDE 1. In all of New York they didn't come much dumber than Roxy the Weasel. If you are unfamiliar with the song we strongly recommend that you YouTube it. Hold the lemon. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Shoulders, the alleyway quick. What’s that, a hockey stick? FAT SAM leaps up and opens the door. She won't see you, Bugsy. Then how you gonna give me a lift, Buster? Bugsy Malone is a 1976 gangster musical comedy film written and directed by Alan Parker.The film was Parker's feature film directorial debut.A co-production of United States and United Kingdom, it features child actors playing adult roles, with Jodie Foster, Scott Baio, and John Cassisi in major roles. This is scritp place. I promise you, tomorrow. Come back tomorrow. Er, no. General Audition (everyone MUST do this) Saturday 11th July 2015, St. Giles Church Hall Willenhall. Don’t mention that name in this office! Directed by Alan Parker. Let me take that. My canary’s got more brains than you! You said okay last week. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But he should never have taken that blind alley by the side of Perito's Bakery. (KNUCKLES closes the door. There is also a line of script… Step on it, Jackson. You said okay last week. BUGSY. Put me in an elevator? Louis, Snake Eyes and Ritzy? Each night astounds you, rumors are buzzin’ Sdript around you, cousin Anybody who is anybody will soon walk through the door There’s a politician sitting by the kitchen Plans are made here, games are played here Each night astounds you Look around you, cousin, at the news we’re making here. Sounds like a loaf of bread. Each person will need to complete an Audition Form, which MUST be signed by a Parent/Guardian/Carer who is aged 18 years or more. Uh, Sam, I was wondering... if you're not too busy... if you could give a friend of mine an audition for the club... (KNUCKLES closes the door. You MUST be available for the whole week. And most of all, a disgrace to me. You got muscles where you should have brains. How many more times have I got to tell you! You should start a library. It's BUGSY.) Bugsy Malone Jr. Based on the hit 1976 film, starring a pre-teen Scott Baio and Jodi Foster, and featuring a catchy, swinging score by the composer of The Muppet Movie, Bugsy Malone JR. is good, clean, comedic fun! No, a baseball bat. Script. The shakedown. Rehearsals will be every Monday & Friday 6 – 9pm beginning Friday 4th September 2015. February Half Term, Week Commencing Mon 15th to Sat 20th February 2016 at the Arena Theatre, Wolverhampton. ( Log Out / The classic gangster story of Bugsy Malone told with an all-child cast. Fat Sam, because of my physique. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Can’t say Fat Sam’s place ain’t the liveliest joint in town. (KNUCKLES cracks his knuckles nervously.). BLOUSEY. Bugsy Malone Directed by Alan Parker Music by Paul Williams Student Name: _____ Tutor Group: _____ 1 Year 8 Theatre School Cast Character Male/Female Character Brief Bugsy Malone Fat Sam Male Male Fat Sam’s Gang Male Knuckles Male Fizzy Smolsky O’Dreary … OK, girls, get dressed. With an Italian mother and an Irish father I naturally grew up a little confused. But believe you me You work for Fat Sam? I’m a singer, for the audition. HOODS. How about my audition? Pronto. Favorite Answer. BANGLES. And this ain’t no bookshop. I’m a singer, for the audition. You should shut your mouth. Someone once said, if it was raining brains, Roxy Robinson wouldn't even get wet. We gotta number to do. CALL BACKS FOR PRINCIPAL PARTS WILL BE ON SUNDAY 12th JULY 2015 FROM 2PM, AGAIN AT ST GILES CHURCH HALL WILLENHALL. Bugsy Malone () Movie Script. Dancers, dancers, surrounded by … Got to be quick. OK, gang. You got a car? I don't believe it! How you gonna give me a lift? The big one. BUGSY. KNUCKLES joins him. SS is dedicated to The Simpsons and host to thousands of free TV show. KNUCKLES would win no awards for bravery. No, wait! (TALLULAH is joined by LORETTA, DOTTY, TILLIE and BANGLES.). ), (KNUCKLES gets up and gingerly opens the door. Impending disaster. Just you and me, Knuckles! 3 Answers. FAT SAM leaps up and opens the door. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Dancers, dancers, surrounded by namby-pamby dancers You’ve got us, boss. ROXY is trapped. I do that when I’m broke, too. Tallulah wants a lemon coke, no ice. These cookies do not store any personal information. This is the big one. Just a little excitement. Change ), Fiddler on the Roof – Show Week Timetable, Halloween Bag Pack Rota – Sat 26th & Sun 27th October, Follow Starcross Youth Theatre on WordPress.com. BLOUSEY. Relevance. I just don't believe it! You look like you put your face on backwards this malons. ( Log Out / Are my ears playing tricks on me? You’re a baseball player? (KNUCKLES gets up and gingerly opens the door. Script: Bugsy Malone. Some Principal roles may need to attend a rehearsal over the summer break but this will be dependent on availability due to holidays.