reserved. However, having regard to the circumstances of the present case, the Chamber is of the opinion that it is inappropriate at this juncture to … Cite this page Malcolm N. Shaw, “The Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso/Mali) Case”, in: Rosenne's Law and Practice of the International Court: 1920-2015 . (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. The following term must not appear in document. - 9 Apr 1987.
International Court of Justice
Following grave incidents between the armed forces of the two countries at the very end of 1985, both Parties … Burkina Faso v Mali (Summary).pdf - Summaries of Judgments... School Western Cape; Course Title LAW FACULT INSOLVENCY; Uploaded By MateOtter5634. 1. Lieutenant-Colonel Abdourahamane Maiga, Minister of the Interior, and Mr.
- 30 Dec 1985, Counter-Memorial of Mali
Please, Frontier Dispute, Burkina Faso v Mali, Merits, Judgment, [1986] ICJ Rep 554, ICGJ 116 (ICJ 1987), 22nd December 1986, United Nations [UN]; International Court of Justice [ICJ], International law and international relations, Relationship between international and domestic law, Sources, foundations and principles of international law, Statehood, jurisdiction of states, organs of states, Middle Eastern Organizations/Institutions. Whether the Court's jurisdiction to request provisional measures was manifestly established, considering that both parties, Burkina Faso and Mali, had submitted parallel requests for the indication of provisional measures regarding their frontier dispute. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Burkina Faso claimed that on December 25th ,1985 , the armed forces of Mali attacked Burkina Faso. Whether to issue an order to Mali and Burkina Faso to ensure that no action was taken which might aggravate or extend the dispute submitted to the chamber, prejudice the right of the other party, or refrain from any act likely to have impeded the gathering of evidence relating to this case.
Et pour cause, environ 250 ménages de la Kossi, côté burkinabè, et leurs champs font désor Central American Court of Justice
and none appears to the Court itself;
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Court; and whereas on the same occasion they confirmed their wish that the
the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of
6 (Order of Apr. All Rights 08 November 2020. Sign In, The Search Engine for International Law & Arbitration.
whereas no objection has been raised by either Party to the other's choice
Burkina Faso v Mali (Summary).pdf - Summaries of Judgments Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice Not an official document, its judgment, the Chamber constituted by the Court in, case of the Frontier Dispute between Burkina, From a point with the geographical co-ordinates lo, appearing on the map of West Africa on the scale, At point B, the line tums eastwards;and intersects the, kilometres from Dionouga at a point with the geographical, point with the geographical co-ordinates 1" 19' 05" W and, From point F, the line continues straight as far as the, point with the geographical co-ordinates 1", 04" N (point G) situated on the west bank of the pool, of Soum, which it crosses in a general west-east direction and, divides equally between the two States; it tlhen turns in a gen-, the point with the geographical co-ordinates 0" 43' 29", From point H, the line follows the IGN line as far as, N (point I); from there it turns towards the south-, the experts nominated pursuant to Article, and point K on the east bank of the pool; the. - 3 Oct 1985, Order of 3 October 1985 - Fixing of time-limit: Counter-Memorials Co-Agent;
Agreement dated 16 September 1983, and entering into force on that date, by
2, of the Statute of the Court;
All Rights 08 November 2020.
Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States
In Mali's opinion, it is necessary to go back to the "last date on which the French colonial authorities participated in the exercise of jurisdiction for administrative organization", a date which, for the …
Institute of International Studies, Geneva, to sit as judge ad hoc ; and
Yaya Diarra, Ambassador in Brussels, to be respectively its Agent and
1986 I.C.J. Frontier Dispute, Burkina Faso v Mali, Provisional Measures, Order, [1986] ICJ Rep 3, ICGJ 114 (ICJ 1986), 10th January 1986, United Nations [UN]; International Court of Justice [ICJ] Whether the Court's jurisdiction to request provisional measures was manifestly established, considering that both parties, Burkina Faso and Mali, had submitted parallel requests for the indication of provisional …
chosen by the Parties in accordance with Article 31 of the Statute of the
International Commissions of Inquiry |
Frontier Dispute Case (Burkina Faso/Mali) Citation. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Agent and Mr. Emmanuel Salambere, Ambassador in Paris, as Co-Agent for the
How to demarcate the frontier line between Burkina Faso and Mali, considering the Special Agreement concluded between those two states on 16 September 1983, state practice (acquiescence), the principle of equity, historical maps, and colonial letters and Orders which specified the boundary at issue. Court should now proceed to constitute such a Chamber;
Government's choice of Mr. Georges Abi-Saab, Professor at the Graduate
- 3 Oct 1985, Requests for the Indication of Provisional Measures Having regard to Article 26, paragraph 2, Article 31 and Article 48 of the
Des incidents diplomatiques entre le Mali et le Burkina Faso [19]. Documents of the case.
CASE CONCERNING 'PHE … Clicking Export to Refworks will open a new window, or an existing window if Refworks is open already.
The special agreement by which this case was brought before an ad hoc Chamber required the Chamber to nominate in its judgment three experts to assist the parties in the demarcation operation. Whereas the Special Agreement provides in Article II for the submission
delimitation of their common frontier to a Chamber of the Court; [p 7]
3. La fin des travaux de bornage de la frontière entre le Burkina et le Mali, plus précisément entre les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun et de Ségou, intervenue en fin 2007, hante les esprits des autorités et de certains producteurs de la province de la Kossi à l’orée de la saison des pluies. Judges ad hoc Luchaire, Abi-Saab;
From: Oxford Public International Law (, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Frontier Dispute (Burk. Whereas the Government of Burkina Faso subsequently appointed Mr. Ernest
It sought interim measures, saying that the situation “which might be created on the ground as the outcome of the armed conflict would make it extremely difficult , … The Case Concerning the Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso/Republic of Mali): Uti Possidetis in an African Perspective - Volume 36 Issue 4 - Gino J. Naldi Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Use NEAR alone for X = 30 words. Un an plus tard, à la date anniversaire de la révolution, le pays est renommé Burkina Faso. From: Oxford Public International Law ( We continuously identify new themes to add to the existing Wiki Notes as well as Contributors to author new Notes. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 10 pages.
Burkina Faso (UK: / b ɜːr ˌ k iː n ə ˈ f æ s oʊ /, US: /-ˈ f ɑː s oʊ / (); French: [buʁkina faso]) is a landlocked country in West Africa that covers an area of around 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 sq mi) and is bordered by Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana, and Ivory Coast.The July 2019 population estimate by the United Nations was 20,321,378.