Soon the three of them make it to Caillou's building, a tall gray one in the middle of a field. Caillou and the fixing team laughed when they almost got hit by a sweeper. Boris declares to stop Caillou despite him not knowing where he is, explaining how he ran too fast. Caillou offers him to die or surrender and be captured. He also have anger issues. Mr. Hinkle, who feels sympathy for them, mentions about grounding and the Power of the Consequences again, explaining how the magic of it strikes a kid and hurts their feelings giving them consequences, but Boris is angered at it as he still doesn't believe about it, thinking it is stupid, despite Mr. Hinkle's insistence that he's not lying, but Boris just leaves. In OliverWestern's videos, Caillou's last name is Anderson. Caillou doesn't know what "ignore" means, and after the owner tells him what it means, Caillou gets a scheming look and explains how he does know what it means and laughs. Boris soon discovers Caillou's absence and decides to look for him with the help of some old friends. The group is about to leave, when suddenly a red Caillou clone appears behind Boris. TroublemakerSchool studentCharacter Elimination contestant Type of Anti-Hero Vyond studios, inc. Caillou makes his way into a donut shop and sits down in anger. Caillou decides to watch videos on the Internet, but upon seeing Barney and Friends on there, he gets really angry as he hates Barney and decides he must kill him. The film received mixed to positive reviews from people. Boris exclaims that Caillou would get angry and become more powerful, and explains the whole "ignore" situation, though Obama tells him to believe in himself, and trust in the Power of the Consequences and the god African Vulture, he believes Boris can do it. Doris comes in crying, and Boris finds out the janitor was killed by Caillou, and that now they are doomed as Caillou could kill them. This movie was inspired by The Brotherhood and Dora And Killers. budget The blue-armored man runs up to him, begging for him not to die, but it is too late. Boris rushes inside the building and defeats all of the clones in his way, and makes it to the roof. Boris talks to himself in his bedroom sadly wondering what he can do. Goanimate studios Trivia The movie will be released on the same day when a lot of movies come out. Despite Boris' reassurances that Daillou could survive, Daillou says there is no way for him to survive, says he loves Boris, and then dies. Hobby Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Doris opens the locker and out pops AwesomeSauceonPizza. Caillou refuses and kills him with a light blast from his hands. Anti-Hero The owner asks if he could help Caillou with something, and Caillou explains how he's having a rough day and explains how he got grounded and ran off because he can't stand being grounded and giving punishments. For example, most Ivona voices pronounce his name as "Kayloo", while most VoiceForge voices pronounce it as "Kay-eye-you". As time passes though, the three become tired and decide to go to the donut shop to get something to eat. Plot Caillou got grounded for 1,000,000 milleniums so he decides to take over the world, his mom and dad had Rosie. He decides to go to Chuck E. Cheese's whilst thinking of where to build another building and has a fun time playing games there, saying his day is an even greater best day of his life. Suddenly a laughter is heard, and Caillou is heard, causing AwesomeSauce to run. User account menu. Alias Boris walks in hearing what Caillou has said, and Caillou admits the truth. Boris looks through some binoculars and sees Caillou and his clones coming, planning to do major crimes. When Dora makes her minor cameo in the crowd, she first is Alan the Video Maker's dora, once Caillou says "I love Barney, Barney loves you. It is then shown that Caillou was actually playing Halo on his computer, and he has just won it. Rosie joins, wanting to come along, and the three of them set off on their quest. The blue-armored man is trapped behind a basketball court and begs for mercy from Caillou. Caillou-Ivy Boris-Eric Plot Edit. The group goes inside, questioning how it was constructed, and decide to split up. Brian Sharp Doris thinks he needs to calm down, and Boris accidentally scares her with his anger towards Caillou and is afraid of him, Doris explains that she's scared too and promises to stop him. Brian Sharp