The event celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), and commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Mendez petition filing and the 50th anniversary of the California Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District being divided into geographic Divisions One (San Diego) and Two (Riverside) by legislation. It depends on the Court, the court’s case load and the complexity of the issues in the appeal in question. Oral argument is the last step in the appeal process before the Court of Appeal makes a decision. What happens next? It’s also possible that oral argument has completed for the day. If you want to make an oral argument, the only way to guarantee you have the opportunity is to respond by the deadline in the court’s notice and go to the court on the day of oral argument for your case. Access to the briefs filed in the cases which the court has scheduled for oral argument. The identity of the panel and a link to the audio file of the oral argument are posted at Listen to Oral Arguments the following business day. LSS Membership Application and Renewal Form, RIVERSIDE – SUPERIOR COURT TO CLOSE ONE DAY PER MONTH BEGINNING IN OCTOBER, 2020, UNITED STATES COURTS – NEW JURY INSTRUCTIONS STRENGTHEN SOCIAL MEDIA CAUTIONS, VENTURA – RESPONDING TO STATE FISCAL CRISIS, VENTURA SUPERIOR COURT ANNOUNCES FURLOUGH DATES, SANTA CLARA – POLICY CHANGE REGARDING COURT REPORTERS, EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 13, 2020, SAN DIEGO – CIVIL E-FILING EXPANSION EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2020. •Argument on behalf of the school districts will be reenacted by Scott Taylor, Deputy Attorney General of the Office of the California Attorney General, and by Kahn A. Scolnick, partner and general litigator in the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. You can also review these step-by-step guides on how to prepare for oral argument and what to do the day of oral argument. Fourth District Court of Appeal Opinions. Focus on the most important things you want the court to know. After all the briefs are filed or the time to file them has passed, the Court of Appeal contacts each eligible party in the case about oral argument. So because of the courage and resolve of those parents, California became the first state in this country to legally abolish segregation in public schools.” – See more at:, Where: Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Division Two Cell phones will not be allowed in the courtroom without prior court approval. Each Court of Appeal has self-help resources online. Thank you for your help! Register to receive court calendars and updates here: RSS Feed Email Subscription. You can explain more about what you want them to think about most in your brief. View the Court's scheduled oral argument sessions and lists of cases to be argued. Bring an outline of your key points and look at it when you need to. Most Recent Written Opinions | Most Recent PCAs | Opinions Archive. There are rules to keep the appeal process fair and efficient. View the Court's scheduled oral argument sessions and lists of cases to be argued. Please check the oral argument calendar for dates and times. Latest News. Print This Post A remote hearing is a court proceeding and thus, the expectation and requirement of the Fourth District is that all attorneys dress in professionally appropriate attire. The court will send all parties at least 20 days advance notice including the date, time, and location of oral argument. Most Recent Written Opinions | Most Recent PCAs | Opinions Archive. The notice says how much time the party will have to talk. Form APP-001 has full instructions on appeal procedures. court of appeal – fourth district – oral argument live streaming Division One now features streaming of oral argument hearings. That’s the only way we can improve. If a party wants a written transcript of the recording, they will need to contact a transcription service. California Court Services Status Due to COVID-19, Emergency Court Actions and COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Any party may pay a fee to get a copy of their oral argument recording from the court. These questions are not so easy to answer. Here’s an overview of what to expect in this step of the appeal process and how to prepare an oral argument. The identity of the panel assigned to hear argument pursuant to IOP 34.1 is not disclosed until the morning of argument. Instead you should tell the justices what you think is the most important part of the appeal. So while it can help your case, it is not the most important of an appeal. If you decide not to make an oral argument, the court will not think that you are not interested or that you don’t care about the appeal.