[50] Centurions who had acquired property by plunder were forced to turn over spoils to the state. Like most denizens of Mobius, they entered because they felt as if they no longer had a place in the real world or simply didn't belong there. Caligula’s wife Caesonia and his daughter were also put to death. Following this, the protagonist realizes that something is amiss and escapes the auditorium, heading to the station in order to get out of the city. Lucid will then gain Stork and Sweet-P as team members and returns to the school. [35] He helped those who had been harmed by the imperial tax system, banished certain sexual deviants, and put on lavish spectacles for the public, including gladiatorial games. Born Gaius Caesar, he became known as Caligula (“Little Boot”), a childhood nickname bestowed on him by the soldiers of his father, Germanicus Caesar, nephew and adoptive son of Tiberius. [10][17] An observer said of Caligula, "Never was there a better servant or a worse master! He was succeeded as emperor by his uncle Claudius. After a few minor fights, the group corners him in the co-ed hot springs (really just the boss combat area) and fights him. PON. She also states that their actions are causing a rift that threatens Mobius' stability, and wants to make sure they understand what it is they are getting themselves into. [31] Suetonius said that over 160,000 animals were sacrificed during three months of public rejoicing to usher in the new reign. After this, the Club will proceed into the aquarium arc as usual. This attempt also results in Ayana and Mifue finding Stork and planning to capture him. Laws ... First! [116] The plot is described as having been planned by three men, but many in the senate, army and equestrian order were said to have been informed of it and involved in it.[117]. [21][22] Caligula was briefly married to Junia Claudilla in 33, though she died in childbirth the following year. R.W. Romans were ecstatic over his death, in part because the empire now fell into the hands of Caligula, whom citizens believed packed the same qualities as his esteemed late father. Still, more than two millennia since his rule, Caligula's legacy is deemed a fascinating piece of Roman history. On 22 January 41 (Suetonius gives the date as 24 January), Cassius Chaerea and other guardsmen accosted Caligula as he addressed an acting troupe of young men beneath the palace, during a series of games and dramatics being held for the Divine Augustus. [101] In this context, Philo wrote that Caligula "regarded the Jews with most especial suspicion, as if they were the only persons who cherished wishes opposed to his". Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! To see more type profiles, click here . [Ranged Counter] Launch the enemy into the air if guard is successful. [54], A brief famine of unknown extent occurred, perhaps caused by this financial crisis, but Suetonius claims it resulted from Caligula's seizure of public carriages;[46] according to Seneca, grain imports were disrupted because Caligula re-purposed grain boats for a pontoon bridge.[55]. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. When they saw the suffering of humans expressed in the songs they made, they wished to make a safe haven for them in the form of Mobius. "Daily life in the Roman City". Now, discard all that hate, and get ready to enjoy your time with everyone! [57], In 39, Caligula performed a spectacular stunt by ordering a temporary floating bridge to be built using ships as pontoons, stretching for over two miles from the resort of Baiae to the neighbouring port of Puteoli. [15], In 31, Caligula was remanded to the personal care of Tiberius on Capri, where he lived for six years. Additionally, players will also have the option of choosing to join the Ostinato Musicians under the name of "Lucid," in order to discover both sides of the story. To see more type profiles, click here . It takes the appearance of two gun-like shapes, with two extra protrusions on the top and bottom, as well as several connecting rods near the front of the guns. However, six months into his rule, Caligula fell severely ill. For nearly a month, he hovered between life and death. The Go-Home Club will all agree that Eiji's method will be their last resort.