Already have European cover, and broken down in Europe? Through our vehicle checks and approved dealer network, AA Cars helps you buy with confidence. Remember not to open the door for any unknown person except for emergency personnel or a uniformed police officer. Wait until the help arrives. If you can’t take the vehicle out of the roadway, get out of it and stand away. Already have European cover, and broken down in Europe? Follow these steps to stay as safe as possible. Breaking down in a busy town or city can be pretty stressful. However, don’t stand behind it because it can roll any time and don’t leave it abandoned. All these steps are in line with the Highway Code Rule 274 which tells you what to do if you break down. Up to 40% off our phone prices when you buy online. Tell us about your problem and track your rescue. Some insurance products are underwritten by insurers in the National General Insurance Group. Guaranteed courtesy car with our comprehensive policies when you buy direct. Across the country, voters chose to……, Terms of Use © Pulse Terms of Use 2020, Even when the unexpected happens. Keep a first aid kit, a charged battery, a flashlight, a spare tire, fire extinguisher, and water. Unless your car is safely parked in a layby or at a services, don’t try to fix it by the road side. If it's safe, exit your car on the left and wait behind the barrier, If you break down in a live lane, stay in the car with your seat belt on. They tow them to somewhere safe such as a services in order to work on them. Put your hazard lights on, keep your seatbelt on and call the emergency services. The Highways Agency national switchboard is on 0300 123 5000 and is open from 07:00 to 19:00. Budget for your trip and spend only what you've loaded on to the card. Strangers may stop to offer help while you wait for roadside assistance. In that case, follow these steps instead. Use emergency flashers and switch on the interior dome light. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Wait little way away from your car so you can keep an eye out for our van. If that’s the case, breakdown services advise to stay in the car with the doors locked until help arrives. Breaking down on quieter roads in towns and cities can still be dangerous. Green Flag Limited is an introducer appointed representative of U K Insurance Limited. While everyone is getting out, and if you don’t know where you are, have a quick look at your sat nav so you can tell a rescuer your exact location. If you are experiencing a fuel leak or smell fuel fumes, do not ignite a flare or use anything that produces a spark or flame. If you're thinking about changing your car, giving your home a new lease of life, or just want to consolidate your borrowing – a loan with us could help. If your car is hit from behind, it will be pushed further into the verge rather than into the carriageway. You can never predict what the weather will be doing when you break down, Carry a red warning triangle: You can buy these in motor retail stores. Call us. Privacy Policy Guaranteed courtesy car with our comprehensive policies when you buy direct. If it’s dark or foggy, keep your sidelights on too. Tell us about your problem and track your rescue. Once your vehicle's fixed, we'll contact the Regional Control Centre on the SOS phone before leaving, so the lane can be closed for you. The most important thing to remember is the side of a carriageway is a dangerous place to be. Look for the nearest roadside marker. Log in to your account to book lessons, access your online learning material and recommend a friend. The most important thing is to get to a safe place and call for help. If you break down in a live lane, stay in the car with your seat belt on. If your car has broken down, here’s what to do to stay safe before you call us and while we're on our way. If you have a spare waterproof, itâs always handy to have it in the car. The first thing to do during a car breakdown is not to panic, even if it’s your first motoring around in your very first car. Broken down on a motorway? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Anyone who’s pushed a car will know just how heavy they are. Call us or use our app to let us know you need help and to send your location. You just have to follow some steps to get out of danger. Turn on your hazard lights and pop your hood so motorists know to steer clear. Become a Member today from just £6 a month. Log in or register to manage your account online. Call 0044 (0)121 336 6289. If it’s dark or foggy, keep your sidelights on too. Follow the arrows on the posts at the back of the hard shoulder – the phone is free and connects directly to the police. If you’re a Metromile customer, you have the option to add on this feature to your policy so you can get a jump, tow, or locksmith 24/7. Tsukasa Azuma is an awesome car blogger of Car From Japan. He owns a car repair shop at downtown Osaka, and he put all that experience to good use in his sharing posts. 5.Use your best judgment. Switch your hazard warning lights on. Wait for assistance to reach you. This is the point where you have a tough decision to make: any animals in the car must stay there. How do I choose…, My daughter suffers from motion sickness in cars.…. We’ll rescue you, even if you’re not a Member. Read about how it works: If you car's broken down in a car park, you're not alone. You can rarely predict when your car is going to break down. Registered in England and Wales, No. Car breakdown comes without giving any warning. Take your foot off the gas pedal. Don’t put yourself in danger by attempting even simple repairs. How much do we pay in fuel tax on petrol and diesel. Call a family member or friend and let them know where you are. Call for help. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. Put on a high-vis jacket if you have one. Follow these steps if you break down and while you wait to be rescued. Why don’t you see car rust like you did 20 or 30 years ago? Car Breakdown: 4 Steps to Follow. The good news is, they're one of the safest places to be if your car lets you down. It will send police officers a signal that you need help. Try to get to a safe spot where your car isn’t in the way of others. What happens if I suffer a car breakdown? Enjoy discounts on restaurants, days out, car care and more. What is this? Don’t stand downstream of your car and oncoming traffic, even if you’re behind the barrier. Ideally, you should walk back in the direction you’ve just come from. Don’t put warning triangles on motorway hard shoulders: it’s too dangerous. Log in to see your policy documents, keep tabs on renewal dates and check your cover level. Driving a Toyota Land Cruiser: Why Is It Appealing? And even slow-moving cars can cause serious injuries. You will be putting yourself in danger of being hit by other vehicles. Other insurance products are underwritten by Metromile Insurance Company, 1501 W. Fountainhead Pkwy, Theyâre handy for warning other road users that youâre in trouble, In the winter, keep some warm clothes, a rug and some chocolate in the car: You could get stuck with a broken down car in cold conditions for some time, Have some walking shoes in the car: You probably donât want to hike to the nearest emergency telephone in a pair of heels or your best brogues. If you're sure it’s safe to do so, put a warning triangle about 45m behind your car. All rights What to do in a car accident or breakdown: before it happens . If it's safe, exit your car on the left and wait behind the barrier. Breaking down on quieter roads in towns and cities can still be dangerous. These are at 100m intervals and will tell you where you are, as well as pointing you towards the nearest emergency phone, Wait near your car for assistance: Make sure your vehicleâs locked and youâre standing safely away from any moving traffic. See what to do here, Keep a road map in the car: Even if your car has sat nav it may not be working when you need it. By using our website you consent to accepting cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Download the app to report and track a breakdown quickly, find Member benefits near you, and more. If you aren’t causing an obstruction, stay in the car and wait for assistance. It’s not safe to try repair - no matter how simple - if you’re on a motorway. You will be putting yourself in danger of being hit by other vehicles. We’ve taken steps in response to coronavirus and we’re still here for you. This is when roadside assistance is your best friend. You can buy reflective vests from DIY stores as well as motor retailers. If you're on a motorway and can't turn off at the next exit, pull up onto the hard shoulder. Find a trusted garage and book, hassle-free, with Smart Care. Become a Member today from just £6 a month. The most important thing to remember is the side of a carriageway is a dangerous place to be. Build up speed before you rejoin the carriageway and watch for a safe gap in the traffic. Wait outside the car behind a barrier if there is one. Well, the first step after a car breakdown is to keep your cool and not try to brake hard. If you use the nearest emergency telephone on the motorway, we'll automatically get your location. If you’re on a motorway, move up the bank if you can and stay upstream of oncoming traffic. You might feel safer locking the doors if you donât know the area youâre in. How do I go about buying the right car breakdown cover? If there’s a crash barrier, stand behind it. If you break down on a smart motorway, there might not be a hard shoulder. If you feel comfortable to do so, leave the car and wait by the car park entrance for us to arrive. They’ll then contact us. Enjoy discounts on restaurants, days out, car care and more. Get a free quote now. Facts and Fallacies! In honor of #NationalSTEMDay our very own Prachi Shah shares her advice for women starting their careers in tech, Book your calendars now: Our CTO Paw Andersen will be at @eventstet Fintech Retreat on Jan. 19, 2021. With pay-per-mile car insurance and our smart driving app, we aim to make car ownership less expensive, more convenient, and as simple as it can be. © 2020 Metromile Inc. Metromile’s trademark may be used only with permission from Metromile. 4.Signal to other drivers. Use Resources Carefully. Tsukasa’s blog is one of the best resources for information about keeping your favorite imported car running smoothly. Budget for your trip and spend only what you've loaded on to the card. Breaking down in a remote area can be quite scary. You might be alone in a dodgy part of town where you feel safer in the car than out of it. | If your car can still be driven, get to a service area or leave at the next junction. Book hassle-free with Smart Care and get a 1 year guarantee. But remember that the hard shoulder is only for emergencies, not for making calls, having a stretch or toilet stops. Pull over to a safe place: Find somewhere away from the traffic flow to park your car, Turn on your hazard lights: If it is dark or if visibility is poor, leave your sidelights on too, Use your red warning triangle: Place this at least 50 metres behind the car to warn any oncoming traffic that your car is broken down, Call for assistance: Find the nearest telephone or use a mobile phone to call for help, Stay in your car and wait for help to arrive: Assuming your car is safely parked itâs safer to wait in the car. Alert other drivers about your car problems by putting reflectorized triangles behind the vehicle. If the battery is dead, raise the hood and hang a handkerchief or t-shirt out of the window or tie to the radio antenna. If your car is hit by another vehicle you will be a horrified onlooker rather than a victim. If you can, move up the embankment but stay upstream of oncoming traffic.