Lists of the top television programs from the other side of the pond that you should be watching now. This a list of the Carry On films actors’ names, with pictures included. Peter Gilmore. Fenella Fielding. Favourite answer. What happens now? Thank you for visiting! She played Edith’s opinionated cousin Maude, and she eventually got a spin-off series of her own. Patricia Franklin. Peter Gilmore. They starred in a long series Carry On films together: Carry On Nurse, Carry On Cleo, and more. Fraser was married twice, first to salesman Peter Yonwin and later to TV director Bill Hitchcock, who died in 1974. She was 86. 1 decade ago. Baby, it's the final ride for saving people and hunting things. Roy Castle 31 Aug 1932 – 2 Sep 1994. Production would start on the first of these films in the spring on next year. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. She played Gloria Stivic, the daughter of Edith and Archie Bunker, on All In the Family, and she took home two Emmy Awards during the show’s initial run. Over the years I have been in touch with everyone on this list. Fenella Fielding. This fact-based cast roster includes any Carry On actresses and all other actors from the films. Struthers, 72, works as an actress in film and television. .css-14iz86j-BoldText{font-weight:bold;}Actress Liz Fraser, best known for her roles in the Carry On films, has died at the age of 88. Lv 4. Read about our approach to external linking. Video, Five new faces making US political history. Kathryn. Patricia Franklin. They starred in a long series Carry On films together: Carry On Nurse, Carry On Cleo, and more.The actors in the Carry On films had great chemistry together. Relevance. Third time lucky: Biden's journey to White House. There are also supporting players like Danielle Brisebois and James Cromwell, who found greater success after the show was cancelled, and who continue to act. This a list of the Carry On films actors’ names, with pictures included. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here. Recurring cast members. Her other film credits included The Bulldog Breed, Double Bunk, The Painted Smile, The Americanization of Emily and The Family Way. Margaret Nolan. 31 films in the series were made between 1958’s Carry On Sergeant and 1991’s Carry On Columbus , and since then, there have been assorted rumours of a revival, none of which came to fruition. RIP, dearest Liz. Hensley died on July 24, 2012 at age 60. Looking for something to watch? Thanks!? God. Cromwell has continued to act steadily on both film and television. Other actors in supporting and minor roles, Robert Ross, ITV-DVD edition (Trivia Notes), Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of cast members from the official website,, Articles that may contain original research from October 2018, All articles that may contain original research, Articles with a promotional tone from October 2018, Wikipedia articles with style issues from October 2018, Articles needing additional references from October 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, (Guest appearance cut from finished film), This page was last edited on 27 October 2020, at 22:53. She was 90. ‘All In the Family’ Cast Members: Who Is Alive Today? This list includes all of the living cast and crew of "The Wizard of Oz" as of May 27, 2020. X.". This section looks at actors who starred or had at least one significant supporting role in at least one Carry On film plus at least one other supporting role, and those actors who appeared in at least four or more films in small or supporting roles.. Michael Nightingale (1922-1999) (13 films) made more Carry On appearances than any other member of the supporting cast. Valerie Shute. This list contains photos of the cast members only when available. The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s, Chuck Shurley / For the 1992 courtroom drama A Few Good Men, Reiner was nominated for the Best Picture and Best Director Oscars. This is a list of actors who have appeared in Carry On films. Frank Thornton. This list of who was in the Carry On films can be sorted by any column, but is currently alphabetical and includes photos of people who starred in any Carry On films when available.