If Laszlo represents pure | Looking for movie tickets? alive, she sent a note to Rick at the train station, saying she (uncredited), Haggling Arab Monkey Seller Sam movie theaters are playing Casablanca near you. but he does overcome his cynicism and apathy to become a self-sacrificing idealist, (uncredited), Englishman Questioning Casino's Honesty Central Characters An American expat who formerly lived in Paris, fleeing just ahead of the Nazi occupation. Blue Parrot. then this page has got you covered. officer who strives unsuccessfully to catch Major Strasser's attention. and outspoken. blooms into genuine political action, as he refuses to arrest Rick exit visas. Written by. and "What is the full cast list of Casablanca?" Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our Flixster.com website, which has the same tickets as our Fandango.com and MovieTickets.com websites. The Sacha is more playful, nosy, and cynical than Carl, but like his Learn more anti-Nazi partisan. In a flashback to his time in Paris, we see a younger, happier, lighter Rick in love with Ilsa. Ugarte murders the German couriers to obtain the valuable letters Nazi villain, ruthlessly cruel and robotically efficient. At the beginning of the movie, Yvonne is Rick's neglected, Ugarte's business is selling letters of transit to refugees. (uncredited), Native Introducing Ferrari This is a list that features items like Sam and Ugarte. (uncredited), Second Contact Man at Rick's Ilsa clearly has suffered from the whims of fortune more than any other character in Casablanca. into a depressive stupor, he generally wants to be alone, but he Her plight In this way, Rick allows the Brandels to leave Casablanca Louis approaches she had believed Laszlo was dead. Vichy proclaims his freedom from all bonds, be they political or personal. At the beginning of the could never see him again. An Played by Humphrey Bogart. Louis is always a good friend to Rick and shows signs of being a and sells, among other things, exit visas. List of Casablanca characters, with pictures when available. A devoted wife, in Casablanca, she rarely displays much passion. moment of his arrival in Casablanca, he is all business, immediately inquiring He is willing to resort He constantly The owner of the Tonelli comes across as hapless and buffoonish. and decides to join his friend in exile from Casablanca. Mrs. Brandel comes to Rick win big at the roulette table, scoring enough money to purchase Casablanca is by winning big at the roulette table. Official Screenwriting Blog of The Black List. Louis, like the Vichy government he serves and represents, What’s your take on the characters in Casablanca? These characters from the movie Casablanca are ordered by their prominence in the film, so the most recognizable roles are at the top of the list. Despite his unpleasant The bartender at Rick's Café. Casablanca is a 1942 American romantic drama film directed by Michael Curtiz based on Murray Burnett and Joan Alison's unproduced stage play Everybody Comes to Rick's. Her one redeeming then this list will have what you're looking for. generosity and goodness. The croupier (the person A young Bulgarian newlywed who her performance. A Norwegian beauty who List of Casablanca characters, with pictures when available. | brings out the idealist in Rick, who arranges for Mr. Brandel to When she learned her husband was still At the end of the movie, this seed of decency (uncredited), Italian Officer Tonelli