Seeds: an hourglass shape with triangle bases peering out from above and below it, representing fertility. Kazak (View Article)Kuba (View Article)Shirvan (View Article)Soumack (View Article), Shop for and learn more about Caucasian rugs here >. Others are as follows: Red: wealth, courage, beauty, luck, joy or faith. Kazak rugs were not woven by any singular tribe—instead, their origin is steeped in a blend of all regions across the area. This is a large shape — round, oval or polyagonal — that sits prominently in the middle of the rug. Some birds, however, such as ravens and owls, mean bad luck and death. Put simply, they are some of the most complex and labor-intensive handmade items in the world, and they have been made the same way dating back to ages BC. Please feel free to contact us or visit our website for more info on antique rugs Dallas. In fact, some rug experts can determine a rug’s city and country, or even the district, of origin, and the symbols and patterns found reveal historical insights about those places. Cross: found in all cultures and civilizations, the cross shows the relationship between heaven and earth; the elements of fire, water, air and earth; and masculine and feminine. Persian rugs — considered the grande dame, the queen mother, the standard by which other rugs are measured — are Oriental, though not all Oriental rugs are Persian. Because these areas were influenced by nomadic tribes, it is harder to determine the exact origin by design. The colors of Berber tell a tale as well, with red symbolizing strength and protection, blue indicating wisdom, yellow representing eternity and green symbolizing peace. Kazak rugs have a heavy folk influence upon their design. Scissors: This X shape is a symbol of metal workers and offers respect to metal to ward it off. Esmaili Rugs & Antiques features stunning Oriental, Persian and other antique rugs, but each region produces distinctive rugs with its own unique traits. Read more about Derbends. Some Caucasian Rug Types: Akstafa Rugs. Caucasian rugs pre-1920 are rare but greatly desired because of their simplicity in design. The final product of a Kazak is one that looks incredibly polished and unique—no two rugs ever look the same. Read more about Daghestans. Dallas Design District 1511 Dragon Street. The symbols in Persian rugs may represent historical monuments, scenes from daily life, Islamic buildings, weeping willows or other trees and religious imagery such as the Tree of Life or the Garden of Paradise. Read more about Gendjes. It can be seen in numerous iterations in Moroccan symbols. Named after the city of Baku, the majority of Baku rugs have a distinct pattern of large, rectilinear pear motifs throughout the field. Each rug usually was accompanied by a miniature version called a yastik, which would originally have been folded to make a sort of pillow or draped over sofas to decorate a living room. The symbols that align with these motifs are as follows: Hailing from the land of white desert dunes, colorful marketplaces filled with exotic wares and caravans pulled by camels, Moroccan rugs speak to us of a rich and fascinating culture. Dragon: The telltale S shape of the dragon with a tail connotes a figure guarding hidden treasures and symbolizes good and wisdom. Star: The Turks of Central Asia once believed that the movement of stars affected people’s destinies and influenced the world’s daily matters. A rug design is comprised of several components, so let’s first define those: Typically, rugs will consist of all-over patterns, known as motifs, or they will contain a central medallion around which the rest of the rug is designed. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. The birds-on-a-tree border motif, common in Caucasian rugs, suggests a flock of birds roosting on a tree. The primary symbols include: What makes a Persian rug the finest of them all? It is recognizable because of its resemblance to paisley or a tear drop, with its pear-shaped figure and extending arch of flowers, symbolizing the garden of paradise. most complex and labor-intensive handmade items in the world, Kilim rugs were produced by migrating nomads, An Interior Designer's Guide to the Dallas Design District. Partridge Eyes: looks like two checkered dice, a symbol for beauty and femininity, Saw: a zigzagging line with small lines slashed across it like stitches, the saw is a symbol of metal workers. Gül: This floral motif takes its style from the French and usually features one large, dominant flower (often a henna plant) and four surrounding, smaller ones. And because the Ben Ourain and Berber Tribe rug-makers were semi-nomadic, their rugs and looms had to be easily transported, which is why few Moroccan rugs surpass seven feet in width. the multicultural background of the region is uniquely reflected in the look and feel of the antique textiles originating from this region. BIDJOV SHIRVAN PRAYER RUG Southeast Caucasian. 3' 8" x 9' 10" (112cm x 300cm) Circa 1850 (High-Collectible) Price upon request View Rug / Add to Wish List Request Info. Curve of horn represents eternity. Resting eagle: high-mindedness of the spirit, Peacock: immortality or divine protection, Tree of Life: truth or understanding, a direct path from Earth to Heaven, Amulet: triangular shape thwarts the evil eye, Diamond: women (two together represents and man and woman together). 2020 Esmaili Rugs and Antiques, Inc. Understanding Symbolism in Persian & Other Antique Rugs. When you can read and interpret an assortment of rugs, it’s likely that one of them will speak to you. They were placed in churches, palaces and within homes of the … There are many different types of Turkish rugs, with each type featuring its own texture and design and representing a specific time and place: Interestingly, the human figure is considered sacrilegious and therefore is rarely seen on Turkish rugs and kilims. Read more about Akstafas. Though some can be found with flat weave, Berber is the distinctive style of Moroccan rugs, both in shaggy, high-pile rugs developed by those looking for warmth and comfort in the snowy Atlas Mountains, or thin, cool Berber rugs of the Sahara made by those seeking relief from relentless heat. Chi Chi rugs are very rare and popular with collectors. This area plays host to a wide variety of ethnic groups and is full of culture. They are easily recognized by a unique geometric peacock motif. May be seen on rugs perching on the tree of life. If you are looking for an Oriental rug with an edge that’ll stand out in your living space, a Cacuasian Kazak rug would be right up your alley. Vase: This pattern name refers to rugs that incorporate a vase or group of vases in their design. Once dried, the threads are woven on looms using a trademark single looping knot. Hair band: Presented to a bride during a wedding ceremony, a hair band symbol in a rug symbolizes the desire for marriage, happiness and good luck. Each style of Persian rug is named for the town or province in which it was made, and each has distinguishing features. The symbols often were believed to protect the rug’s owner from misfortune. Dragon: protection, wards off evil and sickness, Phoenix: good luck, happiness, destruction and re-creation, reincarnation, Camel: importance of camels for the tribal people who make rugs, Burdock: plant that sticks to clothing and animal hair and wards off evil eye, symbolizes abundance, Life and its protection: Elibelinde (hands on hips), ram’s horm, hair band, fertility, earring, chest, comb, ying yang, star, evil eye, running water, Animals: various birds, dragon, scorpion, snake, Barley: a rectangle filled with a checkered pattern of light and dark, a symbol of fertility, Bird: resembles a cross made of intersecting rectangles, said to carry, Cheeseboard: a triangle containing many alternating dark and light triangles in a checkered pattern, refers to dizzy spells and celestial experiences, maybe religious trances, Cock: the two-legged figure with a high neck and tail urges prayer and announces sunrise, in some representations evokes Christ’s resurrection. Derbend rugs are made in the port of Derbent. Connotes happiness. Blue, cream, ivory and yellow are common in color schemes of Bakus. Seeing a star during a dream was considered a sign of happiness. Tree: may be seen individually or in a group, symbolizes unification and reincarnation, the tree of life, life’s regenerative processes, Swastika: the wheel of destiny, a symbol of good luck, abundance and fertility, may symbolize the sun and stars. They are common in long runner sizes. Snake and Fish Skeletons: a series of four vertical designs that represent a holy person with magical and medicinal skills. Corner brackets, quarter panels or spandrels: These are designs that fill the corners of the field. while russia covers a massive area filled with many ethnicities and cultures, the caucasus region may be even more so. It represents hope, renewal, spring and life. Kazak rugs are woven completely with wool while its wefts and warps incorporate cotton. Each rug uses about five to seven different colors to create its elaborate effect. Those also originating from an Islamic culture, Moroccan rugs tell of their African heritage and climate through chaotic colors, native textures and bold designs.