It was written by members of the editorial board and is unsigned as it represents the opinion of the newspaper rather than the writers. margin-bottom: 0; All Rights Reserved. margin-bottom: 4px; padding-left: 16px; A New Mexico judge had a stern and stark warning for a young man convicted of robbery, telling him he would “probably be raped every day” in prison before putting him on probation instead. Today, the Journal announces its endorsements for the one contested 2nd Judicial District judges race as well as judicial retention in that district and on the N.M. Appeals Court. However, the Commission has previously discussed the above issues with her and Judge Christina Argyres has not shown improvement in these areas. State Senate | Campaign finance requirements | vertical-align: top; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { And I hate to sound like that, you know – rude, but that's exactly what would happen to you. Who fills out Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey? 2. max-width: 400px; Argyres ran for re-election for the Division X judge of the New Mexico 2nd Judicial District Court. This election is especially important to Judge Christina Argyres because her mother Mary passed away a few weeks ago from her long battle with dementia, a battle where Judge Argyres was a health care provider. } On Tuesday, Judge Christina Argyres told a young, first-time offender named Isaiah Gay in Bernalillo County District Court that he would be a "bitch" in prison and "probably be raped every day" before sentencing him to probation, KOB 4 reports. Probate Courts | background-color: #6db24f;
float:right; 	color:white; Experience & Education: Judge Christina P. Argyres was elected District Court Judge in 2012. 	width: 100% !important; } .widget-key { 	color: black; This fall, you can have a voice in shaping New Mexico’s judiciary by voting whether or not to retain one New Mexico Court of Appeals judge and 17 district court judges in the Second Judicial District in Bernalillo County. Editorial: Journal recaps Nov. 3 election endorsements. Judge Christina Argyres  has more than 20 years of combined experience defending and representing people  and presiding as a Judge in field of criminal law. They include Judge Jacqueline Flores and Judge Christina Argyres of the 2nd Judicial District Court in Bernalillo County and Judge Claire Schultz of … 	height: 40px; While defending and helping others to  better their lives, she decided the biggest impact she could make in the lives of others was to become a Judge. .widget-row { background-color: white; .percentage_number { She served as a Judge of the Metropolitan Court from 2010-2012 and joined the Second Judicial District Court in 2012. Lastly, attorneys and resource staff (e.g., law enforcement, probation and parole officers, interpreters, etc.) 	width: 50%; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { width: 250px; .widget-row.Republican { .widget-value { DISTRICT COURT JUDGE CHRISTINA ARGYRES THE PERSON. 	color: #fff; 	font-weight: 200; 	display: inline-block; Click here to read our new election calling policy and vote total update schedule. Share. .non_result_row { And I hate to sound like that, you know, rude, but that’s exactly what would happen to you.”. Public pensions | 	background-color: #003388; .results_row { .votebox { 	padding-left: 10px; The New Mexico Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission did not provide a rating for Judge Argyres, based on insufficient time in office. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} 	font-size: 12px; 	display: block; ABQJournal | 9d. 	padding:7px 8px 8px; Christina P. Argyres  is a judge for Division X of the New Mexico 2nd Judicial District Court. .results_table { Christina P. Argyres has not yet completed Ballotpedia's 2020 Candidate Connection survey. Municipal elections in Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2020), New Mexico Second Judicial District Court, New Mexico Bernalillo Metropolitan Courts, New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration Court, Workers' Compensation Administration Court,, New Mexico 2nd Judicial District Court candidate, 2020, Successful New Mexico judicial candidates, 2014, New Mexico district court judges, Second District, Tracking election disputes, lawsuits, and recounts, Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing, Submit a photo, survey, video, conversation, or bio, 872 candidates completed the survey in 2019. .votebox-results-cell--number { State legislature | 	max-height: 355px; Ballotpedia features 318,742 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. .results_table_container { Judge Argyres serves in the Criminal Division. } div.survey-scrollbox {  height:400px;  overflow:scroll;  margin:20px;  padding:10px;  border:1px solid gray; } Federal courts | .widget-row.value-only.white { Two years later, an opening occurred in the District Court and Christina took the opportunity to better serve the public. During my legal career, I have been in private civil law practice  and have also served as Bernalillo County Chief Deputy District Attorney, a Deputy City Attorney  and Chief Public Safety Officer for Albuquerque. 	border-radius: 50%; 	padding-left: 0; Their hilarious ads featured one lawyer who couldn’t play basketball, another who’s really, really rough on the saxophone, and yet another who dabbles in baking – err, make that burning – food. Supreme Court | "N/A" indicates that the category is "not applicable" because some populations were not asked certain questions. 	width: 100% Judge Christina Argyres began her judicial career in 2010 when she was appointed to the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court. She was on the ballot in the general retention on November 3, 2020. Attorneys gave her low ratings for not always being courteous to all participants and for not always demonstrating appropriate demeanor on the bench. 	overflow-y: auto; } • New Mexico Court of Appeals } 	font-weight: bold; • New Mexico District Courts .results_row td:first-child { Due to nationwide changes in election administration in 2020, Ballotpedia is exercising increased caution before projecting elections winners. | According to transcripts obtained by the news station, Gay told Argyres he had committed burglary because he was "impulsive" and "young and dumb. Lock. .widget-row.Green { Judge Christina Argyres began her judicial career in 2010 when she was appointed to the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court. 	display: inline-block; What's on my ballot? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, 'You Would Probably Be Raped Every Day' in Prison, Judge Warns 20-Year-Old Convict. 

} position: absolute; Christina has been on the District Court Bench since January 2013 and has presided over thousands of cases in the Criminal division. Noteworthy respondents included. .votebox-results-metadata-p { } She served as a Judge of the Metropolitan Court from 2010-2012 and joined the Second Judicial District Court in 2012. District Court Judge Christina P. Argyres is a true embodiment of all she was taught and that her parents represented and she has earned retention to the bench. • Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, Courts in New Mexico • New Mexico judicial elections • Judicial selection in New Mexico, New Mexico elections in 2020 | .inner_percentage.Republican { Following her graduation from law school , Christina worked at the United States Attorney’s Office here in Albuquerque. .race_header.democratic { .votebox-results-cell--x { Election governance | } position: relative; She went on to further her education and earned a Master’s Degree from Harvard University. font-weight: bold; Out of the 872 respondents, 237 won their election. Ballotpedia is seeking 100 percent } Christina P Argyres is Judge at New Mexico District Court. background-color: #ccc; Do you have any idea what would happen to you? You would probably be raped every day, for one. height: 22px; I have known Judge Christina Argyres and her family for over 30 plus years. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { display: block; font-size: .9em; }. .votebox_legend { .results_total { Anthony Steven Hurley Jr., 36, of Huntingtown, is being held with bond in the Calvert County Detention Center... Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president emerita of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), may have said it best: “Democracy is not a spectator sport.”.