To support our non-profit public service journalism: Donate Now. “Identity politics” is often used as a pejorative to denounce demands from underrepresented groups. For the second time since 2018, California voters decisively rejected a bid to expand rent control across the state. In the state Assembly, I stood up to my own party and voted against increasing taxes on small businesses and families. The 25th District includes part of Los Angeles County and a piece of Ventura County that includes most of Simi Valley. Our news is free on LAist. Do We Need Police To Curb LA's Traffic Violence? Smith’s opponent, by comparison, is simply not a good fit for Congress at any moment. Christy Smith (Courtney Lindberg Photography) About Smith: A member of the state Assembly since 2018, 51-year-old Smith previously served … I am running to prevent what has happened in my state from happening at the national level. We can see why Republicans might be attracted to Mike Garcia. These decisions should be made at the local level, but the federal government must continue to support our families and small businesses. With votes still being tallied by Ventura and Los Angeles County election officials, the math appeared impossible for Smith to win. Garcia kept in touch over the years, McKeon said, and approached him about a political run after Hill's victory in the blue wave of 2018. "I want to put the Democrats on notice. Many journalists have become like poets at an open mic night, telling us the meaning of the sonnet they’re about to read lest we misinterpret it. He grew up in the Santa Clarita area before graduating from the Naval Academy and flying combat missions over Iraq. Since I was young, I always wanted to give back and serve my community. Each campaign. The campaign to capture this suburban and high desert region is far from over, however. But don’t delude yourself about the future. On Tuesday night, Buck McKeon, the former congressman who represented the district for more than 20 years, reminisced about meeting Garcia when he was a Saugus High School senior. When to vote: Mail in ballots by Election Day or vote in person Oct. 31-Nov. 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 47 polling stations. Voting is over. Republicans' base of older and white voters can be relied on to vote more consistently in non-presidential elections than Democrats' younger, more diverse supporters. Democrats will be disappointed with this outcome: They hold close to a seven-point voter registration advantage in the 25th District. What’s going on now is merely determining who won, not who is “in the lead” or “closing in” on victory. For coverage of Ventura County races and issues: But the fact that he’s Trump loyalist who describes himself as more conservative than most Republicans should give every voter in this district pause. My state’s high taxes and irresponsible liberal legislation continue to crush hardworking Californians and small businesses. Because of our leadership and your failures, the California Republican Comeback has the momentum going into November. American democracy appears to be passing its stress test. Mike Garcia handily won the race to finish Katie Hill's term representing CA-25 in Congress. Why are you running? Hillary Clinton won the district by seven points in 2016. T]he California Republican Party is back and we are poised for victories in November," said California GOP Chair Jessica Millan Patterson in a statement. Our leaders must ensure a just recovery for everyone. The Times asked political strategists for the most likely contenders from whom Newsom might choose to replace Harris for the rest of her Senate term. Again. Republican Mike Garcia and Democrat Christy Smith are squaring off in an election for the 25th Congressional District. I’ll work with colleagues from both sides of the aisle to get these priorities accomplished. The race to replace former Rep. Katie Hill, " election from the White House. Years in office: Nine years on the Newhall Unified School District School Board; elected to the state Assembly in November 2018. We must have a strong federal response to controlling the virus, addressing PPE shortages, increasing the rate and turnaround for testing, and ensuring the safe and equitable distribution of an eventual vaccine. There’s no question which candidate is better prepared to step into the debate and help shape smart policy. Mike Garcia, Christy Smith District 25: Mike Garcia (R) vs. Christy Smith (D) Expanding to universal vote-by-mail, with few in-person polling stations, made predicting turnout more difficult than usual. The total number of outstanding ballots is still in flux but based on the turnout during the March primary, the Democrat would have to capture an overwhelming number of votes remaining to beat him. Hill, a Democrat, resigned from the office last year amid allegations of inappropriate relationships with staff members. We can’t turn the page on the painful chapter of Trump’s presidency without taking meaningful action to address the damage he did to the norms of our democracy. The editorial board opines on the important issues of the day – exhorting, explaining, deploring, mourning, applauding or championing, as the case may be. Republicans' base of older and white voters can be relied on to vote more consistently in non-presidential elections than Democrats' younger, more diverse supporters. Democracy just dodged a major bullet. To make sure you get our coverage: Sign up for our daily newsletters. Get our daily newsletters for the latest on COVID-19 and other top local headlines.