We use Adobe Acrobat PDF files as a means to electronically provide forms & publications. What you will need: -Social security number To close it press Escape key. View the Guidance. as amended, effective October 21, 2000 (DC Law 13-183, sec. Read Mayor Bowser’s Presentation on DC’s COVID-19 Situational Update: November 5. For technical support, contact OTR’s E-Services unit at (202) 759-1946 or email [email protected]. Obtain your Clean Hands Certificate by visiting: New process allows businesses and residents to receive their compliance status instantly. You will need to have the Adobe Reader software installed to access them (available FREE from the 'Adobe Reader download page on Adobe's Web site' ''). The DC Health and Wellness Center provides free and confidential clinical services for persons over 13 years of age and older. Please press Enter to open the search input box and Certificate of Clean Hands To ensure that your accounts receivable and tax returns with the District Government are up-to-date, visit the Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) and request a Certificate of Clean Hands or request the form online. A Clean Hands certification form is required to be submitted with your application for CBE certification in the District of Columbia. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Facebook. To ensure that your accounts receivable and tax returns with the District Government are up-to-date, visit the Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) and request a Certificate of Clean Hands … Support for Art in Public Places Amendment Act of 1986. is now live with 24/7 access. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Additionally, users will have the ability to upload other required documents using the portal. We use Adobe Acrobat PDF files as a means to electronically provide forms & publications. press tab to start writing to search somthing. The Certificate of Clean Hands should not be older than six months. Twitter. For technical support, contact OTR’s E-Services unit at (202) 759-1946. Visit the District’s new online tax portal to view and pay your taxes. This document describes the necessary steps to obtain a Certificate of Clean Hands from the DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer - Office of Tax and Revenue. You will need to have the Adobe Reader software installed to access them (available FREE from the 'Adobe Reader download page on Adobe's Web site' ''). ( Log Out /  The District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR) announced today that individuals and businesses can now complete the Certificate of Clean Hands application at OTR’s online portal, Certificate of Clean Hands The District of Columbia “Clean Hands” mandate (D.C. Code § 47-2862) stipulates that individuals and businesses are to be denied City goods or services (e.g. To close it press Escape key. The Clean Hands process is quick, easy and secure and can be accessed at