Now you know all of its benefits and it’s time you start detoxifying your body with coconut water. Since coconut water is a natural laxative, it might not be suitable for some people who have problems with their bowel movements. Articles must be neutral and should not be in favour of subjects that neither Truweight believes nor endorses. Don't drink coconut water as way to increase salt levels if you have cystic fibrosis. “The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.” said Dustin Hoffman. 500ml from young coconuts has 33g of sugar, made up of 36% fructose, 41% glucose, and 23% sucrose. Those on medication should avoid coconut water as it may take their blood pressure levels to the extreme low. Coconut water can cure bad to worse hangovers. But again, it may not suit people who are chilly in nature otherwise. We might be allergic to certain food items and ingredients and hence, we refrain from consuming them. And this too can be managed by coconut water. Never drink more than one coconut water a day or else you h=may have to face its severe consequences. People who are exposed to heat and humidity should be extra careful as drinking coconut water may expose them to a condition called hyperkalemia where the person may even fall unconscious. It is naturally blessed with zero fat and cholesterol.”. This is also dubbed as nature’s drink, magic drink and what not! This theory is also true for coconut water. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. Otherwise, it may act more like a laxative than a sports drink. This is less than most fruit juices and soft drinks, but the sugars do add up and 500ml has approximately 500 kJ. Disadvantages of Coconut Water. Trigger Allergies. After all, excess of anything can be dangerous! Disadvantages of Drinking Coconut Water In Excess. Coconut water has been promoted as a sports drink but a 2017 study in ten males who completed a 60 minute cycling exercise followed by a 10km time trial on two occasions found drinking coconut water did not improve their markers of hydration or their exercise performance compared with drinking plain water. • ‘Superior way to rehydrate’: not according to reliable studies. The best time to drink coconut water would be –. Thus, individuals with deficiencies of any or all of these nutrients can be highly benefited. And massaging your hair with this water can boost hair nourishment as well as blood circulation. And hey, it is sodium that aids rehydration, right? See How Easily you Can Reduce Fat with Wheat grass! Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside young green coconuts. Nutrients in coconut water have the power to rebuild your health. The richness of magnesium in coconut water can help reduce headaches. Talking about the mineral content in coconut water, sodium is low and potassium is high. Coconut water consists of only 4 to 6 gm of sugars per 100 ml. Moreover, knowing how much to take and the right time to drink coconut water can help you optimize the various benefits of this wonder water. We bet, most of you don’t know that coconut water has high-calorie value. It should ideally be consumed right after cutting it open. Ravi believes in the great possibilities of abundant health with natural foods and organic supplements. It Is Not The Ideal Drink For Athletes, 3. Disadvantages of Coconut Water. The watery liquid from the centre of the coconut is refreshing. This beverage is low in calories and increases body, While this drink has always been known for its benefits, there can also be certain disadvantages of. 2. Coconut water is to be consumed fresh (10). can even act as a laxative that can disrupt the digestive system. While the rest of the world is sweating out to decrease calories, I don’t think you would want to do something opposite. Low in calories, naturally free of fat and cholesterol, more potassium than four bananas, and super hydrating -- these are just a few of the many benefits ascribed to Americas latest health craze: coconut water. The verdict: Myth. 1. Including it meticulously in your diet can be pretty effective for your kidneys in fluid regulation. These are the core obsessions that drive our newsroom—defining topics of seismic importance to the global economy. The presence of anti-inflammatory properties makes it ideal for individuals with, We all crave for a perfectly toned body. Although a mild amount of coconut water has hydrating properties, too much of its consumption can be unhealthy. Yes, the cons of coconut water. You are clear of your thirst and also your body is provided with nutrition. Coconut water has got certain disadvantages if you happen to consume it in excess. The coconut water hydrates the scalp and the hair. The only way that it can be beneficial to us is by knowing its significance. We all crave for a perfectly toned body. He has a Professional Certificate in Food, Nutrition & Research from Wageningen University. Always! It is known to add shine to the hair, reducing dandruff as well as help the hair grow longer and stronger. That is, if you can afford it—it’s more expensive than cow’s milk, for example. The water also contains many bio-active enzymes that work wonders for our body’s digestive system and fat metabolism besides being great for our skin and hair health. Usually, coconut water has more or less the following composition: Nutrient per 100 g Green coconut water [7]. Because the amount of sodium plain water contains is unarguably more than that present in coconut water. One study found coconut water didn’t improve cyclists’ performance, and those who drank coconut water took in less fluid than those who drank water. The following two tabs change content below. Coconut water can cause as an allergy to many people. You wouldn’t want to up your calories, or do you? It is low in calories and contains natural enzymes … Also, packaged coconut water is … But since coconut water is a natural source of potassium and doesn’t contain added sugars and sweeteners, it might be used as an alternative to sports drinks. All articles must be based on scientific evidence published in reputed publications. Dubbed as the ‘Magic Drink, ‘Nature’s Drink’ etc., the health benefits this fruit offers are many. As little as 11 ounces of coconut water can contain upto 60 calories (2). These include coconut cream, sugar, other fruit juices, vitamin C, and added flavors which add to its kilojoule content. Do Purple Potatoes Grow Naturally? This is another disadvantage when you consume too much of coconut water. Here’s All You Need To Know Before Getting A Tattoo, World ORS Day 2019: Know How ORT And ORS Helps Save Lives, This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. It is always better to drink water post workout as it has high sodium content which the body loses during exercise. In such a case, avoid coconut water. These are some of our most ambitious editorial projects. Please leave us your comments below. If yes, then stop taking them. We asked five experts if coconut water is good for you. Articles should never make claims like “Truweight cures or treats certain diseases”. While this sounds good, most people aren’t low in potassium because we get more than enough from eating fruits and vegetables. Coconut water is not water with coconut flavor added. Coconut water just contains one-tenth the sodium when compared with other sports drinks (1). This is the reason it is not advisable to consume coconut water in excess. In a specific case, a man had spent an entire day playing tennis in 90 degree Fahrenheit weather. Coconut water is a natural sorcerer of all the drinks, and it is composed of the following nutrients: There are numerous benefits of coconut water. Have a look at the disadvantages of coconut water below. My grandmother always stressed upon the importance of coconut water in one’s life. Only insignificant quantities of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Although, not all can be mentioned at once, might as well mention a few here. So, whenever you are in fluid loss, it is the best time to have coconut water. However, many brands have some dubious claims. Think Of Getting Inked Just Like Arjun Kapoor? The understatement is coconut water should be kept away from people who are prone to allergies . Though coconut water doesn’t contain as much sugar as many sports drinks and fruit juices, it does contain a bit too any calories. Possesses Diuretic Properties. It has no fat, and less sugar, and fewer kilojoules than soft drinks. Stick to plain water. Results may vary. All articles must have relevant background information about the core subject of the article. Using any information provided by the website is solely at the viewers’ discretion. Study papers, referenced and internal links sited in the articles must be from reputed and relevant academic associations or journals. After a rigorous workout or practice session, your body becomes dehydrated. Coconut is basically a tree nut. Also, if you need to watch your body weight, prioritizing tap water may be a better idea (coconut water provides about 170kJ per 250ml serving). Want to know what they are? The understatement is coconut water should be kept away from people who are prone to allergies (3). After all, excess of anything can be dangerous! [ Read: Pineapple Juice For Weight Loss ]. Eleuthero: Is This Medicinal Herb Really Safe. If it is left open for some time, it loses all its beneficial nutrients. Kick off each morning with coffee and the Daily Brief (BYO coffee). Turmeric Health Benefits: Unravel the 8 Facets of Turmeric You Rarely Knew, 6 Ultimate Health Benefits of Chlorella-the Superfood, Cinnamon for Weight Loss & Other Health Benefits. Although, there are some contradicting studies on this benefit, as some research states that coconut water may result in hyperglycemia. Some products on supermarket shelves are pure coconut water but many contain a mixture of coconut water with other ingredients added. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our, Disadvantages of drinking coconut water in excess, This website follows the DNPA’s code of conduct.