Decisions delivered on July 14, 2017. During the year under review, the composition was as follows: The Judge President and Deputy Judge President plus ten (10) other judges. Abu Dhabi Global Market has been established in (3) Subject to Article 13 of the ADGM Founding Law, the Chief Justice may, with the agreement of the Board, give, or vary or revoke directions about the minimum number of Judges of which a Court must consist of if it is to be duly constituted. The Civil Division of the Court of Appeals hears the appeals from the High Court, the tribunals and under certain circumstances from the county courts. Court of Appeal of Kenya Practice Directions. 201 of 2018, Court of Appeal Decisions, Nairobi, delivered on October 26, 2018, Court of Appeal Decisions, Nairobi, delivered on October 23, 2018, Court of Appeal Decisions, Nairobi, delivered on October 19, 2018, Court of Appeal Decisions, Nairobi, delivered on October 12, 2018. The county courts handle majority (almost all) of the litigations and cases related to civil issues. The Court of Appeal has jurisdiction to hear appeals from: The Supreme Court in respect of judgments and orders made in civil proceedings; and in relation to appeals from persons convicted on indictment: who are appealing Developed by the Information Communication and Technology of the Court Administration Division. The Admiralty Court of the Queen’s Bench Division deals with shipping and maritime disputes, including collisions, salvage, carriage of cargo, limitation, and mortgage disputes. In the Court of Appeal, Nairobi. Less serious cases criminal cases and those involving juveniles are tried in these courts. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Power to create or alter Divisions or transfer certain Courts to different Divisions, PART 6 — Practice, Procedure And Enforcement, PART 9 — Miscellaneous Provisions About Legal Services, PART 10 — Interpretation, Citation, Extent And Commencement, SCHEDULE 2 — Deductions By Employer Under Attachment Of Earnings Order, SCHEDULE 3 — Changing The Basis Of Deductions, ADGM Courts Regulations Amendment No 1 of 2017, ADGM Courts Regulations Amendment No 1 of 2018, ADGM Courts Regulations Amendment No 1 of 2020, Terms The Patents Court of the Chancery Division deals with cases concerning intellectual property, copyright, patents and trademarks, including passing off. In the Court of Appeal, Nairobi. Cases are heard at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. Decisions delivered on Oct 12, 2018. The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is the highest appeal court in almost all cases in England and Wales. 88 Old Street London EC1V 9HU, Steps before court action and pre-action protocols, Complaints to LGSCO about local authorities, - Courts and Tribunals Judiciary - structure of the courts system, county courts (or, in certain cases, magistrates' courts). The Civil Courts of Engalnd and Wales constitute of the following bodies/ entities: The following is a description of hierarchy of civil courts in England: This is the higher most body of civil judiciary in the United Kingdom and of criminal judiciary in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Nairobi Election Petition Appeal No 12 of 2018. All cases are heard either at the Royal Courts of Justice in London or at one of the High Court District Registries in England and Wales. of Abu Dhabi. Decisions delivered on March 10, 2017. Currently the Court is comprised of a President and nine (9) Judges of Appeal, and sits in divisions of three (3) Judges.