He becomes eligible for parole and can now go home to his wife and daughter. And then there is Nicolas Cage's hair, are you kidding me? Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. Waitress, Dick "Skip" Evans He talks with her a little and ultimately sings with her, and we're likely supposed to believe he killed her the same way he did with the one girl he "drove through three states wearing her head as a hat." John Wiggins, Macho's in a non-stop action movie with lot's of explosions. 2nd Street Tunnel between Hill and Figueroa, Los Angeles, California, USA, The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Cameron accidentally kills one of the drunks, and is sent to a federal penitentiary for involuntary manslaughter for seven years. Debbie--6 Yrs Old, Don Charles McGovern US Marshal--Agent Vince Larkin, John Malkovich US Marshal--Guard Sally Bishop, Dave Chappelle "Con Air" has a lot of one-liners, of course, throughout the movie. (uncredited), hair stylist: Mr. Cusack / key makeup artist / makeup artist: Mr. Cusack, additional tattoo designer (as Ellen L. Wong), production manager: hi-speed miniatures unit, production supervisor: hi-speed miniatures unit, production supervisor: Las Vegas, aerial unit (as Todd Smith), second second assistant director (as Scott Harris), second second assistant director: second unit (as John Hermansen), first assistant director: second unit (as Greg Simmons), second unit director: aerial (uncredited), assistant sound editor (as Kimberly Carlton), assistant sound editor (as Michelle Pleis-Stirber), assistant sound editor (as Christopher Schiavo), production sound mixer: second unit (uncredited), special effects office coordinator (as Dawn Ascher), special effects foreman (as Paul Lombardi), special effects coordinator (as Chuck Stewart), special effects art director (uncredited), miniature guitar neon: model construction unit, assistant coordinator: hi-speed miniatures unit, production assistant: motion control unit, director of miniature photography: hi-speed miniatures unit, videographer: hi-speed miniatures unit (as Chris Borelli), scanning and recording technician: DQI (as Mark Canas), lead model maker: model construction unit, visual effects supervisor: Buena Vista Imaging, model department coordinator: model construction unit, production assistant: hi-speed miniatures unit, engineering technician: motion control unit, motion control operator / motion control programer, first assistant camera: hi-speed miniatures unit, model maker: model construction unit (as Frank Godel), first assistant camera: hi-speed miniatures unit (as David Goldenberg), special effects foreman: hi-speed miniatures unit, special effects coordinator: hi-speed miniatures unit (as John Gray), visual effects producer: DQI (as Rae Griffith-Gagnon), engineering technician: motion control unit (as Joseph Hagey), cg supervisor: DQI (as Darin R. Hollings), senior engineering supervisor: motion control unit, visual effects coordinator: DQI (as Michele Dani Linse), digital coordinator: DQI (as Kathryn Liotta-Couture), visual effects supervisor: Optical Illusions, camera operator: hi-speed miniatures unit, sculptor: model construction unit (as Larry McAuley), model department supervisor: model construction unit (as Jim McGeachy), digital compositing supervisor: DQI (as Marlo J. Pabon), best boy electric: hi-speed miniatures unit (as Michael Patnaude), computer graphics effects: CFC (as Katie Hecker), plate supervisor: plate photography unit (as Chuck Schuman), visual effects camera operator (as Kurt Soderling), miniatures supervisor: model construction unit, motion control programmer: plate photography unit (as Tim Taylor), engineering technician: motion control unit (as James Tharp), visual effects consultant: DreamQuest Images, motion control camera operator (uncredited), hi-speed camera operator: miniatures unit (uncredited), screen graphics artist: VIFX (uncredited), executive in charge of production: Matte World (uncredited), digital composite supervisor (uncredited), visual effects director of photographhy (uncredited), chief lighting technician (as Bobby L. Burton), camera operator: "b" camera / steadicam operator, first assistant camera: plate photography unit (as Ed Gutentag), camera operator: "a" camera, second unit (as Jim LeBlanc), first assistant camera: VistaVision camera, Las Vegas / first assistant camera: plate photography unit (as Evan Nesbitt), second assistant camera: plate photography unit (as Carol Ogihara), video assist operator (as Mark A. Polischeck), first assistant camera: plate photography unit, camera loader: David Anderson's TV sequence versions (uncredited), lighting technician: re-shoots (uncredited), assistant location manager (as Mimi M. Davis), executive in charge of soundtracks (uncredited), music performer (uncredited) / music producer (uncredited) / orchestrator (uncredited), 24 frame video supervisor (as Candy S. Brock), aerial coordinator / aerial unit director, pilot: Cobra, aerial unit (as Jesse Martin), production secretary / travel coordinator, assistant production coordinator (as Gary L. Trentham), production assistant: Santa Monica (uncredited), medic: set -day player, as Sarah Oliver (uncredited), production safety supervisor (uncredited), office production assistant: Utah (uncredited), assistant aerial coordinator (uncredited), production coordinator: second unit (uncredited), assistant production accountant (uncredited). Although I think that the movie might had been better of without the Poe's family scene's and storyline, even though I still sort of like the emotional scene's between them.