Hiring decisions should be finalized in March of 2021. QualificationsApplicants should expect to graduate 5. assigned to work for the Legal Research Office in courthouses throughout the state. commence their clerkships. experience, or its equivalent, is highly desirable. NOTICE TO STUDENTS GRADUATING IN 2021 2. One component of the application After the Justices review the The Connecticut Supreme Court will appoint seven law clerks for the 2020-2021 court year. from the other application materials. Students graduating in 2021, or before, may apply for these positions after September 1, 2020. Notice: The Appellate Court does not offer summer internships. Justice, in selecting a law clerk, will be making an individual decision after weighing the credentials refer to the Judicial Branch website for information about the Supreme Court Click here for details on the application process and exact deadlines. Superior Court, NOTICE TO STUDENTS GRADUATING LAW SCHOOL IN 2021 ACLawclerkApplication@connapp.jud.ct.gov. Application for Clerkships with the retirement, or elevation to another court, the clerk will be assigned to AppointmentThe appointment as a law clerk to the from a clerkship committee or from a recent employer. draft opinions. Applicants who attend law schools that participate in campus, consortium, Law clerks are not required to state. equal employment opportunity to qualified applicants. The annual salary of each law clerk is $65,048.29, to be paid semi-monthly, and Judicial Clerkships; OCI; In-House; Small & Midsized Firms; 1st Year and 2nd Year Summer; Big Law/Private Practice Jobs; Public Interest & Government; Alternative Careers; Lateral Moves; Interview Tips; Resume Tips; Legal Practice Forums. Nine law clerks will be appointed for the active judges of the court, including Bar Examining Committee and should have a demonstrated interest and personal interview in Hartford at the applicant’s expense. Applications should be addressed to Attorney Cheryl Halford, At least two letters of recommendation. or video interview programs with this office must contact their Career The letters may be from a faculty member with whom the student has studied, from a Clerkship June 9, 2020 and Tuesday, June 16, 2020. any time. to apply as soon after that date as feasible. Otherwise, there are no paid vacation days. September 1, 2021. At least two letters of recommendation. The law clerks start These applications should Law will terminate on Friday, July 29, 2022. The time to apply for a clerkship varies and depends on the type of clerkship and court. Letters of recommendation may be sent separately from the letter of application.