Ticket Numbering - Ticket numbers are normally assigned sequentially by CounterPoint. This report can save considerable time during the order fulfillment process. For example, you may stock golf balls by the EACH, and sell them at one price by the BOX and at another price by the SLEEVE. Miscellaneous charges, such as freight, can optionally be added during the transfer. This eliminates the need to rekey the data which in turn saves a lot of time and possible errors. CounterPoint supports normal inventory items, gridded (apparel color/size/style) items, and serialized inventory. Historical data is retained and reported for each payment type. When the PO’s are received, transfers are created to distribute the merchandise to the appropriate locations. End-of-day reports provide reconciliation information for each type of payment. Min/max-Orders an item up to its desired maximum stocking level when it falls to or below its minimum (reorder) level. Instead, all of a miscellaneous kit’s components are grouped together below the parent item, which means that the component lines cannot be separately edited, moved, or deleted. Auto-resizes images to match Facebook dimensions, Showcase Instagram images & Videos on homepage & product page, Fetch Instagram images & videos via Username or Hashtags, Approved images manager to have control over displayed images. Tracking Orders - Once an order is on file, you have the option to edit, view all order activity, take additional deposits, or cancel the order. Migrate the attachments from Magento 1 stores. CounterPoint’s Base System includes credit card processing under the CounterPoint Merchant Program (CMP). Sell-through Report - CounterPoint includes the Sell-through Rate report to provide an overview of how well your items are selling based on each item’s sell-through percentage, which compares the total amount of inventory that was available to sell during a particular period to the quantity that was actually sold to customers. Partnership Opportunities Drawers can optionally be auto-reconciled. Ability to customize different product sides, Add statuses to products automatically or manually, Show out of stock options of configurable items, Make product / category / CMS pages maximally informative. With the SQL Enterprise edition, you can use the Retail Valuation method to track your inventory based on its presumed selling price. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Our 100% US Based expert support technicians are available 24/7 for both during business hours and after-hours support. Kits - Capabilities are included for defining and processing Sales Kits (tag-a-long kit), miscellaneous, and prebuilt kits (Bill of Materials). When I am in the middle of working and run into a problem, it makes a huge differences when I can get a quick resolution and continue on with my job", Learn more about your unique business challenges, Discuss unique retail solutions tailored to your business. Layaway processing is similar to order processing. A unique barcode is supported for each individual color/size/style combination for a gridded (apparel) item. RTVs reduce on-hand inventory. New purchase requests are entered with system-assigned or user-entered PO numbers. So, in most cases, yes, we can certainly export your existing data from your current Point of Sale System and import it into NCR Counterpoint POS. Encourage purchases of additional services (gift wrap, warranty, rush delivery, etc. Invoices may be vouchered to the vendor and a report of unvouchered receivings is provided. Let customers create quotes from any web store page, Auto approve quotes with the specified discount amount, Allow guest visitors to add products to quote, Hide prices for particular products and customer groups, Tailor menu and filters' display to your needs, Generate SEO-friendly URLs and brand pages, Apply custom sorting options for brand products, Create Responsive Magento Websites Instantly, Page Builder That Works With Any Magento Theme, Build In Minutes With 50+ elements supported. the Point of Sale Exceptions report, allows you to track the ticket count, average ticket amount, drawer overages and shortages, hours worked, and other daily statistics for each user, as well as the number of Point of Sale exceptions-including price and tax overrides, voided tickets, cash drops and cash loans, manual credit authorizations, and so forth-that each user performed over a specified period. In addition, you can generate purchasing advice based on the updated minimum and maximum values to ensure that you have the forecasted quantities on hand for each period or season. ), Make up for shipping and billing expenses. Holds and Quotes - A ticket can be placed on indefinite hold, and then later recalled for editing or completion by document number, customer name, or other fields. Validates all shipping addresses after checkout. A Miscellaneous kit allows you to define any number of component items with a single, “miscellaneous” (i.e., Non-inventory or Service) parent item. CounterPoint’s Order Management is designed to meet the needs of retailers who process orders from a website, mail order, or customer special orders. Either see directly into stores that are performing well or locations that need immediate action using a wide array of filters and report parameters. You’re also able to market to existing customers with email newsletters, promo codes, and abandoned cart tracking. Drawer readings display the day’s sales activity and show the exact amounts of cash, checks, and other tender expected to be found in each cash drawer. CounterPoint supports allocated/merged PO’s as well as allocated/separate PO’s. Orders, Backorders, and Special Orders In ticket entry, you can mix sales, returns, orders, backorders, special orders, and layaways on the same ticket. Inactive items are those that have no quantity on-hand, no quantity committed, and no sales activity after the specified cutoff date. Customers will receive automatic status updates along the way. Special prices indicate general pricing policies or for particular groups of customers and typically don’t have starting or ending dates. CounterPoint automatically updates on-order quantities for items. The calculated price can be based on a price level, a discount percentage/amount off of a price level, a markup percentage/amount from cost, or a fixed price determined by user-defined pricing rules. Intelligent automation features accelerate daily and repetitive tasks. To date, NCR has successfully received validation with Visa U.S.A.'s payment application best practices for the CounterPoint POS through Visa’s Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP). Add downloadable files of ANY format to ANY page of your store. For example, you may stock golf balls by the EACH, and sell them at one price by the BOX and at another price by the SLEEVE. Using location groups, you can order and receive merchandise for a group of stores in a single, combined PO.