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125-27. As she was coming back down, there was a misstep, causing her to fall and fracture her ankle. Through this paper we will discuss a case of accident that was turned into murder (i.e. 0000012396 00000 n
191-205. 35. Michael is an expert witness specializing in photogrammetry and visibility analysis. PhotoModeler is still my software of choice, as unlike many other solutions, it has a well-established case history in forensics. 0000311190 00000 n
The case eventually went to trial, but the critical issue was conceded before trial and the case settled while in trial. The second type of test was to test the front of the page below the questioned entries for the impressions of the questioned entries. This testing showed the question areas were written within six months of the time the journal was submitted for examination and not over 2 years ago as purported. 134-136. 0000310084 00000 n
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40. This was nearly certain evidence that the “unsol” portion of the questioned entries were all added later to the trading entries and probably all at the same time with the same pen. One side of the family alleged that the signature on page 3 was a forgery. 0000004258 00000 n
At the conclusion of the deposition, the document was taken back to the office and processed on the ESDA instrument. In securities cases, when a dispute arises between a broker and a client, it is common for the parties to create documents to bolster their version of the facts or to accuse the other party of manufacturing their documents. At the evidentiary hearing, the above evidence was presented with no opposing expert taking the witness stand. 0000307686 00000 n
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Some features of the site may not work correctly. We were originally contacted to examine the signature on the deed to determine whether the signature was genuine or forged. Bevel, T. and Gardner, R.M., Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: With an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, CRC Press, New York, 1997, p. 22. Otherwise the pellet would not have hit the end of the gun but the side of it, or completely missed it if it was not raised. A pellet was found that had what appeared to be similar markings. This is indicated by: In this case the victim’s continuing resistance led to an escalation of violence and ultimately to her death. As this case illustrates, photogrammetry can be a very valuable part of the forensic toolkit. The plaintiff’s attorney contacted us to determine if the progress notes were genuine or written after the fact. Crime scene reconstruction can be accomplished in a variety of ways. 0000009575 00000 n
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The plaintiffs settled soon after the report was issued with the findings. Another suit was instituted based on losses from the 2001 time frame. 0000025715 00000 n
This gave the best possible comparison available; the same type of ink, the same formulation, written on the same type of paper, and kept in the same storage conditions. This was on the off-chance that the damage to the end of the slide and barrel was caused by a pellet striking the end of the gun. The first is by comparing the signatures to the voter registration form on file, the second is to determine if a large group of signatures were done by one person or a group of people in a “round robin” fashion. 0000308329 00000 n
Ibid., pp. 198-201. Based on this, it is apparent that the offender’s original intent was to rape the victim, not to commit murder. The questioned entries that were written on the front of the page that intersected with writing on the back all showed that they were written in the normal course of events and not added at a later time as alleged by the plaintiff. 14. 6. This would be an indication that the he was not holding a cup at the time of the shooting. 0000326836 00000 n
If the writing was done before the writing on the back, then it had to be done within about a week and not at a later time after the lawsuit was filed. The examination disclosed no additions to the diary pages, which was not significant to the case I was told, however on one of the pages of the supervisor’s diary some remarkable impressions were found.