New York City law limits guards from carrying anything more powerful than a 9mm handgun—the Glock 9 is the weapon of choice—which can be tucked neatly into a holster under a suit jacket. A veritable army of private security firms offer professional protection throughout New York, with services starting at just $25 per hour. These German Shepherds have especially powerful jaws, which they will use to latch on to an attacker's arm upon command. Intimidation techniques, known as 'menacing', are strictly prohibited. This nightmarish and hyper-violent exercise involves the efforts of a group of homicidal thugs to obtain and safeguard "The Item," a disturbingly phallic worm-thing that may be the Devil himself. This outrageously weird oddity from Dan Clark was the first entry in the Sundance Film Festival's Dramatic Competition shot entirely on Digital Beta video, then transferred to film. One of them hits me in the head, and I’m a little surprised at how hot it is. I’ve never even seen a machine gun fired in person before. ... Meet Dan Clark: Warren Buffett's Personal Bodyguard>> Business Insider Emails & Alerts. Academi, previously Blackwater, is the US State Department's go-to security contractor, offering mercenaries complete with flak jackets, goggles and M16s. Michael Clarke Duncan (December 10, 1957 – September 3, 2012) was an American actor best known for his breakout role as John Coffey in The Green Mile (1999), for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and other honors. Clients who wish to be tailed to the door, or have an agent scout ahead, will need to hire an additional bodyguard to ride shotgun. as well as other partner offers and accept our, , with a business-class ticket in and out of town, and another to accompany the client on their journey, protecting companies and executives in disaster zones in the US, Meet Dan Clark: Warren Buffett's Personal Bodyguard>>. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Harrison K-9 Security Services, which used to supply dogs to the Navy Seals, sells "executive protection dogs" for an average one-off price of $25,000 - $45,000, including professional training and a two-day handlers course. They may also choose to supply their own vehicle, or rent an SUV for an additional $90 per hour. By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider Reserved for royalty and the very biggest names in business, politics and entertainment, these elite agents, usually former Secret Service operatives, are put through rigorous training and regular refresher courses. Clients are also expected to foot the bill for all expenses, including travel and accommodation—and these guys don't fly coach. These run-of-the-mill guards are used for monitoring events, including screening visitors and patrolling perimeters. Clark’s men say they’ll bring it to the scrap yard the next day. They do this again and again, switching drivers in the lead and follow-on cars each time so that everyone gets a chance to practice the move. And yes, in case you are wondering, Mr. Buffett’s bodyguard … But even they call Clark “sir.”. Sign up for Insider Life. They’re working with M-4 carbines, which are a little shorter and lighter version of the military M-16. These German Shepherds have especially powerful jaws, which they will use to latch on to an attacker's arm upon command.