Batgirl used to operate in Gotham City, where she craved for replacing Robin as Batman's partner, until her father James Gordon and herself had to move to Metropolis. [2], This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the television series DC Super Hero Girls and is an adaptation of Bumblebee. Even when a lady hero is branded under a familiar title (such as Batwoman), she is often more than her unoriginal alter-ego might suggest. Dex-Starr Though many women have shared the title, Barbara Gordon has come to be considered the definitive Batgirl by many people. Plugged into every computer on Earth, he supports the Justice League with access, surveillance and strength. She has come into conflict with several colleagues for wiping and altering their memories without their consent. Batman had been paralyzed once before, but recovered speedily; some felt that the same should be true for Batgirl, and her de-powering was due specifically to her gender. Resolute". [2], This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the television series DC Super Hero Girls and is an adaptation of Bumblebee. Green Arrow Originally conceived to add to the Batman brand (and to dispel those pesky gay rumors about Batman and Robin), Batwoman was treated as little more than a disposable love interest and was quickly superseded in popularity by Batgirl. She often finds herself at odds with Green Lantern, though they have, on occasion, fought on the same side. After their marriage, Mera and Aquaman had a son called Aquababy (yes – Aquababy) but their happiness was short-lived. 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She returns to Gotham to attend college and starts dating a young cop (#13 on our list, Renee Montoya), then has a run-in with Batman – which is what inspires her to take up costumed crimefighting. Thinks outside the box.". Fun". Barbara Gordon is Batgirl Each woman on this list has an identity unique to her, a rich history, and an ever-expanding story. She is the one that wants everyone to get along and is often seen as the "cheerleader" in the group because of her contagious enthusiasm and zest for life. Bizarro The original character was created by William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter and first appeared in All-Star Comics #8. Intelligent. If you have read any of the DC Comics or watched Wonder Woman movie, then you know she is a powerful goddess with a good heart. Super Strong. An awkward fish-out-of-water". To the most extreme of degrees. But thanks to the new show, which stars Melissa Benoist as Kara, that character's previously untapped potential has begun to be truly utilized. She is known to be bubbly, cheerful, upbeat and downright optimistic. The original character was created by Julius Schwartz, Gardner Fox, and Carmine Infantino and first appeared in Detective Comics #359. Pacifist. This narrow mindset also made her a little naive, as Katana once mistook the Superhero Girls for villains after having dispatched most of metropolises criminals. A hero who refuses to throw a punch, she could end most confrontations easily, if not for the fact that she's a pacifist. She is also an environmentalist and a vegan. This is what pushes Helena to take up the mantle of Huntress in an effort to eradicate the mob in Gotham City. Faust described Karen Beecher as "the Nobody. An awkward fish-out-of-water". She helps Scott escape and then later follows, after which they settle on Earth together as husband and wife. Shaggy Man list might change from time 2 time. Power Girl essentially is Supergirl – both are Kryptonian survivors named Kara Zor-El – with the only difference being that Power Girl comes from the same alternate universe as Huntress, Earth Two. She is the one that wants everyone to get along and is often seen as the "cheerleader" in the group because of her contagious enthusiasm and zest for life. Thankfully, the 2015 run of her solo title seemed to take steps to correct this. Barda comes from the planet Apokolips, which is ruled by the villainous Darkseid, and she starts her journey under his control, along with everyone else in her world. His legacy left a big impact on her, as he was also a magician, and she even went on to adopt an altered version of his costume as her own (hers shows a lot more leg, unsurprisingly). She becomes an agent herself later on, gets married (which leads to her once again landing Lance as a surname), and eventually becomes a fugitive. As a hero, Batgirl is a "Sleuth. Casey Krinsky Her journey from, essentially, a cult member in service of a despotic god to a woman in control of her own life and power is a classic when it comes to winning over audiences - you can't not root for someone to escape their abuser. Zatanna Adorable. Faust described Barbara Gordon as "the Fangirl. Faust described Zatanna as "Show off. Batgirl This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the television series DC Super Hero Girls and is an adaptation of Batgirl. She's always focusing her energy and engineering skills on upgrading her suit with the latest tech. Hailing from an alternate universe version of Earth, Huntress is really Helena Wayne, the daughter of Earth-Two's Batman and Catwoman.