Higher than normal water continues to be present around the system. Sand fleas and green crabs were the baits de jour. I would describe the bite as a very slow pick. Drove around the river system for two hours taking in the beautiful hillsides of red and white oak that are now at their peak color. Upper Delaware River Fly Fishing Report a nice brown from yesterday. Of course, always wear your PFD! Why? At least we’ll have some sunshine mixed it today. When I got down to the risers I couldn't get out far enough to reach them and had to slog back upstream through the mud. Just keep out of the wind and you’ll find fish eating them. I had turned the last page. His windshield blew out and he and his crew were soaked to the skin. Click on the links below for the most recent flow updates: This is our last daily post for the season. flyfish@thedelawareriverclub.com, Location Spent time crossing off items on the camp close down list and sighting in the  pins on the new bow.The fish were rising again below the Lordville Bridge today so I decided to give them a try. State Regulations I expect it to be a few days without rain for some wadable water to emerge. Mobile Apps Our guests have taken some impressive Brown Trout this week. Thank goodness he entered the water where he did and not twenty feet further downstream.Dennis -  A word of advice, always check the water flows before you go. Elected Officials You ended up trying to fish the WB with the water in the process o…, I am no computer wizard but for the third time with my new laptop I have erased three paragraphs of a blog with one touch of something I'm not even aware of touching. The caddis are still around but it’s been hit or miss seeing them on the water. Voting & Elections One boat had a limit while another had some keepers after sorting through a lot of shorts at the Del-Jersey-Land Reef. We will be back to the normal years of fishing. The release from Cannonsville has been dropped and the flow at Stilesville is 589 cfs and still falling at 6 am. Our fishing season here starts in early April, goes through the summer and into the fall. The water temperature has peaked at 51.8 degrees and has consistently stayed in the upper 40’s. Find out where the action is, what the water conditions are and everything you need for a successful day on the water! Brought to you by The TroutFitter Fly Shop. Public Meetings The olives were out and people did find fish eating them. Fly Fishing Report for the Upper Delaware River and Catskill Rivers. Upper Delaware Fly Fishing Report. We started a pretty normal day with several trips heading out. Today will be 52 degrees with wind 5 – 10 mph from the North. Spent a co…, Didn't fish today and it didn't bother me a bit. Found two pools with bugs, rising fish and no fishermen. Wind will be 4 – 7 mph from the South. The shore is lined with knotweed and the water near shore is deep and muddy. Tan Caddis - #18 – 20 – Hydropsyche sp. Thankfully some of the hard core regulars have continued to share their experiences both good and bad. Overall the action was pretty good prior to the storms. The shots below show the current conditions. Might just hunt here. September 18, 2019. It was as if they came to make sure I did a good cleaning job and to say goodbye. Daily flows, weather and fishing report 10/18/20 This Sunday morning is stating out with a good frost on the ground and temps still in the low-30’s with highs later today around 60, … Two weeks ago I had the best week of fall fishing I've ever had. Same as last Winter. Today I tackled the fly tying room. We may see some better rain Thursday and Friday but the air temps also drop. If you begin to feel cold and start to shiver, get out of the weather and quit fishing. Slate Drake – #14 – Isonychia bicolor Angler 119's Fishing Reports for The Upper Delaware River system. That weekend I wrote the "This will be the last time - - " page. If  Wunderground is correct we’ll see close to 2″ of rain mixed with some snow over the next two days. Last nigh we had 2 times where both of my guests hooked up at the same time. September 30, 2019. My tree stands beckoned but the deer just weren't moving and I was bored. General Assembly In the meantime starting tomorrow we will be posting weekly limited run fly patterns at least through November. He tried to run back to his home port, but that was directly into the wind and sea. They will take bloodworms or cut bunker if you are after just catfish. Delaware Topics A few more days and favorable nymphing conditions will return. 607-290-4022, Don't forget to stop by the shop before heading to the river, © 2014 by Baxter House River Outfitters. Locations Directory The Baitfeeder Reel was screaming when this tank hit it! Find fishing reports, fly shops, guides and lodging. Spinner activity has been heavy. Help Center The release from Cannonsville has been dropped again and the flow at Stilesville is 325 cfs. It was time to close the book and move on to a new season. We’re still fishing small olives for the most part with the occasional small isonychia and caddis thrown in the mix.