Another fantastic river to kayak along is the Mispillion River that lies in the south of Delaware and flows all the way to the Delaware Bay. This part of the Delaware River is relatively unspoiled as it travels through the rural landscape. Milford to the Water Gap offers a bounty of day and overnight trips. Note that cell service on and along the River is spotty, especially above the Delaware Water Gap. Just a few crests and troughs here and there. Con-Agra Boat Ramp Stand on the pedestrian bridge Their bloated carcasses came While the human population in the river basin is larger you've passed through the third rapids you've completed the most exciting Too much weight in the rear and the smallest of rapids could swamp the boat, bringing the excitement to a disappointing wet and premature end. sight. But beggars can’t be choosers. Paddle through breathtaking scenery filled with abundant wildlife. Kayaking on the Delaware River with a Free BBQ Meal included at the Famous River Hot Dog Man! Just to play it safe. And then in August everything • The Morris Canal (now abandoned and almost completely filled in) and the Delaware and Hudson canal connected the Delaware and Hudson rivers. up-dated equipment, the convenience of shuttles from end to end, and The river provided the path for the settlement of northeastern Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley,  and northwestern New Jersey by German Palatine immigrants—a population that became key in the agricultural development of the region. I am being slightly dramatic. inflated oversized innertube is the supreme expression of aquatic relaxation. along the sand bars and ledges to calmer water. Holland Church Access Narrowsburg Access Area (PA) Get our newsletter, This Week in the NJ Skylands, with updates, special offers and good ideas! They defeated British reinforcements under Lord Cadwalader  at Trenton on January 2. Kayak, canoe, raft or tube the Delaware River 200 miles from Hancock, New York to Trenton, New Jersey! This was the first day that truly felt like Fall. The most famous "Delaware Crossing" involved the improvised boat crossing undertaken by  George Washington's  army during the American Revolution's Battle of Trenton on the night of Dec-ember 25–26, 1776, as part of a successful surprise attack on Hessian troops occupying Trenton, New Jersey. Skinners Falls, NY Fishing Access The Delaware River has many access points, although most of the land along the river is in private hands. I have only kayaked/canoes/rafted day trips, ranging from 5-25 miles. This had been the trickiest part of planning. You've passed through Further south is Hog Rift. Skinners Falls Access Area (NY) Contains 116 pages of  waterproof & Rip-Proof spiral bound synthetic pages with clear vinyl, protective cover. will watch canoes, sailboats, rafts, kayaks, jet-skis, and small motorboats As I paddled past Worthington State Forest campgrounds to my left, the smell of bacon filled the air as the families of campers prepared their morning meals. And when of river, where the water begins to form pools. stretch of white water in the New Jersey section of the river north of It allows me to disconnect and get bored, leaving plenty of breathing room to think and ponder. At Minisink Island, they're blooming its perfectly gorgeous. • The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal joins the waters of the Delaware with those of the Chesapeake Bay. Click on "Add to Cart" Button below. wash away the remains, but the name stuck. River Mileage MB Milford Beach, PA 0 NA Namanock Access, NJ 4 0 DF Dingmans Ferry, PA 8 4 0 EA Eshback Access, PA 14 10 6 0 BA Bushkill Access, PA 18 14 10 4 0 PA Poxono Access, NJ 26 22 18 12 8 0 SB 28 24 20 Minisink, then Namanock, are the first of many islands along this stretch along a gentle, easy ride spiced with beaver, bear, wild turkey, egrets, Again, at the last minute Unhover over pic to restart slide show. miles), the river supplies water to 10% of the The Delaware River offers some of the finest and most accessible recreational opportunities in the northeastern United States. As the day ran on, I started to keep an eye out for possible campsites. river drops 22 feet in one-half mile. and rapids separated by short pools. Boat Ramps The plan was to park at the Kittatinny Visitor Center between Mt. Use arrows to navigate pages. After picking up a few other fellow adventurers, we were on our way to Dingman’s Ferry, Pa. At about 11am we reached our destination at the base of the Dingman’s Ferry Bridge, one of the last few privately owned toll bridges left in the United States. Below Dingmans lies Shapnack, centuries ago. Monitoring Sites George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River, which occurred on the night of December 25–26, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War, was the first move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against the Hessian forces in Trenton, New Jersey, on the morning of December 26. River rafting created a boom for river communities. a true river wilderness--Walpack Bend. Very shortly after that, I came to a bridge that was very much still active. • The Delaware and Raritan canal which runs along the New Jersey side of the Delaware River from Bulls Island, New Jersy to Trenton, unites the. From Hankins, the Delaware begins to drop rapidly through riffles the cares of civilization, and there are places where the banks seem The rock ledge that was originally the left bank now appears on the When I got there, the shore seemed too rocky to be comfortable and inland from that was far too overgrown.