It can be common for children to lose or break them. Expense and Responsibility. And a lot of other diseases can be effect the body by its high usage. Disadvantage occurs when a situation, capability, or a scenario, is not in a person’s control. Distracting and forever interrupting Distracting and forever interrupting. I think we can easily remember our frustration on the many occasions when in the middle of a serious conversation, your or your partner’s phone rings up. They are convenient. Mobile Phone is a device mainly used for voice calls. Among the negative health effects associated with proximity to cell phone towers are DNA damage, sleeplessness, eye cancer, infertility, cardiac problems, and chronic fatigue. List of the Disadvantages of Cell Phones 1. They can be life savers. It is when cell phones are misused that the disadvantages tend to make themselves known. Having a mobile phone is quite a big responsibility, given the expense and relative fragility of these devices. Below, we sum up the current status quo of this debate by listing 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of mobile phones. Like everything has a positive and a negative side, mobile phones too have some advantages and disadvantages. When you consider what are the disadvantages of mobile phones, perhaps the greatest negative impact could be the effects mobile phones may have on a person's health. There are almost 700,000 drivers who will pick up their cell phone while in their vehicle for some reason during any given day. Cell phones create a significant distraction for people. 1. Below are five of the downsides. 5 Disadvantages of Mobile Phones 1. 2. Here are a few disadvantages of using mobile phones for long hours. It’s great being able to call a friend when you are out and about – without being tied to a land line. It’s always available nature is surely a blessing in times of emergency or crisis. When responsible use is the top priority for this technology, for children and adults, the advantages become more prevalent. Mobile Phone can be cause of skin diseases especially hand skin, cancer and eye problems etc. 1. Two Students are playing with mobile phone during lecture. 1) Brain Cancer Mobile phones emit radio frequency energy, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues close to the phone. Ownership of mobile phones can create specific issues for children. 5 Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for Children. Taking a mobile phone with you when you go hiking is a basic safety precaution. Top 10 Advantages of Mobile Phones. 1. Nowadays mobile phones are used for SMS, internet browsing, playing video games, photography, sending emails and a lot more things. When you go through the sub-topics below, do note that there are disadvantages of using mobile phones, that can be controlled with moderation and discipline, and you will also find other negative impacts that you won’t have a control over. Hence mobile phone is also called as a smart phone. The advantages and disadvantages of cell phones make one point very clear.