1 word related to discriminable: distinguishable. What are synonyms for discriminability? 1 word related to discriminable: distinguishable. discretive , discretively , discretiveness , discretization , discretize , discriminable , discriminal , discriminant , discriminant analysis , discriminant validity This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. https://www.freethesaurus.com/discriminably. Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, DECLENSION CLASSES IN LIVONIAN--A LANGUAGE-USER ABSTRACTIVE APPROACH, Individual Consistencies as Interactive Styles under Decision and Ambiguity Contingencies, Psychometric properties of the Negative Stereotypes Towards Aging Questionnaire (CENVE) among a sample of Portuguese adults, Binary Morphological Filtering of Dominant Scattering Area Residues for SAR Target Recognition, Brain Network Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease Identified by Early-Phase PIB-PET, Antiblurry dejitter image stabilization method of fuzzy video for driving recorders, Improved Collaborative Representation Classifier Based on [l.sub.2]-Regularized for Human Action Recognition, Cloud-Based DDoS HTTP Attack Detection Using Covariance Matrix Approach, Composite Fire Detection System Using Sparse Representation Method, Efficient Active Sensing with Categorized Further Explorations for a Home Behavior-Monitoring Robot, The effect of varied reinforcement on acquisition and extinction speed/Efecto del reforzamiento variado en la velocidad de adquisicion y extincion, Reappearance of Sequences with Different Number of Responses in Extinction and Variation Contexts/Reaparecimento de Sequencias com Diferentes Numeros de Respostas em Contextos de Extincao e de Variacao, On image recoloring--part 1: Correct grayscale conversion, Quantitative Detection of ID4 Gene Aberrant Methylation in the Differentiation of Myelodysplastic Syndrome from Aplastic Anemia, Discretized Continuous White Noise Acceleration, Discretized Distributes Approximating Function, Discretized-Phase Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv, Discriminant Analysis with Shrunken Covariances, Discriminant Non-negative Matrix Factorization. Antonyms for discriminably. Of course, while such match values are mathematically calculable, the psychological matches that may be assessed by a witness may not be, Importantly, none of the confidence intervals around the factor correlations included 1.0, suggesting that the factors were, Make less essential information less salient by "ghosting" or "lowlighting" it (i.e., by representing it in a shade of gray that is visible but, These pretheoretical investigations have tended to follow three overlapping, but, The evidence reviewed thus far suggests that rats exude an odor following non reward that is.