Posted by. Against players, the Disorient status effect lowers your accuracy and scrambles your controls, making you move erratically until the effect wears off. The good news is you can easily repay the favour either with Piercing Ammo or with the Demolitionist Specialization’s Frag Grenades. The Urban MDR's exclusive "Distracted" talent lets the weapon do increased damage against targets suffering from a status effect, making it a good weapon for those specializing in applying and maintaining status effects. Disrupt is therefore very similar in The Division 2 to how it worked in The Division 1, silencing current Skills and preventing the use of future Skills until its effect wears off. You’ll most often come across this effect when you find yourself up against the blade-touting remote control vehicles that enemy Wireless Operators may send your way. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division 2; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. Status Effect Icons List? Our The Division 2 status effects guide will walk you through every status effect we know about, and how they can be used against both NPC enemies and other players. Player characters and NPCs may exhibit differing behavior when exposed to a status effect, but the net result should still be the same. With enemies, the status effect is far more severe, holding them still as they sway on the spot like a drunken Jack Sparrow trying to rid the spots from their eyes. Rock Paper Shotgun and RPS are registered trade marks of ReedPop Limited. As far as we’re aware here in the office, there are seven primary status effects it is possible to come across in The Division 2. Against players, the Disorient status effect lowers your accuracy and scrambles your controls, making you move erratically until the effect … Disruption is an effect which you may remember from a certain Side Mission against the True Sons in the earlier parts of The Division 2. Using certain status effects (as well as suppressive fire) is what passes as "crowd control" in The Division. The Disoriented status effect is something you encounter very early on in The Division 2, and its effect is straightforward and rather debilitating. This makes it best not to move out from cover until the effect has worn off, because while Disoriented you are not in full control of your agent’s faculties. Certain enemies have access to Poison Ammo, while grenades can disperse a transparent cloud of poison that applies the effect if you are caught in the AoE. The Division 2 best builds - Nemesis PVP build, LMG PVE build, The Division 2 Exotic weapons locations - Nemesis Exotic Rifle, Hyena Key locations, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition remasters Shephard's stellar trilogy next year, Call Of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War criticised for overly generous PlayStation exclusives, From graffiti to giant robots, Umurangi Generation's Macro DLC isn't messing around. Against enemies, Disorientation will stun them as they waver around much like Blindness and various other of these status effects. It’s effectively a paralysis effect against enemies, making skills such as the Blinder Firefly and the Sharpshooter Specialization’s Flash Grenades very powerful in certain situations against NPC enemy factions. They're pretty straight forward for the most part, like a little flame means they're burning but some I just can't figure out like the ones that looks like this -> {x}, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the thedivision community. Blindness is something you’ll often come across with enemy sharpshooters who shine lights as they’re aiming, so that you become blinded when you aim down sights towards them. If you are set on fire, either through a flamethrower-wielding enemy or an exploding flammable canister (or some other means), you will take a certain amount of effective health damage (first to Armour, and then once Armour is depleted it will move onto Health) every half-second or so until the effect wears off. Question. Best free PC games A Status Effect is a condition that affects an individual, whether a player or an NPC, that impacts their ability to perform actions. They can be cleansed by the First Aid skill, the Immunizer mod on the Support Station, the Recovery Link Signature Skill, certain gear talents, and eating the Energy Bar consumable. Bleed is very similar in nature to Burn, dealing damage over time to you until the effect wears off a few seconds later. Cookies help us deliver our Services. If you use the Sharpshooter specialization the Pulse Drone is somewhat decent in team play. As is often the case with these status effect, Burn is far more effective on NPCs than on yourself, and you can take advantage of this either by destroying flammable canisters near enemies or by unlocking the Incendiary Grenades for the Survivalist Specialization. Tom Clancy's The Division: Agent Origins (Web-series), Tom Clancy's The Division Original Soundtrack, Tom Clancy's The Division Survival Original Soundtrack, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Original Soundtrack, Tom Clancy's The Division: New York Collapse, Tom Clancy's The Division: Extremis Malis, In common Division parlance, this almost always refers to debuffs that can temporarily cripple a character in one way or another. Best graphics cards Gear Talents come in both as Active and Passive. Certain stat rolls on gear can include resistances to specific effects (or resistance to all effects, in one case). Best Minecraft shaders for 1.16.3 Below we’ll walk you through each one in turn, explaining what it does both to players and to NPC enemies, and some of the ways in which they can be applied. Support RPS and get an ad-free site, extra articles, and free stuff. Question. Anyone have a list of what all the icons that appear above enemies do? Tagged with feature, guides, Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft, Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Setting NPC enemies alight will cause them to do the funky chicken as they attempt to put out the fire before they die. And that’s all you really need to know about the different debuffs and status effects you can dish out or receive in The Division 2. Please enable Javascript to view comments. These vehicles won’t explode like the first of their kind that you come across; instead they’re content with running through you and dealing considerable damage, plus a hefty Bleed effect that can be extremely painful depending on your current level and the enemies you’re facing. Anyone have a list of what all the icons that appear above enemies do? Press J to jump to the feed. In that case, You were made aware that this effect was rendering you unable to use any of your Skills until you dealt with the source of the disruption. At the White House recalibration station, you can transfer stats, talents, and bonuses from one item to the next. Gear Talents in the Division 2 work the same as the previous game, though they have become quite complicated. Shock is one of the most powerful PvP effects currently in The Division 2, and one of the only effects that is as perilous for players as it is for NPC enemies. Best PC games The Burn status effect is fairly easy to understand, and its function very obvious. New PC games 2020 ® © 2020. Disorient status effect. Different forms of skills and ammunition can cause you to bleed, burn, become poisoned, and just generally die in a magnificent variety of ways, so it’s important to know what’s what when it comes to all these different debuffs. Go have a lie down, Internet. Upon players, most status effects impact the user interface (UI) on top of any other mechanical effects. The Shock effect completely paralyses a player, causing them to stand up out of cover and remain still and defenseless for the duration of the effect – about 3 seconds. Black Friday A Status Effect is a condition that affects an individual, whether a player or an NPC, that impacts their ability to perform actions.