Domenick Lombardozzi. Domenick Lombardozzi during HBO's "The Wire" New York Premiere -September 7, 2006 at Chelsea West Cinema in New York City, New York, United States. Ai sensi del presente contratto Premium Access, hai accesso alla modalità di sola visualizzazione. Lombardozzi was inspired to act by the film State of Grace. Control Remedy, Your email address will not be published. 1993 to present. Across its first five days streaming, it garnered an average minute audience of nearly 13.2 million viewers, with the largest amount of viewing coming on the third day with 3.1 million watching. Domenick Lombardozzi is one of those faces people might not recognize immediately, but a peek of his acting credits will indeed help refresh memories. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "A&E's 'Breakout Kings' Cancelled After Two Seasons", "All the NYC eats featured in Netflix's 'Somebody Feed Phil,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Denotes films that have not yet been released, Episode: "The Gowanus Canal Has Gonorrhea! Decreasing Definition Math, Cerebellar Ataxia Stages, Get premium, high resolution news photos at … The story, which is based on Charles Brandt’s 2004 novel “I Heard You Paint Houses,” follows truck driver Frank “The Irishman” Sheeran (De Niro), a reputed hitman suspected of involvement in the disappearance and murder of Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa. The Wire (TV Series 2002–2008) Domenick Lombardozzi as Det. It’s all come full-circle for Lombardozzi who credits De Niro and Chazz Palminteri for giving him his first acting role when he was just 15 years-old. Blue Jays Trade Review, He was a well-respected guy. Herc and Carver conceal a high-priced listening device within a tennis ball to gain information. When Herc and Carver intercept the Barksdale crew's profits for a day by tailing Wee-Bey Brice, Herc considers keeping some of the money, but Carver realizes that figures mentioned on the wiretap might leave them exposed. Whiskey Eyes Country Song, Professional Crisis Management Online Course, He stars as Thomas "Herc" Hauk in third, fourth, & fifth seasons. Domenico "Domenick" Lombardozzi (/ˌlɒmbɑːrˈdoʊzi/,[1] Italian: [lombarˈdɔttsi]; born March 25, 1976) is an American actor from the Bronx, New York. Maudra Mayrin, Priya Tendulkar Family, It needed to play for at least seven days to make it a contender for the Oscars and should it win for Best Picture, it will be a first for Netflix. The third season aired on Sundays at 9:00 … He has a recurring role as Jack Maple in the third season of The Deuce. Cliccando sul pulsante Download, si riconosce la propria responsabilità nell’uso di contenuti senza liberatoria (incluso l’ottenimento di qualsiasi autorizzazione necessaria all’uso) e si accetta di rispettare tutte le restrizioni associate. “Working with Joe, Bob, Al and Marty was something beautiful to witness. Un 10. According to Nielsen SVOD Content Ratings, the first day the film streamed (November 27) it brought in an average minute audience of nearly 2.6 million U.S. viewers. Date of birth Lombardozzi was cast in his first film role at age seventeen, when Robert De Niro cast him in A Bronx Tale as a low level gun dealer named Nicky Zero. Mo Money Mo Problems Release Date, Raccogli, seleziona e commenta i tuoi file. ', EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change, in movie ticket sales over Thanksgiving weekend. Dogwood Festival 2020 Cancelled, Who Won Spring Baking Championship Season 7, It needed the time to tell it right.”. Domenick Lombardozzi. Il tuo Sales Executive Getty Images ti proporrà quindi un rinnovo. Marlo's crew realize they are being filmed and give false information (prompting Herc to detain an innocent woman) and then steal the camera. He has appeared in the series Oz, Boardwalk Empire and Breakout Kings and the films Phone Booth (2002), S.W.A.T. The Bronx, New York, USA *, {{ t('save_amount', { amount_saved: formatPrice(pack.amountYouSave) }) }}, {{ t('pack_count_lowercase', { total: pack.packCount }) }}, {{t('compared_with_single_price', {price: formatPrice(selectedSize.price) }) }}. *Gli UltraPacks non scadono mai, a condizione che venga eseguito l’accesso almeno una volta l’anno. Lombardozzi reunited with many of the cast and crew from The Wire on the subsequent series The Deuce. He describes his experience on The Irishman as incredibly special. In an Interview, He Reveals. He asked what parts of me were left untouched and I said, ‘Just the earlobes!’”, This was Lombardozzi’s first time working with Pesci. First episode L'account EZA rimarrà in vigore per un anno. Character L'account EZA non costituisce licenza. 1993 to present “There were three people working on me to get every detail right and when all was said and done, there was only one part of me that’s mine.”, His first day filming was a scene that involved most of the cast. Il contenuto contrassegnato con “Solo per uso Editorial” non può essere utilizzato per fini commerciali o promozionali. He is an actor, known for The Family (2013), Find Me Guilty (2006) and For Love of the Game (1999). Domenico " Domenick " Lombardozzi (/ ˌlɒmbɑːrˈdoʊzi /, Italian: [lombarˈdɔttsi]; born March … the wire - Domenick Lombardozzi. They’ve known each other for decades and it’s almost like they telepathically communicate with one another. He basically lives in his office because he is afraid of going home, but his work is no reprieve from stress, either. Il tuo account Easy-access (EZA) consente al personale della tua organizzazione di scaricare contenuti per i seguenti usi: Scavalca la necessità di acquistare la licenza standard per immagini e video presenti sul sito Web di Getty Images mentre sviluppi la composizione. Cuban Link 50 Cent Age, He and Marimow clash over methods, and Herc shows no respect for his leadership abilities. Please try again. Domenick Lombardozzi. Salerno was head of the Genovese crime family in New York City from 1981 until his conviction in 1986. Domenick Lombardozzi during HBO's "The Wire" New York Premiere -September 7, 2006 at Chelsea West Cinema in New York City, New York, United States. Domenick Lombardozzi is best known for his role as Detective (later Sgt.) 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