At Dracula's request, the Master Vampire turned Prince Vlad into a vampire to give him the power to fight the armies of the Ottoman Turks. Before he acts out against them, Mirena stops him and calms him down. During a Easter feast with his family and subjects, an Ottoman subject Hamza Bey appears unexpectedly and even after a regular tribute of one-third of the treasury's silver coins, Hamza Bey accuses Vlad of killing his battalion of scouts and tells Vlad that Mehmed wants 1,000 boys to join the Janissary Corps as his compensation for the loss of his battalion. Caligula – as a supporting character – was a creative decision that stuck through shooting. Alias Vlad's love for her and their son leads him to kill Mehmed's, risk war, and giving up his soul to become a vampire. Desperate, Vlad goes to the vampire caves and approaches the Master Vampire, and explains his story to him. Related: Netflix's Dracula: Differences And Comparisons To Stoker's Original Story. Full Name In exchange for his service and possibly his soul, the demon let Gaius drink its blood, becoming a vampire. Vlad tells him he needs the power to stop the Turks, but the Master Vampire is reluctant to give his power to a man who slaughtered thousands. A reboot of the Dracula film series, the plot creates an origin story for the titular character, rather than using the storyline of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel. Vlad II Tepes (father)Mirena (wife, deceased)Ingeras (son) Vlad became the Janissary Corps' fiercest warrior, and was later called "Vlad the Impaler" after impaling thousands of soldiers with spears. Dracula Untold marks the end of a long journey for the script formerly known as Dracula: Year Zero. The first time was in. They fear monsters. Full Name With his enemies, defeated, and the world believing him dead, Dracula disappears from public eye, while Ingreas is made the new prince, and over time, Dracula has became a name in legend. When I was on set, a tour of the production office revealed an eerie, cracked Roman mask that Caligula wears when he is first revealed. Vlad would later become know as "The Impaler" for using wooden stakes to have his enemies impaled. Entrusting Îngeraș to his monk- friend Lucien, Dracula returns the weather to its normal state and attempts to kill himself and his subjects in order to protect his son. He was portrayed by Charles Dance, who also portrayed Mr. Benedict in Last Action Hero, Alan Jonah in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Sardo Numspa in The Golden Child, Thomas in the Underworld series, and Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones. Oktober 2014 in den deutschen Kinos. Vlad returns to Broken Tooth Mountain and speaks with the Master Vampire. At the beginning of the film, he first encountered Vlad after he and some of his soldiers entered his lair while looking for an Ottoman scouting party. Especially since they were elements of the story that made it through principal photography yet were ultimately excised somewhere in post-production. Der Film startete am 2. Vlad III Tepes aka Dracula is the titular main protagonist of Dracula Untold. In desperation, Mirena begs Vlad to complete his transformation into a complete vampire to save their son. Vlad Tepes the III Dracula Untold marks the end of a long journey for the script formerly known as Dracula: Year Zero. Her death also caused him to become more savage and much like his former reputation. His people turn on him and decide to kill him by burning him in a tent. Upon returning home, he witnesses a siege on Castle Dracula, which he single handedly fights them off, killing all but one, who he leaves as a messager. However, having lived long enough to witness for himself both the best and worst of what humanity, the world and even life itself has to offer, the entity has no tolerance for being lied to by those he considers as literal lesser mortals, as seen by how he reacted when he sensed that Vlad was omitting from him some knowledge concerning the extent of the latter's kills before seeking the former in his own cave, pinning Vlad against one of the walls there and threatening to end him then and there if he lied to him again. Vlad returns to the Monastery to find thirty odd survivors and offers them each a chance of revenge, turning them into vampires.