Beyond the Reach promises goofy genre pleasures, but fails to deliver, losing the viewer -- and a villainous turn from Michael Douglas -- in a misguided story that stumbles to the finish. When I connect with the spirit people, one of the most comforting messages they share is that they are still with us, and death is just an illusion! Live video conferencing with interactive participation. Resolution Agreement: South Carolina Technical College System, OCR Compliance Review No. If your child has no device (or only a smartphone), limited internet access, or both no device and limited internet access, the sections below can help you find ways to obtain a device and connectivity for your child. How is my child protected from distracting or inappropriate content online? Plot Keywords. In addition to Johan and his parents, Billy and Frog (voiced by Emily Deschanel) are especially artful. Talk with your child about how to be a responsible digital citizen. QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF, YOUR CHILD, THEIR TEACHERS, AND SCHOOL LEADERS: ENABLING DIGITAL LEARNING, Common Sense Digital Citizenship resources, about/offices/list/ocr/addresses.html,, instructional-strategies/personalized-learning-what-you-need-to-know/, family_toolkit/EL-Family-Tool-Kit-Attending-Schools-in-the-US.pdf,,, FINAL_web.pdf,,,,,,,,, var window_height = jQuery(window).height(); A young man describes that his parents were search and rescue personnel and that they are dead. This guide focuses on empowering you with information and resources to improve your child’s opportunity for successful and safe digital learning. var window_bottom_position = (window_top_position + window_height) - (offset*2); While the hardware and software required on each device may vary based on your child’s needs and their digital learning program, your child may generally need the ability to communicate reliably and safely with their personal learning device. | Your child may need or benefit from special supports, for example: Technology that your child with a disability may use, referred to as assistive technology, may include software and systems that translate text to speech or speech to text, closed captions, translation tools, and resources available in multiple media formats such as text, audio, and video. Discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin is prohibited by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Retrieved from, Immordino-Yang, M. H., Darling-Hammond, L., & Krone, C. (2018). Discover school- or community-provided internet access. A young man buries a dead man on a mountain side under a pile of rocks ( a hand is sticking out). Digital technologies allow learning to take place synchronously with others (i.e., at the same time with you, a teacher, or other students), asynchronously (i.e., not at the same time), or both (i.e., with a mix of live interactions and assignments completed independently by each student based on their own schedule and pace). These features can: For additional information on online safety concerns and ways of protecting your child online, see “Cyber Safety Considerations for K-12 Schools and School Districts.”. Remind your child that virtual communities are an extension of their classrooms and the same basic rules apply, such as treating others with respect. Is there a virtual school option available through a private provider or through my district or state? Competency-based approaches and systems value flexible learning environments where learning may happen at different times and in different spaces. Your child is empowered to make learning decisions, including how to demonstrate what has been learned. Do they require students to have an account? Families can talk about the number of movies made for kids that deal with the death of a parent. ► A young man hides in a tunnel while a man with a gun searches for him; the man throws a lit stick of dynamite toward the tunnel and runs out of the cave as the young man tries to extinguish the dynamite but cannot; the young man runs out of the cave just as it explodes (we see him with a bloody cut on his head). This option may include full courses that are self-paced, access to a virtual classroom that provides teachers, content, and assessments, or some combination. Learn about your internet access. Madec is, after all, a guy that drives a tank-sized jeep, complete with portable martini bar, industrial-grade flood-lights, and a lounge chair that comes equipped with a handset-controlled loud-speaker. But watching Douglas behave like a narcissistic scumbag is an absolute pleasure, one in which viewers of action-adventure "Beyond the Reach" can happily indulge.Douglas plays Madec, a deranged poacher who winds up hunting Ben (Jeremy Irvine), a skillful human tracker, across the Mojave Desert. Directed by Jean-Baptiste Léonetti. Learners can be motivated to learn in different ways, and a wide variety of factors can influence learning engagement and effectiveness. A man speeds in a car and slams on the brakes just before a ledge. Many platforms allow you to use virtual backgrounds or images to protect the privacy of your home. Your child can learn to use digital tools for organizing, researching, writing, publishing, and creating media on topics that are important and interesting. When and where are important school and class updates posted? How does the school or education provider manage privacy policies of applications being used for learning? (2020). With the belligerent, selfish Billy guiding him, Johan makes his way to the Kingdom, an afterlife for mostly bunny inhabitants. The resources section below provides additional sources for finding internet access options in your community. The U.S. Department of Education has also funded the creation of tools that help provide students flexibility in accessing educational resources. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. A young man yells in frustration. What can I do to help my child develop skills and competencies? The topics are a child's grief at the loss of a parent and the very dire consequences of attempting to upset the natural and fundamental balance of life. LANGUAGE 4 - 4 scatological terms, 2 anatomical terms, 4 mild obscenities, name-calling (crazy, stupid, psychotic), 6 religious profanities (GD), 6 religious exclamations (e.g. A well-written letter for an outstanding applicant can show impressive characteristics beyond their own self-advocacy. Let your child know that they should tell you, their teacher, or a family member if they or a classmate are being bullied or are worried about any troubling content, encounters, or activities online. We welcome suggestions & criticisms -- and we will accept compliments too. Directed by Jean-Baptiste Léonetti. Learning can be organized for individual, small group, and whole class interactions, which may appeal to different learners’ needs and preferences. A guy is having a flashback about him and his girlfriend in a cave, and she looks like she is not clothed from the upper body but it's hard to tell because she is leaning over a cave's rock. }. Providing opportunities for your child to share experiences, engage in digital class discussions and small group work, and support one another. Retrieved from, Virtual Learning. My 9 year old grandson was so taken by this movie he didn't hear one word we said to him. Core Education. A young man is shown wearing underwear only while running through a desert and his skin is reddened either from blood or sun exposure. Digital learning can help meet the specific needs of your child, monitor your child’s academic progress, and connect you and your child with your school community and beyond. Tools like, Morin, A. Though kids are the film's target audience, subject matter, confusing events, and/or some life-and-death scariness may make it unsettling for some. Learn about opportunities from device distribution to enrichment programs to exam preparation. zergnet.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? Young bunny Johan embarks upon a perilous journey in an effort to bring his mother back to life. Ambitious, cryptic, and often dark, this inventive animated tale tackles big themes with a multilayered story that is both puzzling and provocative. This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are expert with these tools, and anywhere in between.