III, p. 105. Digges was for a time imprisoned in the Fleet Prison by order of the King, but was released on apologizing to the King, an act that John Eliot was unwilling to perform. p. 825; Hasted's Kent, iii. [3] He was a friend of Henry Hudson and in 1610 he was one of those who fitted out Hudson for his last voyage. ; Allibone's Dictionary of Bibliography; Foss's Lives of the Judges. This is a demonstration of certain mathematical discoveries made about 1574 by his grandfather, Thomas Digges. that the "losses" to England's treasure by the importation of Indian [Virginia?] 98, 130, (Col. East Indies, 1617–21) pp. In 1614 Digges was re-elected MP for Tewkesbury to the Addled Parliament. 257; Cal. Edward Digges, Governor of Virginia, c. 29 Mar 1621, Chilham, Kent, England d. 15 Mar 1676 (Age ~ 54 years). Digges was elected to the 1626 Parliament and joined the Puritan MP Sir John of Lord Chancellors, p. 70; Lists of Members of Parliament, Official Return of; Commons' Debates, 1625 (Camden Soc. [2] He was named ambassador to Muscovy in 1618–19 and Special Ambassador to Holland in 1620. (1765), Buckler, Benjamin, (Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press, [1765]), FHL book 929.242 C432b; FHL microfilm 496,554 item 1., p. 5. In 1628 Digges was elected MP for Kent and sat until 1629 when King Charles decided to rule without parliament for eleven years. [S5] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 273. English Mercantilist, educated at III, p. 277. [Virginia?] 2. In 1631, Digges was appointed to a royal commission to oversee the https://www.geni.com/people/Sir-Dudley-Digges-MP/6000000006444169428 Digges's son Edward was among the "planters," who emigrated in the 1640s and became Governor of Virginia. After an ongoing land dispute, Dudley Digges was shot and killed by Martin Kitzmiller at Kitzmiller's Mill on Feb. 26. 10 p. 164. [1] He matriculated at University College, Oxford on 18 July 1600 aged 17 and was awarded BA on 1 July 1601. Digges became a gentleman of the privy chamber in 1618. Will of Dorothie Kempe, widow, dated 14 November 1626; probate May 1629. ii. He DIGGES, THOMAS (d. 1595), mathematician, son of Leonard Digges (d. 1571) [q. v.], by his wife, Bridget, daughter of Thomas Wilford, esq., was born in Kent, probably at the residence of his father. Mus. 1627–8) pp. 243, 330, 331, (Dom. His sons were Virginia colonists and one of them, Edward Digges, He was appointed Master of the Rolls in 1630 under King Charles I. king and made master of the rolls. Dudley Digges was born on June 9, 1879 in Not Known (68 years old). St. Leger, knight, and of Ursula his wife, daughter of George Neville, lord Abergavenny, and had issue, Tycho Brahe had a high opinion of Digges's mathematical talents (Halliwell, Letters illustrative of the Progress of Science in England, p. 33).