East Coast Swing has a 6 count basic step. This left the dance much easier to teach and master, but the real gut of swing was eliminated, making it spiritless compared with its older brothers. Dean Collins arrived in Hollywood in the late 1930’s and learned the different types of swing, traveling back between the East and West coasts. The dance was created by dance studios including the Arthur Murray dance studios in the 1940s, based on the Lindy Hop. Swing dance was inspired by a revolution of jazz music that kept audiences dancing and thus music was known and described as ‘Swing Jazz’ to befit the effect of the music to its audiences. East Coast Swing is a Rhythm Dance that has both 6 and 8 beat patterns. This will vary depending on the tempo of the music and the skill of the dancers. This group of dances also includes Lindy Hop, Carolina Shag, Balboa, West Coast Swing, and Jive. Skippy Blair. The N.D.C.A. Those who start with a triple will start with a triple on each new phrase. The newer dancers, not knowing any better would learn how to do this "Vanilla" or refined version and then go out and dance it. East Coast Swing can be referred to by many different names in different regions of the United States and the World. It favors improvisation. The jitterbug evolved in the 1930’s as a six-count variant of the Lindy hop. The East Coast Swing dance is a social partner dance developed in the 1940’s by dance studios and dance organizations. There is the choice to start with triples or with a rock step, however if you check the above chart where a triple step starts on a 1, 2 you can see that the pattern progresses and wraps back around. … Laurie Haile is credited in determining the different swing styles for Arthur Murray in the early 1950's by documenting the distinct styles we use today, outside of Lindy, Jitterbug, and Rock and Roll. Slow. oversees all the standards of American Style Ballroom and Latin dances. It was given this name (East Coast Swing) to distinguish it from a variant (The Jive) that was widely being danced in the competitive ballroom. Swing Dance History. Most of the patterns end in a rock step that is used as a breaking action to begin the next movement. This means that dancers who choose to start with a rock step will probably find themselves on a rock step on every new phrase. Also, the name was changed to East Coast Swing from Eastern Swing in the 1950’s. The East Coast swing incorporates mostly six-count patterns but occasionally eight count variations are included. Moreover, it is categorized under the swing dance umbrella of dance genres. In the middle of the 1950's, the associations again tried to resell the public on an old dance, by identifying Swing as... "Rock and Roll" dancing. So learn to swing dance whatever style, you're unique and your dances should be varied and your style should represent your knowledge of dance that other, newer dancers (and they are the majority) don't posses, not being limited to only one. Originally known as "Eastern Swing" by Arthur Murray Studios, the name East Coast Swing became more common between 1975 and 1980. This means that dancers who choose to start with a rock step will probably find themselves on a rock step on every new phrase. Jazz players, they can just get together and blow for their solos, however, in large groups, At the same time, hotel dance bands such as Paul, Whiteman, The California Ramblers, Ted Lewis, Vincent Lopez etc. page 27. The dance had captured the imagination of young people everywhere, It was widely danced in the U.S and Europe through the end of World War II. Yerrington and Outland equated East Coast Swing to the New Yorker in 1961. The dance evolved from the Lindy Hop with the work of the Arthur Murray dance studios in the 1940s. ECS came from Lindy Hop which was the original dance to swing music. East Coast Swing is a type of Rhythm Dance that has a long history and it is also one the best swing dances. Swing music came from New Orleans in the form of Jazz. Depending on the region and instructor, the basic step of single-step East Coast Swing is either "rock step, step, step" or "step, step, rock step". In practice on the social dance floor, the six count steps of the East Coast Swing are often mixed with the eight count steps of Lindy Hop, Charleston, and less frequently, Balboa. However you will eventually find you like them all and soon you will understand the importance of them all and understand why there are different styles to begin with. "American Society of Teachers of Dancing". Originally known as "Eastern Swing" by Arthur Murray Studios, the name East Coast Swing became more common between 1975 and 1980.[1]. and provided the start for future big band leaders like Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, etc. In the 1940’s and 50’s, the East Coast swing single rhythm was very popular since it works so well with big band and doo-wop type music. In both cases, the rock step always starts on the downbeat. Because East Coast uses a six step pattern with music employing 4 beats per measure, three measures of music are required to complete two sets of steps, as shown in the following table. 1994. or "Back Step. It is counted as “1-touch two-touch, rock-step.” The single step swing is also known as Single Lindy. This is commonly used during songs when a slower tempo makes the single step difficult (an example progression would be "rock step, triple step, triple step"). lakeshoredanceacademy@gmail.com. We are looking forward meeting you! The dance studios had initially dismissed Lindy Hop in particular as a fad. 1. Swing music came from New Orleans in the form of Jazz. Lindy Hop was felt by dance studios to be both too difficult and too unstructured to teach to beginning dancers, but there was market demand for training in Swing Dance. The East Coast swing gained The swing dance was discovered by a black community during the 1920’s through dancing to contemporary jazz music. For a limited time, find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises for FREE! It belongs to the group of swing dances. [2] East Coast Swing can be referred to by many different names in different regions of the United States and the World. (The clip on the right has the ECS dance at end of clip). In 1950s the proper dance notes or the swing dancing forms were formed and the dance form was officially established. ( History wise, they were already teaching this style to stock movie dancers well before 1942, but in 1942, it became official to the public as a dance, However it was NOT named as of yet. It is counted as “1, 2, rock-step.”, Tempo: 34-36 mpm (exams, dance competitions); 32-37 mpm (social dancing ), Count: 1 2 3a4 5a6 ( the “a” count is equal to 1/3 of a beat of music).