I have enjoyed his trilogy more than any other books I have read in a lifetime of reading…..they are so detailed about the political activities that happened but so interesting, I didn’t get bored at all. Started it in Rome finished in Vancouver. We need more people like her and Steig in the world. At the end of one’s life, you can’t take any money or rights to the afterlife, but you can take the invisible bond and the love and the strength that you had because of your life partner. This is your top priority like Stieg would have done. i have read the three books in less than 10 days… i can’t stop reading them continuously…please finish the 4th book…. Just because Sweedish law does not recognise a common law spouse – what a disgrace! I believe EVA Gabrielsson has the rights to publish Steig Larsson’s unpublished manuscripts. If they receive enough emails, they will listen. This has not prevented the media rights from being sold for the creation of three Swedish films from the Millennium series, which includes “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, “The Girl Who Played with Fire”, and “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest”, all three starring Noomi Rapace, who has gone on to a successful career in American films. Dont take my or anyones word for it. Tragic. I have great respect for his and your convictions and dedication to justice re: women’s rights, violence against women, and nazi-ism/fascism. However, she has clarified her statements since that time stating that it was Stieg Larsson who was responsible for the craftsmanship and writing of the series. I repect and praise Eva for the truths that she lives. After watching this interview I feel confident that you will do as well as Stieg with your writing in the future because of your honesty and pure heart. More of Salander, more of the story, more of Stieg Larsson. Life works in such strange and mysterious ways and perhaps this is an issue that you, by your own experience can right. https://millenniumtrilogy.fandom.com/wiki/Eva_Gabrielsson?oldid=5315. Publish the 4th book in your name and start your charites after you strike it big. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? We were always told that Sweden was very progressive towards women, obviously that is not true. [7] The title of her book comes from a love letter that Larsson wrote to Gabrielsson when he thought he might die during a trip to Africa in 1977. It is truly sad. I won’t pretend to know what your spiritual beliefs are but know that he is with you. I was honored he would he ask me and I was equipped to the task in spite of my broken heart. [4], Since shortly after his death, Gabrielsson has been negotiating with Joakim and Erland Larsson over control of Larsson's work. I have followed this sad story in various interviews and the question I ask myself, how on earth could Stieg Larson make a will to donate his assets to a local communist party branch and not to his partner? Extremely wonderfully good!!!! They were captivating, enthralling and very difficult to put down. Check them out and make up your own mind. There are several legal theories which can be used to defeat the intestate succession statute, in most countries…I do not know about Sweden, but please find a lawyer there who does. Does Sweden law not have any common sense? Stieg would love it if you could. He was ESTRANGED from his father, and it seems quite clear that he did not want his father and brother to have control of his estate. Iso enjoed the books. Or how about his views on racism, facism, and violence? Tack! So the contract for a sequel sounds like a one-way ticket to riches and renown. Shalom! Preserved on a laptop, the unfinished narrative takes place in northern Canada. Millenium Trilogy Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Larsson observed with dismay the rise of “greed, bonus systems, golden parachutes and corruption beyond imagination – all in all a total disrespect for the traditional Swedish values of honesty, equality and the common good”. is this??? We hope Eva finishes the fourth book and is able to create the same intensity and intrigue. Larsson’s tragic early demise from the cigs and Billy’s Pan Pizza will haunt forever. Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our Community Guidelines. Well, she spent most of her childhood in Capricorn. She has stated that it was never her intention to write an account of her life with Stieg, but rather it was a coping process after losing her partner to help get through the grief. Be Lisbeth Salander. No of course he did not commit suicide, he died of a heart attack after walking up seven flights of stairs to his office because the lift was not working. I had different sight on Sweeden, now I see that all man kind is the same for the centuries and centuries. Three of his works of the planned 10-volume series were published and a fourth was planned with about 200 pages already written. Image 1 of 2. i hope she finds peace in the memory of stieg. Thank you for doing this interview and sharing information on your life with my new favorite author. Eva Gabrielsson, Self: Die Stieg Larsson Story. How I wish he had lived and written more. They were not married, he didn’t wrote a will in her favor, why should she inherit him? No wonder they where not involved in your lives. They are already fiiming the American movie and you can see photos on Google, etc. Best wishes for you to sustain your line of vision. Lagercrantz himself has found the work so far “insanely fun”. What about thetranslation of this title??? Last night I finished The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo which I had heard so much about…so I got it out of the library two days ago, started it the night before last, and finished it last night. I urge anyone who reads the above comment to check the books out for themselves. He was in the process of writing it when he died, it is available for purchase. My condolences to Eva, Stieg’s life long companion and the person who should have control over the estate. I live in the USA and and am shocked by the laws in Sweden. So sad that Stieg is dead! [13] Owing to his reporting on extremist groups and the death threats he had received, the couple had sought and been granted masking of their addresses, personal data and identity numbers from public records, to make it harder for others to trace them; this kind of "identity cover" was integral to his work as a journalist and would have been difficult to bypass if the two had married or become registered partners. It is a major dissapointment that there are no more wonderful stories to read by this incredible author. Good luck! Eva Gabrielsson, the lover of the late The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo author Stieg Larsson, has refused to hand over his final unpublished manuscript. Sarah, being from the states, you are obviously not as aware of how Sweden treats their people as one would living in Sweden. I am not in favor of a book burning, but perhaps Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury) would put The Spider Web out of its misery and save us time and $$$. WHAT CAN WE DO? She knew what Stieg wanted to complete book four. With Larsson being one of the most noted experts on the neo-Nazi movement in Sweden, Eva joined him in helping to expose these extreme right-wing, anti-democratic organizations which carried with it the risks of danger to them both. I’m grateful to have found Eva’s interview – and to learn a bit about her life. the trilogy was simply the best I have read I think ever….”Managed” all 3 book within a week…..what a loss to the reading public…what a loss to the world…. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. I meant ask how you can not agree with his views especially in regards to women. We felt so intellectually involved with the books both because of the politics and the intrigue. If someone who is knowledgeable about such things COULD PUT TOGETHER A PETITION expressing outrage over Sweden’s regressive laws, I am sure that many men & women would sign it. Eva, the brother and father of Stieg sound like very greedy people and I wish you the best of luck. Eva is like Lisbeth the law system is treating her unfairly. There she served for a local Architect association. Reportedly, the two never married because, under Swedish law, couples entering into marriage are required to make their addresses (at the time) publicly available; marrying would have been a security risk. They have inspired one Swedish trio of spin-off movies and – so far – one Hollywood re-make of the first volume, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, with US-produced versions of the other two in development. It is exactly the opposite. Surely, Stieg had a personal lawyer who would have done this? And that the rest of his family will accept that you will make it published too. It was a shock to discover that the much vaunted Swedish Liberalism is so repressive and inhuman and that the person that Steig had clearly made his life with should be so shabily treated by the State’s systems and his family. I saw the documentary of Stieg Larsson on Danish Tv the other day. Something went wrong. My goodness – why do families do this instead of honoring their dead by doing what is right; what he would have wanted? And I am also sure it will be a best seller. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What a talent. Her contributions were more along the lines of suggesting some content which included some ideas that she had regarding the work. See photos of celebrities like Scarlett Johansson and Leonardo DiCaprio before they hit the big-time, and revisit … He would have wanted them finished and she can live can finish a project which was meaningful to them both. 3 most sympathetic characters and 3 most repulsive ones(in the books), Who was in picture in pocket of leather jacket. As an activist, she works to end violence against women. Both their wifes are gone….God bless them. One wonders what she /Stieg would have done differently had they known he would die so unexpectedly. He was a man who obviously lived by his principles in a world where that’s the exception, and the worlds a bleaker place for his loss. Stieg wasn’t living with his father or brother, but they sure stepped up to take his money, like they won the lottery. These business models operate globally. Add a bio, trivia, and more. How could such impassionate, illiterate people satisfy the needs of Stiegs readers? I have just finished the third book. - - Inger L., Nittedal, Norway, 17 Mars 2010. Haunting. Well, at age 50 and being the person who Mr. Larsson was he was surely aware of Swedish laws, in fact these are quite similar in other countries and more so he should have written a will, had he thought he was under constant threat. Eva Gabrielsson, longtime partner of Swedish late writer Stieg Larsson, opposes the idea of a fourth book written by another author (AFP). They aren’t that much money. after the first movie i bought all three books on amazon and the writing is beyond amazing.