3. 5 von 11 B&B im Stadtzentrum Exeter für beste Preis/Leistung, Nr. Please see our partners for more details. Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Favorit ist die Nr. Downtown Exeter, New Hampshire – Here are 18 photos from an afternoon visit to historic Exeter, NH. 3 von 11 B&B im Stadtzentrum Exeter für beste Preis/Leistung, Nr. The Academy was established in 1781 by John and Elizabeth Philips. 2017 Exeter Downtown Open House. A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. American Independence Museum (603) 772-2622. Etwas unpraktisch: Lavabo ist…, Sehr zentral gelegen. Zimmer einfach super. According to Collins’ study that was taken on a Saturday, overall peak occupancy for all 810 parking stalls was at 32 percent. Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. This prestigious college preparatory school has been an important part of Exeter since its founding. The grounds of the Academy house many impressive buildings, some of which are over 100 years old. zu erreichen. Wheelchair access is available at these popular downtown hotels in Exeter: Do any downtown hotels in Exeter have laundry service? eng) hinter dem Haus. Museen und wichtigste Sehenswürdigkeiten in Fussnähe. It was a delightful day of shopping, historic architecture and food. The PEA gymnasium has 2 hockey rinks, a swimming pool, basketball, tennis, and squash courts. Das Guesthous ist in einem wirklich schönen Haus. Private Parkplätze (etwas. Das Frühstück war reichlich und sehr gut. Roman ruins, medieval buildings, and Georgian façades dot the modern town, contrasting with the quayside pubs and glass-fronted shopping malls. These 3 star hotels received great reviews from other travellers: Which downtown hotels in Exeter have reduced mobility rooms? Also on the grounds is the Phillips Exeter Trail. Visit our shops, walk our streets and visualize almost 400 years of history. Idyllisch neben einer wunderbaren alten Kirche mit romantisch verfallenem Friedhof gelegen, ist, Die zwei Nächte, die wir hier verbracht haben, waren sehr geruhsam und bequem. B&B im Stadtzentrum Exeter: Entdecken Sie 2146 Bewertungen von Reisenden, authentische Fotos und das am häufigsten verwendete B&B im Stadtzentrum in Exeter auf Tripadvisor. Das Bett im Zimmer unterm Dach war etwas zu schmal. Exeter was founded in 1639, what other communities call historic we call urban renewal. Businesses may find the downtown area particularly appealing for many reasons: “ Set opposite Exeter Central station and a 10 min walk from St Davids, this hotel is ideally placed to visit Exeter city centre via public transport. Collins presented his parking study at the Exeter City Council’s May 19 meeting. * Die Preise werden von unseren Partnern bereitgestellt und beinhalten den Zimmerpreis pro Nacht sowie alle Steuern und Gebühren, die unseren Partnern bekannt sind. ” “ I chose this hotel because of its excellent location in downtown Exeter – opposite Central Station and very convenient for the Cathedral and other central locations. Die Zimmer sind gemütlich eingerichtet, wenn auch schon etwas altmodisch. mehr, Nr. This video is unavailable. Downtown Exeter Hotels: Find 14623 traveller reviews, candid photos, and the top ranked City Center Hotels in Exeter on Tripadvisor. allem Nötigen ausgestatteten Zimmern (bei Buchung beachten: es gibt Zimmer ohne eigenes Bad/Dusche und WC). Revolutionary-era artifacts in a 1721 house with period rooms & exhibits, plus a historic tavern. “ Only stayed a couple of nights, the welcome was warm, we had three rooms which were all very different, one so so tiny yet and it was odd that the plumbing was on show, lots of plastic piping! The city is a shopaholic's must-do destination with chic boutiques and stylish independents alongside the familiar big name stores. Hi Everyone, Last Summer (2017) I visited New Hampshire and spent an afternoon with our French cousin Lucile in historic Exeter, New Hampshire. Die Zimmerkategorien können variieren. 9 von 11 B&B im Stadtzentrum Exeter für beste Preis/Leistung, Nr. Das Zimmer ist geschmackvoll und zweckmässig eingerichtet - wir haben uns…, Richard, der Betreiber, übt seinen Job nach, eigenen Worten schon seit 40 Jahren aus und das will man gerne glauben, denn es ist alles auf das Beste abgestimmt und organisiert. sehr nette Gastgeber mit gutem englischen Humor. Prices are the average nightly price provided by our partners and may not include all taxes and fees. Downtown Bed and Breakfast in Exeter: Find 2136 traveller reviews, candid photos, and the top ranked Downtown Bed and Breakfast in Exeter on Tripadvisor. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Exeter [ˈɛksɪtə(ɹ)]1 Écouter est le chef-lieu du comté de Devon, Angleterre, Royaume-Uni. She lives in New Jersey by way of New England and New York, with her husband and 3 kids under 6. 10 von 11 B&B im Stadtzentrum Exeter für beste Preis/Leistung, Nr. Frequently Asked Questions about downtown hotels. So beeinflussen an uns getätigte Zahlungen die Reihenfolge der angezeigten Preise. Sehr netter Gastgeber. In the mid-eighteenth century, Peter Gilman substantially remodeled the house, adding a wing with elegantly paneled rooms. The Downtown Area Commercial District is located in the heart of Exeter and includes businesses along Water Street, Front Street, Court Street, Center Street, Bow Street, High Street, and Franklin Street. Roman ruins, medieval buildings, and Georgian façades dot the modern town, contrasting … Der Vergleich mag die etwas schlechtere Bewertung ausmachen aber ich würde dieses Hotel ... Nette freundliche Pension mit gemütlichen, mit. Historic downtown Exeter is just a quick 7 minute drive down the road from Ray Farm. Explore Exeter's unique offerings that people who live on the Seacoast have been enjoying for many years. Brunch Pro Theme by Shay Bocks. Ray Farm Exeter183 Epping RdExeter, NH 03833(603) 379-6872, HAND-CRAFTED BY FLYLIGHT MEDIA, PORTSMOUTH NH, Contact **Sales Office Now Open Monday - Saturday 1:00 - 3:00 PM**. ” Wir werden es bei unserem nächsten Besuch wieder buchen. The interior of this unusual building reveals walls constructed of massive sawn logs and a pulley above the main entrance that was used to operate a portcullis, or reinforced door. 1 von 11 B&B im Stadtzentrum Exeter für beste Preis/Leistung, Nr.