Union Jack is the name of which country flag? On which the year the University of Oxford founded? 58. By Cambronbill3 | Last updated: Aug 26, 2020. These type of questions and answers are gaining popularity day by day. 2. Who is Jeremy Vine’s comedian brother? Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Rather than that some questions that normally asking on a family reunion. Rainbow has how many different colors? Whose father was William Jefferson Blythe, Jr.? The Puritan’s is the original name of what? Please do not forget to come back to www.freepubquiz.co.uk for more great quiz questions and answers. Geoffrey Chaucer was known as what of Renaissance? 57. Who struggled most for the independence of Scotland? 38. Find out more, The latest offers and discount codes from popular brands on Telegraph Voucher Codes. 36. 76. Caligula the Roman Emperor is also known as what? The Globe was a theatre of which famous English poet? First Thanksgiving ceremony attended by how many pilgrims? All Quizzes. Thanksgiving is a traditional festival or religious? Questions answers about a family gathering, for example mostly family get together on Thanksgiving Day, so we include some family Thanksgiving questions and answers in this post. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Windsor. 98. What will do you do in your spare time? *. We presenting some amazing information in the form of family trivia questions. Good point. 17. What is the autobiography of Adolf Hitler? How much do you know? Plus there’s many, many more pub quizzes available as part of our bumper general knowledge pub quiz. 97. Is it true? In the war of Waterloo who was the commander of “Seventh Coalition”? Some questions about UK based family. 69. So if you're not looking for easy questions or hard questions, but rather just a quiz that's guaranteed to be family friendly and get everyone in the call involved, look no further. You can play it as a standalone game for the youngsters, or perhaps mix them into some questions designed for adults. Eggheads young and old can team up to crack our 10-topic family quiz. Coronavirus Facts Quiz: Test Your Pandemic Knowledge. Also have some multiple choice questions, some very easy questions. More . 23. What mother called in the Spanish language? 27. Play our Celebrity Families quiz games now! 40. (and a bonus for naming them). In 1922 the Tom of Tutankhamun was discovered by whom? 93. 52. Who became the chancellor of Germany just after the death of Adolf Hitler? It gives you the room to tell workplace stories, teenage dating stories, high school stories, marital stories, stories about friendship, stories about parent-child bonding, vacation stories – pretty much every kind of story you can tell can be achieved by a television series about a family. Who is the famous younger brother of actress Shirley MacLaine? 11. Question for the child: What you want to be when you grew up? 4. As such, questions will revolve around general knowledge, true … 31. 2. During the Quiz End of Quiz. Which was the first country who grant women vote? Create / Edit Quiz. 87. In 1931 Japan attacked which country?