All of the currently known tribes of ice trolls practice cannibalism. [4], About 16,000 years ago (long before the night elves summoned the wrath of the Burning Legion), trolls lorded over much of Kalimdor, which was then a single continent. Argent Confessor Paletress This article is lacking citations and/or sources. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! So, what are you waiting for? [31], The early trolls developed an array of superstitious customs. The night elves systematically dismantled the trolls' defenses and supply chains. (voice) (archive sound), Preistess Delrissa However, trolls willing to fight and work for travelers and armies in exchange for gold are not unknown. Some legends suggest that these troll adventurers were the first night elves, though this hypothesis has never been proven. They also again oppose Hakkar. [8], Trolls and their various subspecies are some of the tallest mortal races on Azeroth. As the other trolls agree to join the Zandalari, Vol'jin begins walking away and only stops when asked if he would betray his people. Every 6 years, Zandalar also plays host to a meeting of all troll tribes. This name generator will give you 10 random troll names fit for the World of Warcraft universe. One doesn't need to be able to see what one wears to be able to sense what emanates from it - power transcends sight. The Zandalari were the earliest known trolls - the first tribe from which all tribes originated. Entrance into the guild included a ritual which would require the inductee to imbibe a potion made from their own blood. The Gurubashi trolls, driven to desperate ends, sought aid from ancient, mystical forces. - Troll nursery rhyme, It was previously stated that trolls predated the arrival of the. Some debate exists as to how many categories are necessary in order to describe the troll race. Her theory was commonly ridiculed by most scholars in the world, including Medivh. Having mastered the usage of magic and communing with the spirits. Uncivilized trolls live all across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Powerful, enlightened Zandalari can become loa upon their death - or so it is believed. World of Warcraft (Video Game 2004) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The Zandalar tribe is a group of mystical trolls who serve as the priest caste for all other trolls. It chooses a so-called Tidebearer, giving him immense power, but also killing him slowly. In Tanaris, Alliance and Horde adventurers have launched constant assaults on the Sandfury troll capital of Zul'Farrak, leaving it a barren wasteland.[37]. [19], Casteless orphan children are tested for any sign of connection to the loa. Trolls are very isolated beings. (voice), Taran Zhu This new look was used for their appearance until patch 5.2.0 where it was updated once more. If battle is joined, Zandalar priests and witch doctors support their warriors with enhancement spells and healing in addition to entering the fray directly. Despite this, the position is still a highly respected one. Trolls have a characteristic way of speaking. (voice) (archive sound), Prophet Velen The Darkspear tribe practiced cannibalism until they joined forces with the Horde, who forbade the practice. (voice), Tsulong / The aqir were intelligent insectoids who ruled the lands of the far West. [33], With the insectoids driven into exile, the twin troll empires returned to normalcy. The jungle near Booty Bay in the Eastern Kingdoms is infamous for its many aggressive jungle troll inhabitants. There is also a small group living in the wilds called the Lun'alai, but they are considered heretics and the matron they follow is not considered a true loa by the other Zandalari. Some may still cling to their heritage of cannibalism and voodoo. Trolls (collectively referred to as trollkind)[2][3] are a diverse sapient race that can be found in every part of Azeroth. The Stone of the Tides is a Gurubashi legend about a mighty artifact - the [Stone of the Tides]. Wild jungle trolls and coastal trolls are territorial and hostile toward trolls of other tribes. The recent cataclysm has seen the Revantusk become members of the Horde who are fighting to claim the entire Hinterlands for the tribe and the Horde. Xuen Most scholars think them a small and anomalous deviation of the more common troll races[12], namely the jungle trolls. 3. The lower castes eventually left the Zandalari Empire, and the Zandalar trolls were content to see them go, seeing them as children who would see the folly of youthful rebellion and come back begging for Zandalari approval.[32]. Thorim / Despite their great victories, neither civilization expanded much further than their original boundaries. While a troll's incredible natural regeneration allowed one to survive such a grueling ordeal, it was a long and excruciating process that drove many mad with pain. 4,000 years passed before the trolls began to orchestrate an earnest war against the high elves. (voice) (archive sound), Mannoroth Some few spoke with the sophistication of elves — even while they tried to take one's head. A sole sand troll named Dazgo was seen in the ranks of the Iron Horde. Zandalar is neutral ground for trolls. (voice) (archive sound), Veras Darkshadow / Troll name generator - World of Warcraft . Two other kinds of trolls are mentioned, but their validity is disputed: At one time, only four species of trolls had been discovered on the continents of the Eastern Kingdoms and other known lands. Famine and death were commonplace within the broken kingdoms. Just as the war began turning away from the trolls' favor, they succeeded in destroying Hakkar's avatar and banishing him from the mortal world. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 2. 4. Both males and females have a variety of tusk styles and wild hair styles and colors. The chaos unleashed by the recent Cataclysm caused immense damage to Zandalar itself and has thus reshaped the Zandalari's stance about the world as well, and the dwindling remnants of their race. (voice) (archive sound), additional cinematic artist (as John Chalfant), community management / public relations / web team, manual development and editing / public relations, director: cinematic trailer / writer: cinematic trailer, localization producer / manual development and editing, manual development and editing / team leader, business development and operations / manual development and editing, manual development and editing / quality assurance night supervisor, creative director / manual development and editing / voice director, programmer: Macintosh / programmer: install/patch/distribution, quality assurance lead tester (as Michael Murphy), Regional Director of Marketing & Communications, business development and operations / manual development and editing / worldwide launch management, quality assurance tester: French (as Dimitry Renardet), director: cinematic intro / writer: cinematic intro, business development and operations / financial manager / worldwide launch executive, additional programmer / manual development and editing / quality assurance technical engineer, additional programmer: Macintosh / programmer: install/patch/distribution. (voice) (archive sound), Apprentice Marten Webb The Gurubashi and Amani empires held some animosity for one another, but they rarely warred. The center of the continent was blasted beneath the sea, leaving only a small group of broken, single continents.